Integrity Choices
My counter-request is that you put in writing that, as of
today June 1st, 2020 until May 31st, 2021, you promise to "NOT show
the premises (10 Lisa Street #2502) to prospective purchasers or
mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate
broker” from June 1st up until May 31st, 2021."
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: May 25, 2020 11:11 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St
I am reaching out to you, members of the leadership team, because I have to assume that the kind of behavior I have been experiencing as a tenant at your property on 10 Lisa Street in Brampton would not be tolerated if you knew about it.
Living in fear of losing your home is a very difficult thing. I think it’s one of the reasons the Canadian Government isn’t allowing evictions during the outbreak; because on top of fearing for our health, and having our income reduced, and watching the economy suffer, the lack of security around living situations is just too much to bear.
Even though my business income has been devastated due to Covid-19, as you can see in my story, (Updated Link), I have been doing everything I can to keep paying my rent on time. I’m not trying to “get away” without paying just because the law doesn’t allow me to be evicted right now. I’m still doing what I have to do to pay the rent, on time, every month.
Despite the fact that I’m getting intimidating communications about trivial issues like which bank account I’m allowed to write my rent check from – and to receive such communications right after receiving a covid corporate response form letter from your company claiming that “We’re all in this together and we recognize that each of us is impacted in different ways as a result of this crisis. If you have concerns or questions about future rent payments or if you require assistance with any other matters, we have established a centralized process for addressing your concerns.”
And as you will know after watching the videos on this page , under the previous owners, when Michael Mekhail took his name off the lease with me, the past company whom Maira De Barrientos also worked for at the time, tried to trick me into renegotiating my lease so that my rent would be increased, and so I would have to also pay hyrdro etc. (I go into more detail on this issue and another one just like it on the last video on the page
The previous company Vertica as well as QuadReal went to court to get permission to raise the rents in our complex more than the law would normally allow.
I’m not blaming your people for that. It’s just that I understand that many decisions made by the owners of a business like this is to maximize rent. I just don’t think trickery and intimidation are the best ways to do that ethically, especially here in Canada.
As you will see from the correspondences I have taken the liberty to put in chronological order on this page your company seems to be doing everything it can to make me want to leave so your business can profit the most from my unit.
Just before Covid entered our world, I was sent a notice that made it clear real estate agents coming into my unit could be a new reason for giving me 24 hours notice of entry into my unit.
And now, after multiple times where the landlord at my building has acted like I might get evicted, this all indicates to me that there is a plan to fabricate a reason to evict me so you can sell or rent the apartment to someone else.
This worry is causing me indescribable anxiety, pain and suffering. I have been diagnosed by my doctor as having an anxiety disorder, and panic attacks in the not so distant past.
And now I feel that your staff are trying to kick me out of my home for no good reason other than profit motive, which hurts so much more for me when I compare it to the kind of difference I’m trying to make with my room mate and friend Scott Gallagher which you can see a bit about here
Things have gotten so bad that Scott gave me his notice as he can’t handle the stress of worrying about losing the apartment, AND Maira De Barrientos’ communications make obvious how very eager she is to see him leave.
In particular, please notice my letters to [email protected] and Maira De Barrientos dated May 11 and May 16, and Ms. De Barrientos reply of May 16 and again today on May 25th.
I raised several issues in my letter/videos, including reprisal for past complaints and threatening not to accept my rent cheque, (when she had no problem cashing my check the previous month when landlords where in even more uncertainty of not getting their rent checks), my extreme anxiety regarding my living situation, and the effect of Covid-19, and the fact that my roommate was feeling so anxious about his certainty that your staff will be evicting me in whatever way possible, even if you have to resort to selling my unit.
Again, Maira De Barrientos’ responses have neither been compassionate nor reasonable.
The only response I got from her was that there were payment methods that suited her better, and getting me to confirm in writing the exact date my roommate was moving out was her way of demonstrating compassion and concern for my issues.
NONE OF mine and Scott’s concerns raised in our videos that she watched concerning unfair treatment and reprisals was addressed AT ALL, nor was the reasons my roommate declared on the video as to why he told me he is moving out addressed to provide me any comfort.
Again, the point is, I don’t want Scott (my room mate) to be so anxious he has to move out. And I don’t want to keep feeling that anxiety myself either, because it’s more than I can bear.
Like so many Canadians, I am working from home in order to stay healthy. My hours are reduced, so it is obviously stressful to cover all my bills, but I continue to always pay the rent first, which I have done until now; but your company refused to cash my check!
My roommate and I are both in 12 step recovery, and we now spend most of our time helping people for free under Step 12 in anyway we can.
We do this using online conferencing tools, and of course we never have clients in the apartment.
We are doing everything we can to do good in the world at a time when things feel so bad. And I very much need to feel confident that your company isn’t going to sell our apartment out from under me.
I love the apartment and I do not want to move out. My elderly parents live in close walking distance from 10 Lisa Street, so I can check on them easily, at 4 Lisa St. I’ve built a home and community around my apartment, and the worry of losing it is taking my anxiety level to the breaking point.
Even though I have been documenting all this as it happens, I have no intention of taking any kind of legal action.
As a matter of fact, I am only asking for one thing. One thing that will absolutely get rid of all my worry instantly.
I understand that you may at some time, for business reasons, decide to sell my apartment before I am in a financial position to buy it.
I am asking for a written promise that if you ever decide to sell my unit, you will give me 9 months notice rather than 2 months notice to peacefully make arrangements to move out. Covid-19 has been a major crisis for me and my business.
I just can’t go through another crisis like that, and knowing that you promise to give me 9 months notice (ONLY IF your reason for wanting to evict me is so that you can sell my unit OR do major renovations) will allow me to live and rebuild my business in some limited semblance of peace and enjoyment.
This would do so much to relieve my anxiety, and I don’t see how doing this one thing for me would hurt a company of your size in a way that you’d actually felt it.
Yet, if you did this for me, you would ultimately be providing me the stability and emotional security I urgently need right now to turn things around in my life and business.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this most delicate matter.
Sameena Fernandes
This page has had a major update within the last 24 hours and is
being updated over the next 24 hours (NOW DAILY). This email
To: Dennis Lopez, CEO, QuadReal
Dear Dennis,
I am writing again, to you specifically Dennis, because after several
letters, my concerns still have not been heard and addressed.
Since your staff have conveniently ignored my previous request that
you make an exception and give me 9 months notice when you are
ready to sell my unit, I am making a counter-request about that in this
letter as well.
I previously asked your subordinates in writing, that as soon as
they commit to that process of wanting to sell my unit, I will
receive warning in writing 9 months in advance of my having to
move out. As I previously stated my request was not even
acknowledged by your staff.
This is why I am making a counter-request for the sake of
immediately getting this resolved, since all the correspondence
from your lower level management received to date has shown
that QuadReal’s ONLY concern is me answering their questions
about getting you your money!
In fact, I received a letter on 27 May, 2020 from Patrica DeGasperis
where she says she would like to respond to each of my concerns, then
responds to none of them. (Note that all communications between us
are updated on the same page as the videos, a link to which your team
have already received
Youtube confirms that there have been more views on the videos than
there were people to whom my last letter was addressed, so it appears
that the link is being given to others. Please do not share the videos
with anyone not directly addressed on this letter. As a precaution, this
site is now password protected. The password is “BadFaith” without
the quotations.
It was the same “corporatese” language that I’ve received in previous
responses, which is what led me to address the Executive Management
Team in the first place. I trust this time will be different, since I am
specifically addressing this to you.
I have difficulty writing, and up until now, I have tried to communicate
in a combination of writing and videos, as you can see from all the attached letters.
This time, an anonymous charitable organization has sponsored writing services to me.
I’m sure you are much more used to receiving information this way, as opposed to in
video form. As is visible from the amount of information on the site we sent the link for,
putting it all in writing took a great deal of effort.
Then I will make a counter-request to you since my very clear and specific request - that
QuadReal gives me 9 months’ notice when wanting to execute on its intention to evict
me, due to selling the unit etc.
My previous letter where I made this request in writing was completely ignored and was
never addressed, even though I can see that the following people read the email at the
times marked below.
-To: Dennis Lopez, Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St was
read on May 25, 2020 8:36:12 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &
Canada). -To: Dean Atkins, Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St,
was read on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 8:55:36 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time
(US & Canada). -To: Diane MacDiarmid, Subject: Management Reprisals
at 10 Lisa St was read on May 26, 2020 7:24:46 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern
Time (US & Canada). -To: Steve Barnett, Subject: Management Reprisals
at 10 Lisa St was read on May 25, 2020 9:41:47 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific
Time (US & Canada). -To: Jonathan Dubois-Phillips, Subject:
Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St was read on May 25, 2020 8:33:23
PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). -To: Susan MacLaurin,
Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St was read on May 25, 2020
8:18:21 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Once again, much of my case of bad faith experiences that I have
collected evidence for is on this page
Dealt with me repeatedly in bad faith which I’ve documented
QuadReal has dealt with me in bad faith in a number of ways, which I’ve documented in
the attached, and enumerated here:
1. Your subordinates have repeatedly not responded to my actual concerns, despite
several letters describing those concerns in writing.
This continues even after I told them that I have been diagnosed with
an anxiety disorder that is situational based. It is situationally triggered,
and for clarification purposes, the fact that your subordinates won’t
respond to my concerns in these communications continually trigger
that anxiety, escalating my anxiety and worry to the extreme.
2. QuadReal intends to sell my apartment since they can’t rent it to
someone else to pay more for it, and will take action upon this
sometime before May 31st 2021.
3. Your current employees, while still working for the previous owners (Vertica), allowed
me to underpay my rent for many months. I paid the rent every month thinking that I
was up to date, unaware that there was an amount in arrears that was accumulating
every month.
Then, when QuadReal took over, instead of bringing it to my attention immediately that I
was some amount in arrears so that I could pay the proper amount, your subordinates
had applied to the Toronto Landlord and Tenant Board threatening to have me evicted
without ever telling me I was in arrears by a nominal 244 dollars.
4. Your subordinates have refused to deposit the cheque I used to pay for my May rent,
even though it was on the same account as my April rent cheque, which you accepted
and deposited without question or comment. My May rent cheque continues being held,
even though there is no intention of cashing it. Please return that cheque to me
immediately since you’ve made it clear that you will not be cashing it.
5. On 21 February, 2020 I received a “24-hour notice of entry”. On average, I receive at
least 4 of these each year. I noticed that the
format of the form letter was completely new. A new point was added
“to show the premises to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the
premises; either directly or through a real estate broker”. I’d never
seen anything like this before in any of my dealings with the company.
The fact that this new reason even exists on the form letter supports
my concern in #2 above. As shown, this particular one said that the
entry was for an asbestos test. I was home waiting to let the people in
from 9am until 5pm on 4 March, but no one came to do the asbestos
assessment, and I did not receive a note saying the visit was cancelled.
Under the previous owners, they set up an asbestos test, but the
person that came was not an asbestos expert, and just asked us a
bunch of questions about our work and the apartment. That meeting
was set under false pretenses, which made the recent appointment
more suspicious. That meeting was recorded by Scott.
Now, let me give some detail to each of these concerns.
Failed to respond to my actual concerns and increased my anxiety
Here is an excerpt from the letter I received on 27 May 2020 from Patricia DeGasperis (underlines mine):
“In regards to rent collection at this time, a letter with an email address was sent out to residents, advising that we totally understand if rent cannot be paid, and that we are willing to work with the resident in creating a payment plan for the arrears. We are more than happy to work with you on a payment plan, or you could kindly advise us of your specific request."
As per the lease, all rent cheques should be under the name of the
leaseholder of the suite. If you would like to add another leaseholder,
please advise and we will assist in your request.”
Yes, I mentioned the “all in this together” email dated May 11, 2020 in my previous
email, and again, I have to say that your company is not showing me that we are all in
this together. In fact, in the letter received from your management team dated March 20,
The exact wording in the letter is;
“We are all in this together and we recognize that each of us is
impacted in different ways as result of this crisis”
Well, I am one of those people who have been impacted in a ‘different way’, and yet, I still
was committed to paying my rent on time – April’s
rent and May’s (which was again not accepted because it came from
my business account, and yet April’s rent coming from the same
account was cashed. And my reason for having to make May’s rent
payable from my business account was further explained in one of the
videos below (Updated on this page).
And as for the question asked in both Mara’s and Patricia’s emails, I would like to state
that I have no interest in adding an additional leaseholder, or making any other changes
to my lease regarding occupants, and I do intend to renew this lease in August.
Another excerpt from that same letter:
“We want you to feel comfortable and happy as this is your home. At this time, we can assure you that we are not selling the Property, and if this ever happens, we do have an obligation to provide all residents with advanced notice.“
This is not in the least bit reassuring, as this leaves the option of deciding to sell my
apartment tomorrow, and only giving me the statutory notice required by law, which
isn’t long enough for me especially due to the impact Covid has had on me.
Instead of reassuring me, this only increases my anxiety, which is
situationally based. So much so, in fact, that it makes it very difficult for
me to engage in the pro bono work both Scott and I are doing for our
community over zoom (i.e. ).
Almost every day, as I’m working in an online zoom meeting, I am
dreading getting another corporate communication on my door (like
another N4, or notice that I have to move out because my apartment is
being renovated so it can be sold out from under me or something like
that) that will ratchet up my level of worry and situational anxiety.
There is intent to sell my apartment since you can’t rent it to someone that will pay more
I love my home. I appreciate that your subordinates are fully aware (that prior to Covid)
that the beautiful views my unit affords made it now worth more than the amount for
which QuadReal is contracted to rent it to me in my current lease, which I fully intend to
renew in August.
I understand the temptation, especially in the subordinate ranks of the company, to find
an excuse to evict me, or make me sufficiently miserable that I will move out on my own,
so that I can be replaced by a tenant who will pay more than I do.
I understand that because of corporate legal concerns, the company just won’t say “I’m
Sorry” for this because of the liability that might create. So I am not requesting any kind
of admission of wrongdoing from the company. I simply want to be treated with the
compassion that any human deserves, especially during these awful times.
Allowed me to underpay my rent for many months, then threatened to evict me.
For many months I thought I was paying the correct amount of rent.
(might have had to do with an increase to the monthly rate I pay for a
parking spot) During this time, I never received a note saying “your
actual rent is $x. You are now 244 dollars in arrears, so please contact
us to remedy the matter, and please submit the amount of $x every
month, as that is the correct amount of your rent”. That would have
been the reasonable and professional thing to do.
Instead, after many months with no communication that I was not
paying the correct amount, I received an N4 letter saying that I was
$244 in arrears, and would be evicted forthwith if this was not resolved.
Refuse to cash the May rent check
I paid May’s rent using my Sole Proprietorship business account because as I mentioned
in one of my previous letters dated May 11th on the same page link posted above, I said
that because Covid had impacted my business, I had to borrow the money from my
business account to make my May rent on time. (the line-ups at my personal bank with
everyone wearing face masks were also long and scary for me)
Which is why I wrote a cheque from my Sole Proprietorship business account, since I did
not have enough funds available to pay directly from my personal account.
This check was rejected because it was written from my business account, which is still
mine as it is a Sole Proprietorship.
I had no reason to believe that paying from my business account would be denied when
in fact, I paid my April’s rent from the same account as May’s, my Sole Propriertorship
account and it was cashed.
In Mara’s email dated May 16th it said, "If any of your company cheques were accepted in
the past it was an overlook on our part."
However, based on your Covid letters dated March 23, and May 16th, I think you cashing
the check I provided you for May’s rent would have fallen under the provisions of being
flexible with rent payments.
I believe that in these very difficult times, as I said in my previous letter, I could have
used financial duress due to Covid as an excuse not to pay my rent. It was not easy, but
in good faith, I still paid my rent as I did not want to take advantage of the system when I
very well could have.
I find it very difficult to believe that QuadReal could not have made an exception here,
just like you did when you cashed my April’s rent cheque that was paid from the same
account (my Sole Proprietorship business account)
You had no problem cashing my check from this same account when it
was during the specific period of time during Covid when landlords
specifically were experiencing the most uncertainty about how they
would get paid!, and by May the uncertainty was much less for you, so
that flexibility you took advantage of when it was convenient for
yourself, you refused to afford the same flexibility to me and cash the
check I gave you for May’s rent which you still have not returned to me.
Having real estate and mortgage brokers enter my home
As mentioned above, on February 21, 2020 I received a “24-hour notice of entry”. On
average, I receive 4 of these each year. I noticed that the format of the form letter had
changed, and a new point was added which I have never seen before, “to show the
premises to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or
though a real estate broker”. The fact that this new reason even exists on the form letter
supports my concern in #2 above, which is the intent to sell my unit.
In fact, if it was Quadreal’s intention to keep your tenants happy and secure, you would
never put such words in a form letter unless your intention was to spark an overall
general fear among tenants resulting in more people choosing to move out sooner,
thinking they are no longer safe and secure so that you could get more money for our
Why would that reason be added on the form so I could see it, that my apartment might
be shown to potential buyers or renters when you were not coming in for that reason but
for yet another asbestos test!
It is more than reasonable how this, in conjunction with all the other issues I’ve detailed,
would add to my anxiety, which as mentioned above is situational based, and has now
been brought to a fever pitch.
Since you have conveniently ignored my previous request that you make an exception
and give me 9 months notice when you are ready to sell my unit, I am making the
following counter-request.
I previously asked your subordinates in writing, that as soon as they commit to that
process of wanting to sell my unit, I will receive warning in writing 9 months in advance
of my having to move out. As I previously stated my request was not even acknowledged
by your staff.
This is why I am making a counter-request for the sake of immediately getting this
resolved, since all the correspondence from your lower level management received to
date has shown that QuadReal’s ONLY concern is me answering their questions about
getting you your money!
Please answer the notice question first (MY COUNTER-OFFER AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE)
Once that is resolved, I will make a request regarding making payment arrangements for
the outstanding rent.
Dennis, as QuadReal is a $37 Billion company, providing me with this assurance would be
the humane thing to do.
I understand that the newly increased marketplace value of my apartment (prior to
Covid) was probably over $500 more than the rate agreed to in my lease. I understand the
temptation for your non-executive staff like yourself to find an excuse to get rid of me
and get that extra rent.
That is why I am appealing to you, Dennis, the CEO of the company. Only someone with
your high level view of your overall business needs, and your commitment to peerless
service to your tenants and residents, would understand how showing me some
compassion in these chaotic times is more valuable to your organization than the extra
rent you could get for my apartment if I’m driven out. And I greatly hope that you can
respond to me directly, as opposed to the usual “corporatese” language your
subordinates have used to respond to me thus far.
I thank you very much for your consideration during these awful times, and I look
forward to hearing from you soon.
Sameena Fernandes
10 Lisa Street #2502
- -To: Dennis Lopez, Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St was read on May 25, 2020 8:36:12 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
- -To: Dean Atkins, Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St, was read on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 8:55:36 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
- -To: Diane MacDiarmid, Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St was read on May 26, 2020 7:24:46 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
- -To: Steve Barnett, Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St was read on May 25, 2020 9:41:47 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
- -To: Jonathan Dubois-Phillips, Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St was read on May 25, 2020 8:33:23 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
- -To: Susan MacLaurin, Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St was read on May 25, 2020 8:18:21 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Once again, much of my case of bad faith experiences that I have collected evidence for
is on this page
Dealt with me repeatedly in bad faith which I’ve documented
QuadReal has dealt with me in bad faith in a number of ways, which I’ve documented in
the attached, and enumerated here:
1. Your subordinates have repeatedly not responded to my actual concerns, despite several letters describing those concerns in writing. This continues even after I told them that I have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder that is situational based. It is situationally triggered, and for clarification purposes, the fact that your subordinates won’t respond to my concerns in these communications continually trigger that anxiety, escalating my anxiety and worry to the extreme.
2. QuadReal intends to sell my apartment since they can’t rent it to someone else to pay more for it, and will take action upon this sometime before May 31st 2021.
3. Your current employees, while still working for the previous owners (Vertica), allowed me to underpay my rent for many months. I paid the rent every month thinking that I was up to date, unaware that there was an amount in arrears that was accumulating every month.
Then, when QuadReal took over, instead of bringing it to my attention immediately that I
was some amount in arrears so that I could pay the proper amount, I was disturbed to
receive a shocking N4 notice (See image below).
Your subordinates had applied to the Toronto Landlord and Tenant Board threatening to
have me evicted without ever telling me I was in arrears by a nominal 244 dollars.
4. Your subordinates have refused to deposit the cheque I used to pay for my May rent, even though it was on the same account as my April rent cheque, which was accepted and deposited without question or comment. My May rent cheque continues being held, even though there is no intention of cashing it. Please return that cheque to me immediately since you’ve made it clear that you will not be cashing it.
5. On 21 February, 2020 I received a “24-hour notice of entry”.
On average, I receive at least 4 notices of this sort each year. I noticed this time, that the format of the form letter was completely new. A new point was added “to show the premises to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker”. I’d never seen anything like this before in any of my dealings with this company. The fact that this new reason even exists on the form letter supports my concern in #2 above. As shown below, this particular notice said that the entry was for an asbestos test. I was home waiting to let the people in from 9am until 5pm on 4 March (See image below of the 24 Hour Notice of Entry), but no one came to do the asbestos assessment, and I did not receive a note saying the visit was cancelled - absolutely no communication indicating that they were not coming.
Under the previous owners, they set up an asbestos test, but the person that came was not an asbestos expert, and just asked my occupant, Scott a bunch of questions about our work and the apartment. That meeting was set under false pretenses, which made the recent appointment more suspicious. The meeting was recorded by Scott. Now, let me give some detail to each of these concerns.
On average, I receive at least 4 notices of this sort each year. I noticed this time, that the format of the form letter was completely new. A new point was added “to show the premises to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker”. I’d never seen anything like this before in any of my dealings with this company. The fact that this new reason even exists on the form letter supports my concern in #2 above. As shown below, this particular notice said that the entry was for an asbestos test. I was home waiting to let the people in from 9am until 5pm on 4 March (See image below of the 24 Hour Notice of Entry), but no one came to do the asbestos assessment, and I did not receive a note saying the visit was cancelled - absolutely no communication indicating that they were not coming.
Under the previous owners, they set up an asbestos test, but the person that came was not an asbestos expert, and just asked my occupant, Scott a bunch of questions about our work and the apartment. That meeting was set under false pretenses, which made the recent appointment more suspicious. The meeting was recorded by Scott. Now, let me give some detail to each of these concerns.
See image below that the document is referring to in point # 5 made above.
Failed to respond to my actual concerns and increased my anxiety
Here is an excerpt from the letter I received on 27 May 2020 from Patricia DeGasperis
(underlines mine):
“In regards to rent collection at this time, a letter with an email address was sent out to residents, advising that we totally understand if rent cannot be paid, and that we are willing to work with the resident in creating a payment plan for the arrears. We are more than happy to work with you on a payment plan, or you could kindly advise us of your specific request.
As per the lease, all rent cheques should be under the name of the leaseholder of the suite. If you would like to add another leaseholder, please advise and we will assist in your request.”
As per the lease, all rent cheques should be under the name of the leaseholder of the suite. If you would like to add another leaseholder, please advise and we will assist in your request.”
Yes, I mentioned the “all in this together” email dated [May 11, 2020], in my previous
email, and again, I have to say that your company is not showing me at all that we are "all
in this together."
In fact, in the letter received from QuadReal (your management team) dated March 23,
The exact wording in the letter is;
“We are all in this together and we recognize that each of us is impacted in different ways as result of this crisis”
Well, I am one of those people who have been impacted in a ‘different way’, and yet, I still
was committed to paying my rent on time – April’s rent and May’s (which was again not
accepted because it came from my business account, and yet April’s rent coming from
the same account was cashed. And my reason for having to make May’s rent payable
from my business account was further explained in one of the videos in my email dated
May 11th, 2020.
And as for the question asked in both Mara’s and Patricia’s emails, I would like to state
that I have no interest in adding an additional leaseholder, or making any other changes
to my lease regarding occupants, and I do intend to renew this lease in August.
Another excerpt from that same letter:
“We want you to feel comfortable and happy as this is your home. At this time, we can assure you that we are not selling the Property, and if this ever happens, we do have an obligation to provide all residents with advanced notice."
This is not in the least bit reassuring, as this leaves the option of deciding to sell my
apartment tomorrow, and only giving me the statutory notice required by law, which
isn’t long enough for me especially due to the impact COVID has had on me.
Instead of reassuring me, this only increases my anxiety, which is situational based. So
much so, in fact, that it makes it very difficult for me to engage in the pro bono work
both Scott and I are doing for our community over zoom (ie ).
Almost every day, as I’m working in an online zoom meeting, I am dreading getting
another corporate communication on my door (like another N4, or notice that I have to
move out because my apartment is being renovated so it can be sold out from under me
or something like that) that will ratchet up my level of worry and situational anxiety.
There is intent to sell my apartment since you can’t rent it to someone that will pay more
I love my home. I appreciate that your subordinates are fully aware (that prior to COVID)
that the beautiful views my unit affords made it now worth more than the amount for
which QuadReal is contracted to rent it to me in my current lease, which I fully intend to
renew in August.
I understand the temptation, especially in the subordinate ranks of the company, to find
an excuse to evict me, or make me sufficiently miserable that I will move out on my own,
so that I can be replaced by a tenant who will pay more than I do.
I am not requesting any kind of admission of wrongdoing from the company. I simply
want to be treated with the compassion that any human deserves, especially during
these awful times.
Allowed me to underpay my rent for many months, then threatened to evict me.
For many months I thought I was paying the correct amount of rent. (might have had to
do with an increase to the monthly rate I pay for a parking spot).
During this time, I never received a note saying “your actual rent is $x. You are now 244
dollars in arrears, so please contact us to remedy the matter, and please submit the
amount of $x every month, as that is the correct amount of your rent”- That would have
been the reasonable and professional thing to do.
Instead, after many months with no communication that I was not paying the
correct amount, I received an N4 letter saying that I was $244 in arrears, and would be
evicted forthwith if this was not resolved (Refer to image above posted under point #3 of N4 notice).
Refuse to cash the May rent check
I paid May’s rent using my Sole Proprietorship business account because as I mentioned
in one of my previous letters dated May 11th on the same page link posted above, I said
that because COVID had impacted my business, I had to borrow the money from my
business account to make my May rent on time. (the line-ups at my personal bank with
everyone wearing face masks were also long and scary for me) Which is why I wrote a
cheque from my Sole Proprietorship business account, since I did not have enough funds
available to pay directly from my personal account.
This check was rejected because it was written from my business account, which is still
mine as it is a Sole Proprietorship.
I had no reason to believe that paying from my business account would be denied when
in fact, I paid my April’s rent from the same account as May’s, my Sole- Proprietorship
account and it was cashed.
In Mara’s email dated May 16th it said,
"If any of your company cheques were accepted in the past it was an overlook on our part."
However, based on your COVID letters dated March 23, and May 16th, I think you cashing
the check I provided you for May’s rent would have fallen under the provisions of being
flexible with rent payments.
I believe that in these very difficult times, as I said in my previous letter, I could have
used financial duress due to COVID as an excuse not to pay my rent. It was not easy, but
in good faith, I still paid my rent as I did not want to take advantage of the system when I
very well could have.
I find it very difficult to believe that QuadReal could not have made an exception here,
just like you did when you cashed my April’s rent cheque that was paid from the same
account (my Sole Proprietorship business account) You had no problem cashing my
check from this same account when it was during the specific period of time during
Covid when landlords specifically were experiencing the most uncertainty about how
they would get paid!, and by May the uncertainty was much less for you, so that flexibility
you took advantage of when it was convenient for yourself, you refused to afford the
same flexibility to me and cash the check I gave you for May’s rent which you still have
not returned to me.
Having real estate and mortgage brokers enter my home
As mentioned above, on February 21, 2020 I received a “24-hour notice of entry”. On
average, I receive 4 of these each year. I noticed that the format of the form letter had
changed, and a new point was added which I have never seen before, “to show the
premises to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or
though a real estate broker”.
The fact that this new reason even exists on the form letter supports
my concern in #2 above, which is the intent to sell my unit.
In fact, if it was Quadreal’s intention to keep your tenants happy and secure, you would
never put such words in a form letter unless your intention was to spark an overall
general fear among tenants resulting in more people choosing to move out sooner,
thinking they are no longer safe and secure so that you could get more money for our
Why would that reason be added on the form so I could see it? - That my apartment
might be shown to potential buyers or renters when you were not coming in for that
reason but for yet another asbestos test!
It is more than reasonable how this, in conjunction with all the other issues I’ve detailed,
would add to my anxiety, which as mentioned above is situational based, and has now
been brought to a fever pitch?
Since you have conveniently ignored my previous request that you make an exception
and give me 9 months notice when you are ready to sell my unit, I am making the
following counter-request.
I previously asked your subordinates in writing that as soon as they commit to that
process of wanting to sell my unit, I will receive warning in writing 9 months in advance
of my having to move out. As I previously stated my request was not even acknowledged
by your staff.
This is why I am making a counter-request for the sake of immediately getting this
resolved, since all the correspondence from your lower level management received to
date has shown that QuadReal’s ONLY concern is me answering their questions about
giving them the money!
Please answer the notice question first as stated above.
Once that is resolved, I will make a request regarding making payment arrangements for
the outstanding rent.
Dennis, QuadReal is a $37 Billion company, and providing me with this assurance would
be the humane thing to do.
I understand that the newly increased marketplace value of my apartment (prior to
COVID) is probably over $500 more than the rate agreed to in my lease. I understand the
temptation for your non-executive staff like yourself to find an excuse to get rid of me
and get that extra rent.
That is why I am appealing to you, Dennis, the CEO of the company. Only someone with your high level view of your overall business needs, and your commitment to peerless service to your tenants and residents, would understand how showing me some compassion in these chaotic times is more valuable to your organization than the extra rent you could get for my apartment if I’m driven out. And I greatly hope that you can respond to me directly, as opposed to the usual “corporatese” language your subordinates have used to respond to me thus far.
I thank you very much for your consideration during these very vulnerable and scary
times. There is nothing more important then to know for certain (Like get legitimate
reassurance in writing) that one has security and peace in their own home and I know I
don't only speak for myself when I say this, I also speak for other residents as well. I really
don't think this is too much to ask.
Sameena Fernandes
10 Lisa Street #2502
From: Sharaka Suthan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: March 19, 2019 3:21 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Parking information
Hello Sameena
Could you please drop off the parking information form which is due on March 18, 2019.Thank you
Sharaka Suthan
Sent: March 19, 2019 3:21 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Parking information
Hello Sameena
Could you please drop off the parking information form which is due on March 18, 2019.Thank you
Sharaka Suthan
From: Sameena <[email protected]>
Sent: March 19, 2019 8:50 PM
To: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Parking information
I filled out the parking info a year ago or so. Did you guys lose it or something?
Sent: March 19, 2019 8:50 PM
To: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Parking information
I filled out the parking info a year ago or so. Did you guys lose it or something?
From: Sharaka Suthan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: March 20, 2019 10:09 AM
To: Sameena <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Parking information
Good Morning
This is for the audit purpose.
Please drop the form as soon as possible.
Sharaka Suthan
Sent: March 20, 2019 10:09 AM
To: Sameena <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Parking information
Good Morning
This is for the audit purpose.
Please drop the form as soon as possible.
Sharaka Suthan
From: Sameena <[email protected]>
Sent: March 20, 2019 11:40 AM
To: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Parking information
I have been doing a major spring cleaning of paperwork over the past week and not sure where that form is.
The parking spot is number 98 at p2 and the license plate is the word HONESTY.
The car is a silver Toyota prius.
Sent: March 20, 2019 11:40 AM
To: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Parking information
I have been doing a major spring cleaning of paperwork over the past week and not sure where that form is.
The parking spot is number 98 at p2 and the license plate is the word HONESTY.
The car is a silver Toyota prius.
From: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11:43 AM
To: Sameena <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Parking information
Ok. Thanks
Sharaka Sutha
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11:43 AM
To: Sameena <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Parking information
Ok. Thanks
Sharaka Sutha
April 4, 2019 5:39 PM
From: Sameena <[email protected]> Sent: April 4, 2019 5:39 PM
To: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected] Subject: RE: Parking information
In less than 3 days of receiving a notice placed on my door that I was 244 dollars in arrears which I did not have time to authenticate, in good faith I paid my April’s rent 2 weeks early so I could pay the outstanding arrears amount you guys claimed I owed. I am sure you are correct about that arrears amount which is why I paid it to you immediately without question. I just want to go on record that I was disappointed to be treated this way and to experience how eager new management apparently is to evict. I not only pay my rent on time. I have a history of paying my rent months in advance. I hope my loving complaint will be a contribution to you in support of other tenants being treated with more respect. Please acknowledge receipt of the above TWO attached documents.
Sameena Fernandes
To: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected] Subject: RE: Parking information
In less than 3 days of receiving a notice placed on my door that I was 244 dollars in arrears which I did not have time to authenticate, in good faith I paid my April’s rent 2 weeks early so I could pay the outstanding arrears amount you guys claimed I owed. I am sure you are correct about that arrears amount which is why I paid it to you immediately without question. I just want to go on record that I was disappointed to be treated this way and to experience how eager new management apparently is to evict. I not only pay my rent on time. I have a history of paying my rent months in advance. I hope my loving complaint will be a contribution to you in support of other tenants being treated with more respect. Please acknowledge receipt of the above TWO attached documents.
Sameena Fernandes
April 5, 2019 9:54 AM
From: Maira de Barrientos <[email protected]>
Sent: April 5, 2019 9:54 AM
To: [email protected]; , <[email protected]>; [email protected]
Cc: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Parking information
Good Morning Sameena,
Your email has been forwarded to me for response. Thank you for bringing this to our
attention. The first intention of these kind of notices is not to offend our residents. We
recognize the fact that you are never late with your rent and that you
like to keep your account in good standing, thank you for that. For your peace of mind we are
going to remove that letter from your file.
On a side note, would you please confirm which email address is the one that you would like
to keep as a main. We have now 3 different ones. Please let us know.
Thank you,
Maira de Barrientos Community Manager,
Residential 8 Silver Maple Court | 10 Lisa Street Brampton ON
QuadReal Residential Properties (ON) LP
T 905-459-0130 | F 905-457-8820
[email protected]
April 30, 2019 1:27 PM
From: Sameena <[email protected]>
Sent: April 30, 2019 1:27 PM
To: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Subject: Confirming rent amount for May and parking
Hi Sharaka,
Please confirm the total rent amount owed for the month of May including parking? I will be dropping the cheque off later today and I just want to make absolutely certain that I am writing the cheque for the correct amount. Please reply back to this email confirming the exact amount of rent owed for May with parking ASAP as I want to drop my rent cheque off as soon as possible and want to make sure I remain in good standards and up-to-date with my payment.
Please confirm ASAP by responding to this email, it will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you Kindly,
Sameena Fernandes
Suite 2502.
Sent: April 30, 2019 1:27 PM
To: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Subject: Confirming rent amount for May and parking
Hi Sharaka,
Please confirm the total rent amount owed for the month of May including parking? I will be dropping the cheque off later today and I just want to make absolutely certain that I am writing the cheque for the correct amount. Please reply back to this email confirming the exact amount of rent owed for May with parking ASAP as I want to drop my rent cheque off as soon as possible and want to make sure I remain in good standards and up-to-date with my payment.
Please confirm ASAP by responding to this email, it will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you Kindly,
Sameena Fernandes
Suite 2502.
April 30, 2019 1:33 PM
From: Sharaka Suthan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 1:33 PM
To: Sameena <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Confirming rent amount for May and parking
Hi Sameena
The rent for May with parking will be $1646.00
Sharaka Suthan
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 1:33 PM
To: Sameena <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Confirming rent amount for May and parking
Hi Sameena
The rent for May with parking will be $1646.00
Sharaka Suthan
May 1, 2019
From: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2019 4:43 PM
To: Sameena <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Confirming rent amount for May and parking
Hi Sameena
I received your cheque.
Sharaka Suthan
May 1, 2019
From: Sameena <[email protected]>
RE: Confirming rent amount for May and parking
Hi Sharaka,
This email is to confirm that I dropped off my rent cheque of the amount of $3,292.00 covering two months rent for May and June.
Thank you.
Suite 2502
RE: Confirming rent amount for May and parking
Hi Sharaka,
This email is to confirm that I dropped off my rent cheque of the amount of $3,292.00 covering two months rent for May and June.
Thank you.
Suite 2502
June 5th, 2019
From: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2019 9:44 AM
To: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Confirming rent amount for May and parking
Good morning Sameena
Your regular rent with parking $1746.00 until July2019.
You had $100 over paid balance in the account on April 2019.
After that I received a cheque from you the amount of $3292.00.
This cheque covered your may and June rent. As per today date you balance is $100.00. Could you please make a cheque for this amount.
Sharaka Suthan
June 5th, 2019 8:31 AM
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, june 5, 2019 8:31 AM
To: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Confirming rent amount for May and parking
Hello Sharaka, based on a previous error you made in sending me an unwarranted eviction notice in the past, I asked you to confirm what the exact amount I needed to send for my monthly rent. After receiving your April 30th email to me stating "The rent for May with parking will be 1646.00", I dropped off a check for 1646 x 2 to cover May and June.
Because I have been medically diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, can you please confirm that the amount you told me to pay on April 30th was indeed factually correct and not another error?
Just double checking because I don't handle stress very well like other people do.
Sameena Fernandes,
Sent: Wednesday, june 5, 2019 8:31 AM
To: Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Confirming rent amount for May and parking
Hello Sharaka, based on a previous error you made in sending me an unwarranted eviction notice in the past, I asked you to confirm what the exact amount I needed to send for my monthly rent. After receiving your April 30th email to me stating "The rent for May with parking will be 1646.00", I dropped off a check for 1646 x 2 to cover May and June.
Because I have been medically diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, can you please confirm that the amount you told me to pay on April 30th was indeed factually correct and not another error?
Just double checking because I don't handle stress very well like other people do.
Sameena Fernandes,
July 17, 2019 6:23 PM
On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 6:23 PM Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]> wrote:
Hello Maira,
This is a video message from me about broken promises and an apparent reprisal against me for speaking up earlier about the uncalled for eviction notice (which no one has of yet actually apologized to me for)
Sameena Fernandes
Hello Maira,
This is a video message from me about broken promises and an apparent reprisal against me for speaking up earlier about the uncalled for eviction notice (which no one has of yet actually apologized to me for)
Sameena Fernandes
July 19, 2019 9:55 AM
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: July 19, 2019 9:55 AM
To: Maira de Barrientos <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Parking information
Dear Sharaka,
My room mate and I do not appreciate being cornered by you to have a conversation while we are both physically in the elevator. Your predecessor Kathy was a professional. She always communicated to residents via proper written notice, and she was also extremely busy getting so much done in service of the tenants. She and her husband created a very safe family community feeling for all of us.
Please advise only in writing when I can expect delivery of the fridge.
Let's just keep things professional, positive and courteous from here on in please.
Sent: July 19, 2019 9:55 AM
To: Maira de Barrientos <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; Sharaka Suthan <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Parking information
Dear Sharaka,
My room mate and I do not appreciate being cornered by you to have a conversation while we are both physically in the elevator. Your predecessor Kathy was a professional. She always communicated to residents via proper written notice, and she was also extremely busy getting so much done in service of the tenants. She and her husband created a very safe family community feeling for all of us.
Please advise only in writing when I can expect delivery of the fridge.
Let's just keep things professional, positive and courteous from here on in please.
July 19, 2019 10:29 AM
From: Sharaka Suthan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 10:29 AM
To: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>; Maira de Barrientos <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: RE: Parking information
Hello Sameena,
Thank you for your email. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I try to ask you to press the elevator bottom back to P1 for service If you can only. But I didn’t finish the sentence. “ Hi I would like to …….” That’s all I said. at the same time the elevator door was closed.
Again very sorry. About you fridge delivery I will get back to you shortly after I get the confirmation from the company.
Sharaka Suthan Assistant Community Manager
QuadReal Property Group
T (905) 453-8996 [email protected]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 10:29 AM
To: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>; Maira de Barrientos <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: RE: Parking information
Hello Sameena,
Thank you for your email. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I try to ask you to press the elevator bottom back to P1 for service If you can only. But I didn’t finish the sentence. “ Hi I would like to …….” That’s all I said. at the same time the elevator door was closed.
Again very sorry. About you fridge delivery I will get back to you shortly after I get the confirmation from the company.
Sharaka Suthan Assistant Community Manager
QuadReal Property Group
T (905) 453-8996 [email protected]
September 27, 2019 12:08 PM
On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 12:08 PM Sameena <[email protected]> wrote:
Hello Sharaka,
I dropped off the rent cheque for October’s rent for the amount of $1,770.00 – I dropped it off downstairs in the Management’s (your office) a couple of weeks ago, and I noticed that the amount has not been taken out of my account yet? So I am just confirming that you haven’t lost the cheque? Please confirm that you have received my cheque for October’s rent.
Thank you.
Sameena Fernandes Suite #2502
Hello Sharaka,
I dropped off the rent cheque for October’s rent for the amount of $1,770.00 – I dropped it off downstairs in the Management’s (your office) a couple of weeks ago, and I noticed that the amount has not been taken out of my account yet? So I am just confirming that you haven’t lost the cheque? Please confirm that you have received my cheque for October’s rent.
Thank you.
Sameena Fernandes Suite #2502
May 10, 2020 1:03 PM
From: Scott <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 1:03 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: REPRISAL 10 Lisa St. Suite 2502
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 1:03 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: REPRISAL 10 Lisa St. Suite 2502
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
May 11, 2020 6:00 PM
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 6:00 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: REPRISAL 10 Lisa St. Suite 2502
To Whom This May Concern:
RE: Bringing This To Your Attention:
Please kindly review the video by clicking on the link below.
I'm just reaching out to you personally as the leaseholder in regards to an envelope I received on my door last week, which was unusual because there was a note with no personalization in terms of who it was from. It was just an envelope with this short note attached in it – And I find its professionalism to be questionable and awkward. For your information, the note states:
(Title: Paying by Cheque?) “Rent Payments made via cheque should be made by the leaseholder only: a personal cheque in the name of the leaseholder or bank draft/money order. Thank you.”
This seems like a blatant act of Reprisal. And I am not just making this up as there has been a pattern, which I can prove (please see video above as the issue of reprisal is brought up and explained in more detail). And because of being bombarded with these kind of situations more than once, I am now under a lot of stress and anxiety. And I already struggle with an anxiety disorder, which I was diagnosed with by a medical doctor, who also is my family doctor. And with receiving a confusing and alarming notice like the above has triggered my anxiety and stress levels. And quite frankly, the enjoyment of my home is negatively impacted.
If there was an issue with what account I paid the rent from, why did I not receive any notice about it in the first place informing me about it when I paid April’s rent using the same account as I did May’s rent? And if there was an issue in the first place, why was April’s rent cheque cashed?
There is no indication of who this letter is from, neither does it state who it is addressed to. The above note is all that it says placed on a letterhead.
And I just wanted to point out that all of us received messages from you, a letter that seemed like you were wanting to work with us with the COVID pandemic currently going on and all in terms of being flexible with us during these very sensitive times. I am one of those people that has been severely impacted by the virus. It's impacted my ability to make money. And as such, I have paid you in order to make the rent on time. I wanted to operate in good faith and not take advantage of this situation, so I paid you the money from one of my checking accounts, which is a sole proprietorship account where I'm operating under Me, so it's still a personal check from my checking account - it's not a corporate account, It's my personal account, and that's how I was able to pay the rent.
In fact, as I mentioned above, I paid April’s rent using this same account, my sole proprietorship account and nobody had a problem with that as I did not receive any previous communication from you indicating that I must pay using my personal account when I paid April’s rent using this same account, and the cheque was cashed for April’s rent, and no notice then that I must pay from my personal account.
And now I'm receiving this letter from you in May indicating that I must pay the rent from my personal account- And I just wanted to say that it is during these challenging times where I don't have the money from my personal account, I'm going into my business account to make these payments.
Please let me know if that's going be a problem going forward. And if it is, then I just wanted to let you know that I may have delays in getting June's rent check to you.
Please Advise Accordingly,
Sameena Fernandes
LeaseHolder Suite #2502
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 6:00 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: REPRISAL 10 Lisa St. Suite 2502
To Whom This May Concern:
RE: Bringing This To Your Attention:
Please kindly review the video by clicking on the link below.
I'm just reaching out to you personally as the leaseholder in regards to an envelope I received on my door last week, which was unusual because there was a note with no personalization in terms of who it was from. It was just an envelope with this short note attached in it – And I find its professionalism to be questionable and awkward. For your information, the note states:
(Title: Paying by Cheque?) “Rent Payments made via cheque should be made by the leaseholder only: a personal cheque in the name of the leaseholder or bank draft/money order. Thank you.”
This seems like a blatant act of Reprisal. And I am not just making this up as there has been a pattern, which I can prove (please see video above as the issue of reprisal is brought up and explained in more detail). And because of being bombarded with these kind of situations more than once, I am now under a lot of stress and anxiety. And I already struggle with an anxiety disorder, which I was diagnosed with by a medical doctor, who also is my family doctor. And with receiving a confusing and alarming notice like the above has triggered my anxiety and stress levels. And quite frankly, the enjoyment of my home is negatively impacted.
If there was an issue with what account I paid the rent from, why did I not receive any notice about it in the first place informing me about it when I paid April’s rent using the same account as I did May’s rent? And if there was an issue in the first place, why was April’s rent cheque cashed?
There is no indication of who this letter is from, neither does it state who it is addressed to. The above note is all that it says placed on a letterhead.
And I just wanted to point out that all of us received messages from you, a letter that seemed like you were wanting to work with us with the COVID pandemic currently going on and all in terms of being flexible with us during these very sensitive times. I am one of those people that has been severely impacted by the virus. It's impacted my ability to make money. And as such, I have paid you in order to make the rent on time. I wanted to operate in good faith and not take advantage of this situation, so I paid you the money from one of my checking accounts, which is a sole proprietorship account where I'm operating under Me, so it's still a personal check from my checking account - it's not a corporate account, It's my personal account, and that's how I was able to pay the rent.
In fact, as I mentioned above, I paid April’s rent using this same account, my sole proprietorship account and nobody had a problem with that as I did not receive any previous communication from you indicating that I must pay using my personal account when I paid April’s rent using this same account, and the cheque was cashed for April’s rent, and no notice then that I must pay from my personal account.
And now I'm receiving this letter from you in May indicating that I must pay the rent from my personal account- And I just wanted to say that it is during these challenging times where I don't have the money from my personal account, I'm going into my business account to make these payments.
Please let me know if that's going be a problem going forward. And if it is, then I just wanted to let you know that I may have delays in getting June's rent check to you.
Please Advise Accordingly,
Sameena Fernandes
LeaseHolder Suite #2502
May 16, 2020 12:32 AM
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2020 12:32 AM
To: Resident Support
Cc: Maira de Barrientos
Subject: RE: REPRISAL 10 Lisa St. Suite 2502
To Whom This May Concern:
It’s now just past mid-night going into Saturday May 16th and the only response I’ve gotten from you to the email/video you received last Sunday has been an automated message stating,
“Thank you for contacting us regarding future rent payments or other Covid-19 related concerns. We are committed to working through this challenging time together. Our team is dedicated to addressing all resident requests and concerns as quickly as possible. We will contact you shortly to discuss your questions and concerns.”
Please watch this private and confidential message from me to you which I would prefer is not viewed by Sharaka (the lady in the Management office downstairs) as I fear further reprisal actions from her.
Thank you,
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2020 12:32 AM
To: Resident Support
Cc: Maira de Barrientos
Subject: RE: REPRISAL 10 Lisa St. Suite 2502
To Whom This May Concern:
It’s now just past mid-night going into Saturday May 16th and the only response I’ve gotten from you to the email/video you received last Sunday has been an automated message stating,
“Thank you for contacting us regarding future rent payments or other Covid-19 related concerns. We are committed to working through this challenging time together. Our team is dedicated to addressing all resident requests and concerns as quickly as possible. We will contact you shortly to discuss your questions and concerns.”
Please watch this private and confidential message from me to you which I would prefer is not viewed by Sharaka (the lady in the Management office downstairs) as I fear further reprisal actions from her.
Thank you,
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May 16, 2020 8:25 AM
From: Maira de Barrientos <[email protected]>
Sent: May 16, 2020 8:23 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: REPRISAL 10 Lisa St. Suite 2502
Good Morning Ms. Fernandes
Thank you for your email.
Please accept our apologies for not having the opportunity to respond to you earlier.
Please rest assured that you have nothing to fear from any of our staff members. We are all here to help, not cause any harm.
Please note that we are not able to accept any company cheques or any other payments that are issued from a non-lease holder’s account. If any of your company cheques were accepted in the past it was an overlook on our part. We believe that is never too late to correct the situation.
There are several methods of payment that you can take advantage of, among those, the convenient on-line payments which can be made from the comfort of your home.
Kindly, find below the link to access the website and attached the instruction sheets to guide you through. An invite to the website has been sent to your email: [email protected]
You can also pay by money orders or bank drafts as indicated in the note sent to you.
Please confirm the date that Mr. Scott Gallagher should be removed as occupant of suite 2502-10 Lisa.
Please let me know if I can assist in any other way.
Maira de Barrientos
Sent: May 16, 2020 8:23 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: REPRISAL 10 Lisa St. Suite 2502
Good Morning Ms. Fernandes
Thank you for your email.
Please accept our apologies for not having the opportunity to respond to you earlier.
Please rest assured that you have nothing to fear from any of our staff members. We are all here to help, not cause any harm.
Please note that we are not able to accept any company cheques or any other payments that are issued from a non-lease holder’s account. If any of your company cheques were accepted in the past it was an overlook on our part. We believe that is never too late to correct the situation.
There are several methods of payment that you can take advantage of, among those, the convenient on-line payments which can be made from the comfort of your home.
Kindly, find below the link to access the website and attached the instruction sheets to guide you through. An invite to the website has been sent to your email: [email protected]
You can also pay by money orders or bank drafts as indicated in the note sent to you.
Please confirm the date that Mr. Scott Gallagher should be removed as occupant of suite 2502-10 Lisa.
Please let me know if I can assist in any other way.
Maira de Barrientos
May 19th Video I sent to Scott Gallagher over Facebook
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From: Maira de Barrientos <[email protected]>
Sent: May 25, 2020 2:28 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: REPRISAL 10 Lisa St. Suite 2502
Good Afternoon Ms. Fernandes
I noticed that the rental payment that corresponds to the month of May has not been made yet.
Please let me know if you require my assistance to help you set up the PAP. You can also pay by cheque or money order.
If you opt to pay by cheque please ensure that the payment is made from your personal account.
Also, I would need confirmation on the date the Mr. Gallagher should be removed as occupant.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Thank you,
Maira de Barrientos
Community Manager, Residential
8 Silver Maple Court | 10 Lisa Street Brampton ON
T 905-459-0130 | F 905-457-8820
[email protected]
Sent: May 25, 2020 2:28 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: REPRISAL 10 Lisa St. Suite 2502
Good Afternoon Ms. Fernandes
I noticed that the rental payment that corresponds to the month of May has not been made yet.
Please let me know if you require my assistance to help you set up the PAP. You can also pay by cheque or money order.
If you opt to pay by cheque please ensure that the payment is made from your personal account.
Also, I would need confirmation on the date the Mr. Gallagher should be removed as occupant.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Thank you,
Maira de Barrientos
Community Manager, Residential
8 Silver Maple Court | 10 Lisa Street Brampton ON
T 905-459-0130 | F 905-457-8820
[email protected]
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: May 25, 2020 11:11 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St
I am reaching out to you, members of the leadership team, because I have to assume that the kind of behavior I have been experiencing as a tenant at your property on 10 Lisa Street in Brampton would not be tolerated if you knew about it.
Living in fear of losing your home is a very difficult thing. I think it’s one of the reasons the Canadian Government isn’t allowing evictions during the outbreak; because on top of fearing for our health, and having our income reduced, and watching the economy suffer, the lack of security around living situations is just too much to bear.
Even though my business income has been devastated due to Covid-19, as you can see in my story I have been doing everything I can to keep paying my rent on time. I’m not trying to “get away” without paying just because the law doesn’t allow me to be evicted right now. I’m still doing what I have to do to pay the rent, on time, every month.
Despite the fact that I’m getting intimidating communications about trivial issues like which bank account I’m allowed to write my rent check from – and to receive such communications right after receiving a covid corporate response form letter from your company claiming that “We’re all in this together and we recognize that each of us is impacted in different ways as a result of this crisis. If you have concerns or questions about future rent payments or if you require assistance with any other matters, we have established a centralized process for addressing your concerns.”
And as you will know after watching the videos on this page, under the previous owners, when Michael Mekhail took his name off the lease with me, the past company whom Maira De Barrientos also worked for at the time, tried to trick me into renegotiating my lease so that my rent would be increased, and so I would have to also pay hyrdro etc. (I go into more detail on this issue and another one just like it on the last video on the page
The previous company Vertica as well as QuadReal went to court to get permission to raise the rents in our complex more than the law would normally allow.
I’m not blaming your people for that. It’s just that I understand that many decisions made by the owners of a business like this is to maximize rent. I just don’t think trickery and intimidation are the best ways to do that ethically, especially here in Canada.
As you will see from the correspondences I have taken the liberty to put in chronological order on this page your company seems to be doing everything it can to make me want to leave so your business can profit the most from my unit.
Just before Covid entered our world, I was sent a notice that made it clear real estate agents coming into my unit could be a new reason for giving me 24 hours notice of entry into my unit.
And now, after multiple times where the landlord at my building has acted like I might get evicted, this all indicates to me that there is a plan to fabricate a reason to evict me so you can sell or rent the apartment to someone else.
This worry is causing me indescribable anxiety, pain and suffering. I have been diagnosed by my doctor as having an anxiety disorder, and panic attacks in the not so distant past.
And now I feel that your staff are trying to kick me out of my home for no good reason other than profit motive, which hurts so much more for me when I compare it to the kind of difference I’m trying to make with my room mate and friend Scott Gallagher which you can see a bit about here
Things have gotten so bad that Scott gave me his notice as he can’t handle the stress of worrying about losing the apartment, AND Maira De Barrientos’ communications make obvious how very eager she is to see him leave.
In particular, please notice my letters to [email protected] and Maira De Barrientos dated May 11 and May 16, and Ms. De Barrientos reply of May 16 and again today on May 25th.
I raised several issues in my letter/videos, including reprisal for past complaints and threatening not to accept my rent cheque, (when she had no problem cashing my check the previous month when landlords where in even more uncertainty of not getting their rent checks), my extreme anxiety regarding my living situation, and the effect of Covid-19, and the fact that my roommate was feeling so anxious about his certainty that your staff will be evicting me in whatever way possible, even if you have to resort to selling my unit.
Again, Maira De Barrientos’ responses have neither been compassionate nor reasonable.
The only response I got from her was that there were payment methods that suited her better, and getting me to confirm in writing the exact date my roommate was moving out was her way of demonstrating compassion and concern for my issues.
NONE OF mine and Scott’s concerns raised in our videos that she watched concerning unfair treatment and reprisals was addressed AT ALL, nor was the reasons my roommate declared on the video as to why he told me he is moving out addressed to provide me any comfort.
Again, the point is, I don’t want Scott (my room mate) to be so anxious he has to move out. And I don’t want to keep feeling that anxiety myself either, because it’s more than I can bear.
Like so many Canadians, I am working from home in order to stay healthy. My hours are reduced, so it is obviously stressful to cover all my bills, but I continue to always pay the rent first, which I have done until now; but your company refused to cash my check!
My roommate and I are both in 12 step recovery, and we now spend most of our time helping people for free under Step 12 in anyway we can.
We do this using online conferencing tools, and of course we never have clients in the apartment.
We are doing everything we can to do good in the world at a time when things feel so bad. And I very much need to feel confident that your company isn’t going to sell our apartment out from under me.
I love the apartment and I do not want to move out. My elderly parents live in close walking distance from 10 Lisa Street, so I can check on them easily, at 4 Lisa St. I’ve built a home and community around my apartment, and the worry of losing it is taking my anxiety level to the breaking point.
Even though I have been documenting all this as it happens, I have no intention of taking any kind of legal action.
As a matter of fact, I am only asking for one thing. One thing that will absolutely get rid of all my worry instantly.
I understand that you may at some time, for business reasons, decide to sell my apartment before I am in a financial position to buy it.
I am asking for a written promise that if you ever decide to sell my unit, you will give me 9 months notice rather than 2 months notice to peacefully make arrangements to move out. Covid-19 has been a major crisis for me and my business.
I just can’t go through another crisis like that, and knowing that you promise to give me 9 months notice (ONLY IF your reason for wanting to evict me is so that you can sell my unit OR do major renovations) will allow me to live and rebuild my business in some limited semblance of peace and enjoyment.
This would do so much to relieve my anxiety, and I don’t see how doing this one thing for me would hurt a company of your size in a way that you’d actually felt it.
Yet, if you did this for me, you would ultimately be providing me the stability and emotional security I urgently need right now to turn things around in my life and business.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this most delicate matter.
Sameena Fernandes
CC: [[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Sent: May 25, 2020 11:11 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St
I am reaching out to you, members of the leadership team, because I have to assume that the kind of behavior I have been experiencing as a tenant at your property on 10 Lisa Street in Brampton would not be tolerated if you knew about it.
Living in fear of losing your home is a very difficult thing. I think it’s one of the reasons the Canadian Government isn’t allowing evictions during the outbreak; because on top of fearing for our health, and having our income reduced, and watching the economy suffer, the lack of security around living situations is just too much to bear.
Even though my business income has been devastated due to Covid-19, as you can see in my story I have been doing everything I can to keep paying my rent on time. I’m not trying to “get away” without paying just because the law doesn’t allow me to be evicted right now. I’m still doing what I have to do to pay the rent, on time, every month.
Despite the fact that I’m getting intimidating communications about trivial issues like which bank account I’m allowed to write my rent check from – and to receive such communications right after receiving a covid corporate response form letter from your company claiming that “We’re all in this together and we recognize that each of us is impacted in different ways as a result of this crisis. If you have concerns or questions about future rent payments or if you require assistance with any other matters, we have established a centralized process for addressing your concerns.”
And as you will know after watching the videos on this page, under the previous owners, when Michael Mekhail took his name off the lease with me, the past company whom Maira De Barrientos also worked for at the time, tried to trick me into renegotiating my lease so that my rent would be increased, and so I would have to also pay hyrdro etc. (I go into more detail on this issue and another one just like it on the last video on the page
The previous company Vertica as well as QuadReal went to court to get permission to raise the rents in our complex more than the law would normally allow.
I’m not blaming your people for that. It’s just that I understand that many decisions made by the owners of a business like this is to maximize rent. I just don’t think trickery and intimidation are the best ways to do that ethically, especially here in Canada.
As you will see from the correspondences I have taken the liberty to put in chronological order on this page your company seems to be doing everything it can to make me want to leave so your business can profit the most from my unit.
Just before Covid entered our world, I was sent a notice that made it clear real estate agents coming into my unit could be a new reason for giving me 24 hours notice of entry into my unit.
And now, after multiple times where the landlord at my building has acted like I might get evicted, this all indicates to me that there is a plan to fabricate a reason to evict me so you can sell or rent the apartment to someone else.
This worry is causing me indescribable anxiety, pain and suffering. I have been diagnosed by my doctor as having an anxiety disorder, and panic attacks in the not so distant past.
And now I feel that your staff are trying to kick me out of my home for no good reason other than profit motive, which hurts so much more for me when I compare it to the kind of difference I’m trying to make with my room mate and friend Scott Gallagher which you can see a bit about here
Things have gotten so bad that Scott gave me his notice as he can’t handle the stress of worrying about losing the apartment, AND Maira De Barrientos’ communications make obvious how very eager she is to see him leave.
In particular, please notice my letters to [email protected] and Maira De Barrientos dated May 11 and May 16, and Ms. De Barrientos reply of May 16 and again today on May 25th.
I raised several issues in my letter/videos, including reprisal for past complaints and threatening not to accept my rent cheque, (when she had no problem cashing my check the previous month when landlords where in even more uncertainty of not getting their rent checks), my extreme anxiety regarding my living situation, and the effect of Covid-19, and the fact that my roommate was feeling so anxious about his certainty that your staff will be evicting me in whatever way possible, even if you have to resort to selling my unit.
Again, Maira De Barrientos’ responses have neither been compassionate nor reasonable.
The only response I got from her was that there were payment methods that suited her better, and getting me to confirm in writing the exact date my roommate was moving out was her way of demonstrating compassion and concern for my issues.
NONE OF mine and Scott’s concerns raised in our videos that she watched concerning unfair treatment and reprisals was addressed AT ALL, nor was the reasons my roommate declared on the video as to why he told me he is moving out addressed to provide me any comfort.
Again, the point is, I don’t want Scott (my room mate) to be so anxious he has to move out. And I don’t want to keep feeling that anxiety myself either, because it’s more than I can bear.
Like so many Canadians, I am working from home in order to stay healthy. My hours are reduced, so it is obviously stressful to cover all my bills, but I continue to always pay the rent first, which I have done until now; but your company refused to cash my check!
My roommate and I are both in 12 step recovery, and we now spend most of our time helping people for free under Step 12 in anyway we can.
We do this using online conferencing tools, and of course we never have clients in the apartment.
We are doing everything we can to do good in the world at a time when things feel so bad. And I very much need to feel confident that your company isn’t going to sell our apartment out from under me.
I love the apartment and I do not want to move out. My elderly parents live in close walking distance from 10 Lisa Street, so I can check on them easily, at 4 Lisa St. I’ve built a home and community around my apartment, and the worry of losing it is taking my anxiety level to the breaking point.
Even though I have been documenting all this as it happens, I have no intention of taking any kind of legal action.
As a matter of fact, I am only asking for one thing. One thing that will absolutely get rid of all my worry instantly.
I understand that you may at some time, for business reasons, decide to sell my apartment before I am in a financial position to buy it.
I am asking for a written promise that if you ever decide to sell my unit, you will give me 9 months notice rather than 2 months notice to peacefully make arrangements to move out. Covid-19 has been a major crisis for me and my business.
I just can’t go through another crisis like that, and knowing that you promise to give me 9 months notice (ONLY IF your reason for wanting to evict me is so that you can sell my unit OR do major renovations) will allow me to live and rebuild my business in some limited semblance of peace and enjoyment.
This would do so much to relieve my anxiety, and I don’t see how doing this one thing for me would hurt a company of your size in a way that you’d actually felt it.
Yet, if you did this for me, you would ultimately be providing me the stability and emotional security I urgently need right now to turn things around in my life and business.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this most delicate matter.
Sameena Fernandes
CC: [[email protected]
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From: Patricia DeGasperis <[email protected]>
Sent: May 27, 2020 3:59 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St
Good afternoon Ms. Fernandes,
Your email to the senior leaders at QuadReal was received, thank you. It was forwarded to me so that I could respond to your directly.
I would like to respond to each of your concerns below.
We are all going thru this pandemic together, and we hope that very soon, this will pass and we can get back to a more normal state.
In regards to rent collection at this time, a letter with an email address was sent out to residents, advising that we totally understand if rent cannot be paid, and that we are willing to work with the resident in creating a payment plan for the arrears. We are more than happy to work with you on a payment plan, or you could kindly advise us of your specific request.
As per the lease, all rent cheques should be under the name of the leaseholder of the suite. If you would like to add another leaseholder, please advise and we will assist in your request.
We want you to feel comfortable and happy as this is your home. At this time, we can assure you that we are not selling the Property, and if this ever happens, we do have an obligation to provide all residents with advanced notice.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you
Sent: May 27, 2020 3:59 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St
Good afternoon Ms. Fernandes,
Your email to the senior leaders at QuadReal was received, thank you. It was forwarded to me so that I could respond to your directly.
I would like to respond to each of your concerns below.
We are all going thru this pandemic together, and we hope that very soon, this will pass and we can get back to a more normal state.
In regards to rent collection at this time, a letter with an email address was sent out to residents, advising that we totally understand if rent cannot be paid, and that we are willing to work with the resident in creating a payment plan for the arrears. We are more than happy to work with you on a payment plan, or you could kindly advise us of your specific request.
As per the lease, all rent cheques should be under the name of the leaseholder of the suite. If you would like to add another leaseholder, please advise and we will assist in your request.
We want you to feel comfortable and happy as this is your home. At this time, we can assure you that we are not selling the Property, and if this ever happens, we do have an obligation to provide all residents with advanced notice.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you
From: Dean Holmes <[email protected]>
Sent: June 1, 2020 12:21 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Patricia DeGasperis <[email protected]>; Kerri Jackson <[email protected]>
Subject: Your recent correspondence
Ms. Fernandes, your email of June 1, 2020 was forwarded to me for review and response. I am pleased to respond to the various questions and concerns in your email as follows,
Please advise me if I failed to address any of the concerns in your recent email and I’d be happy to clarify or amend. Thank You.
Dean Holmes
Sent: June 1, 2020 12:21 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Patricia DeGasperis <[email protected]>; Kerri Jackson <[email protected]>
Subject: Your recent correspondence
Ms. Fernandes, your email of June 1, 2020 was forwarded to me for review and response. I am pleased to respond to the various questions and concerns in your email as follows,
- QuadReal operates 10 Lisa Street as a rental apartment building. Each of the 198 suites in the building are leased to individual residents as rental units. The building has been continuously operated as a rental building since 1981. Presently neither QuadReal or the owners of the building have any intent to market any of the individual suites for sale including yours. Your tenancy is secure as a renter in the building.
- The N4 action described in your email occurred in March 2019, some 16 months ago. The balance was paid and no action was ever filed with the RTA. The matter is closed.
- With regard to the May rent cheque, generally it is our policy not to accept rent cheques from persons other than the actual named lessee. The community erred in accepting the rent cheque from your business in April. Compounding matters, in May, as a physical distancing measure, we installed cheque scanning software at each of our communities. This software allows our teams to scan and deposit cheques directly from the community without having to go to the bank. The cheque scanner reads a cheque and applies the payment to the specific suite based on identity information in our rent roll software. The scanning software was unable to reconcile your cheque against the identity information in our system and thus it wasn’t deposited. While it isn’t our preference to manually deposit cheques or to accept cheques from business entities, if you bring us the cheque we will manually deposit it at the bank.
- The notice of entry you received in February was related to an annual asbestos inspection. The actual notice is a standard form notice that includes language recommended by the RTA. The unchecked box related to entry “to show prospective purchasers” is standard RTA language. It wasn’t checked because it was not applicable as we have no intent to operate the building as a condominium.
Please advise me if I failed to address any of the concerns in your recent email and I’d be happy to clarify or amend. Thank You.
Dean Holmes
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: June 1, 2020 9:45 PM
To: 'Dean Holmes' <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Thank you for your email Dean.
I will review and respond in less than 24 hours.
Sent: June 1, 2020 9:45 PM
To: 'Dean Holmes' <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Thank you for your email Dean.
I will review and respond in less than 24 hours.
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: June 2, 2020 9:22 PM
To: Kerri Jackson <[email protected]>; Dean Holmes <[email protected]>; Dennis Lopez <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Hello Dean,
I have looked up Kerri Jackson on facebook. Based on her family pictures, I think she might be the best person for me to communicate and not feel threatened by in your organization at this point (No disrespect intended towards you Dean, and I am not implying that the feeling of intimidation and threat is coming directly from you, Dean.)
I would therefore like to request that, going forward, Kerri be the person to reply to this email, and all future emails on behalf of QuadReal if that is ok with you (keeping you fully in the loop of course, Dean)
I have created this “welcoming” video for Kerri
Sent: June 2, 2020 9:22 PM
To: Kerri Jackson <[email protected]>; Dean Holmes <[email protected]>; Dennis Lopez <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Hello Dean,
I have looked up Kerri Jackson on facebook. Based on her family pictures, I think she might be the best person for me to communicate and not feel threatened by in your organization at this point (No disrespect intended towards you Dean, and I am not implying that the feeling of intimidation and threat is coming directly from you, Dean.)
I would therefore like to request that, going forward, Kerri be the person to reply to this email, and all future emails on behalf of QuadReal if that is ok with you (keeping you fully in the loop of course, Dean)
I have created this “welcoming” video for Kerri
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. guiding her through the large amount of communications on this page so as to save her the most amount of time in getting caught up with everything with the intention of showing her where to find the chronologically ordered, documented events, which show the escalation of reprisal and my case for bad faith which was mostly caused by Sharaka Suthan.
It is very critical that all the information on this page link here that has previously been sent out, AND which was inserted in the other previous emails, and which has also been updated with new information in the last 6 hours is reviewed, so that you get the full context of everything important leading up to my response to POINT #1 of 4 of Dean’s email response of June 1st, 2020 (My video link to you Kerri explains it in much more detail)
I will give you a complete response to Points #2, 3 and 4 of Dean’s email tomorrow before 11:11 PM EST at the latest.
Like yourself, I desire for this to get everything resolved urgently including having my check that has still not yet been returned - which I have gotten three emails from the lower Management staff refusing to accept this check - so I would obviously like it returned before I make any more payments to QuadReal as I’m sure you understand (ie see video )
Thank you in advance for taking the time to review all my information. I would not be appealing to you in this manner if this was not of the highest importance to me and if I was more competent at written communications (this email was ghost written for me)
And thank you also in advance for your compassion in this very critical, desperate and vulnerable time for me.
ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT: Just a friendly reminder again, my counter request that seems to have been missed/ignored by everyone is at the very top (in BOLD) of this page
Thank you.
Sameena Fernandes
It is very critical that all the information on this page link here that has previously been sent out, AND which was inserted in the other previous emails, and which has also been updated with new information in the last 6 hours is reviewed, so that you get the full context of everything important leading up to my response to POINT #1 of 4 of Dean’s email response of June 1st, 2020 (My video link to you Kerri explains it in much more detail)
I will give you a complete response to Points #2, 3 and 4 of Dean’s email tomorrow before 11:11 PM EST at the latest.
Like yourself, I desire for this to get everything resolved urgently including having my check that has still not yet been returned - which I have gotten three emails from the lower Management staff refusing to accept this check - so I would obviously like it returned before I make any more payments to QuadReal as I’m sure you understand (ie see video )
Thank you in advance for taking the time to review all my information. I would not be appealing to you in this manner if this was not of the highest importance to me and if I was more competent at written communications (this email was ghost written for me)
And thank you also in advance for your compassion in this very critical, desperate and vulnerable time for me.
ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT: Just a friendly reminder again, my counter request that seems to have been missed/ignored by everyone is at the very top (in BOLD) of this page
Thank you.
Sameena Fernandes
From: Kerri Jackson <[email protected]>
Sent: June 2, 2020 9:47 PM
To: [email protected]; Dean Holmes <[email protected]>; Dennis Lopez <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Hi Sameena,
It will take me some time to fully review all of the details that you’ve included below. Please give me until next Monday to respond to each of your requests.
Kerri Jackson
Sent: June 2, 2020 9:47 PM
To: [email protected]; Dean Holmes <[email protected]>; Dennis Lopez <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Hi Sameena,
It will take me some time to fully review all of the details that you’ve included below. Please give me until next Monday to respond to each of your requests.
Kerri Jackson
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: June 3, 2020 11:21 AM
To: Kerri Jackson <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
That’s great Kerri! And in that case, please give me until this coming Sunday night to get what I promised to get over to you by tonight by 11:11 EST tonight. I will do a better job also with more time, and quite honestly, I’d appreciate this brief moment to breathe if you know what I mean. I have been feeling so under attack and for the first time, and thanks to you honestly, I feel safe again so thank you for taking this on Kerri
Sent: June 3, 2020 11:21 AM
To: Kerri Jackson <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
That’s great Kerri! And in that case, please give me until this coming Sunday night to get what I promised to get over to you by tonight by 11:11 EST tonight. I will do a better job also with more time, and quite honestly, I’d appreciate this brief moment to breathe if you know what I mean. I have been feeling so under attack and for the first time, and thanks to you honestly, I feel safe again so thank you for taking this on Kerri
From: Kerri Jackson <[email protected]>
Sent: June 3, 2020 2:48 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Of course. Take your time, Sameena.
Kerri Jackson
Vice President, Residential Operations
QuadReal Property Group
T 604-975-9643 | M 604-916-5635
[email protected]
Sent: June 3, 2020 2:48 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Of course. Take your time, Sameena.
Kerri Jackson
Vice President, Residential Operations
QuadReal Property Group
T 604-975-9643 | M 604-916-5635
[email protected]
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: June 4, 2020 6:09 PM
To: 'Kerri Jackson' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Thank you for that Kerri. Talk to you next week.
Sent: June 4, 2020 6:09 PM
To: 'Kerri Jackson' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Thank you for that Kerri. Talk to you next week.
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: June 9, 2020 9:33 AM
To: [email protected]; 'Kerri Jackson' <[email protected]>
Subject: Thank you Kerri
Hey Kerri just wanted to say how valuable this space you have given me has been for me! Ive been back in happy momentum with my business for the past couple days focusing on my marketing and creating a new funnel and offer which is real exciting.
I don’t want to lose this empowering momentum focused away from my money problems and into creating cash flow.
If you could give me at least one week before responding to any future communications from you Kerri that would really help me not get taken out of positive momentum which is real vital for me as a solo-preneur.
My number one responsibility is to do everything I can right now to not look at problems and stay focused. Anyways, thanks for hearing me Kerri, and I respect that your number one loyalty is to honor the integrity of your employer, so please don’t feel bad if you can not accommodate any request of mine as in my heart I know that you will do your best for me too.
Sent: June 9, 2020 9:33 AM
To: [email protected]; 'Kerri Jackson' <[email protected]>
Subject: Thank you Kerri
Hey Kerri just wanted to say how valuable this space you have given me has been for me! Ive been back in happy momentum with my business for the past couple days focusing on my marketing and creating a new funnel and offer which is real exciting.
I don’t want to lose this empowering momentum focused away from my money problems and into creating cash flow.
If you could give me at least one week before responding to any future communications from you Kerri that would really help me not get taken out of positive momentum which is real vital for me as a solo-preneur.
My number one responsibility is to do everything I can right now to not look at problems and stay focused. Anyways, thanks for hearing me Kerri, and I respect that your number one loyalty is to honor the integrity of your employer, so please don’t feel bad if you can not accommodate any request of mine as in my heart I know that you will do your best for me too.
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: June 12, 2020 1:02 PM
To: [email protected]; 'Kerri Jackson' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Hello again Kerri,
I had a very productive week thanks to you giving me that space, so thank you for that once again.
I felt it only fair that I end my week keeping the written promise I made to you in my email to you Sent: June 4, 2020 6:09 PM, to get back to you this week.
Let me start by reminding you of how I ended the email I Sent: June 2, 2020 9:22 PM…
“ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT: Just a friendly reminder again, my counter request that seems to have been missed/ignored by everyone is at the very top (in BOLD) of this page”
While I am still waiting on a response to the above, I created this video in response to point number 2 of 4 in Dennis’ email to me Sent: June 1, 2020 12:21 PM where he stated…
“The N4 action described in your email occurred in March 2019, some 16 months ago. The balance was paid and no action was ever filed with the RTA. The matter is closed.”
If you watch this screen shot video I made for you Kerri (Transcript Provided Below - The Math Does Not Ad Up QuadReal) you will see why this matter is not closed to me, nor should it be for QuadReal. I do my best to walk you through specific email exchanges I had with Sharaka Suthan back in March 2019 showing you how her math does not ad up.
Finally, after receiving 3 messages from various representatives of QuadReal, making it very clear that QuadReal had refused cashing the check I provided on time for my rent for May 2020, I would like to make note that my written requests to have my check returned, have to this date, not yet been acknowledged.
I’m hoping Sharaka Suthan does not claim to have lost it. If that were the case, I would see this as being another one of her reprisals.
Can you please let me know when QuadReal intends to return this check back to me, as I don’t want to have to unnecessarily waste my time and money having my bank put a stop payment on this check QuadReal has stated to me numerous times in writing that they will not be cashing.
ps You can count on me to respond back to the next email I receive from you, in less than one week from the date and time you send it to me Kerri.
ps for our mutual convenience I’ve added our most recent correspondences in chronological order to the bottom of this page
Sent: June 12, 2020 1:02 PM
To: [email protected]; 'Kerri Jackson' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Hello again Kerri,
I had a very productive week thanks to you giving me that space, so thank you for that once again.
I felt it only fair that I end my week keeping the written promise I made to you in my email to you Sent: June 4, 2020 6:09 PM, to get back to you this week.
Let me start by reminding you of how I ended the email I Sent: June 2, 2020 9:22 PM…
“ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT: Just a friendly reminder again, my counter request that seems to have been missed/ignored by everyone is at the very top (in BOLD) of this page”
While I am still waiting on a response to the above, I created this video in response to point number 2 of 4 in Dennis’ email to me Sent: June 1, 2020 12:21 PM where he stated…
“The N4 action described in your email occurred in March 2019, some 16 months ago. The balance was paid and no action was ever filed with the RTA. The matter is closed.”
If you watch this screen shot video I made for you Kerri (Transcript Provided Below - The Math Does Not Ad Up QuadReal) you will see why this matter is not closed to me, nor should it be for QuadReal. I do my best to walk you through specific email exchanges I had with Sharaka Suthan back in March 2019 showing you how her math does not ad up.
Finally, after receiving 3 messages from various representatives of QuadReal, making it very clear that QuadReal had refused cashing the check I provided on time for my rent for May 2020, I would like to make note that my written requests to have my check returned, have to this date, not yet been acknowledged.
I’m hoping Sharaka Suthan does not claim to have lost it. If that were the case, I would see this as being another one of her reprisals.
Can you please let me know when QuadReal intends to return this check back to me, as I don’t want to have to unnecessarily waste my time and money having my bank put a stop payment on this check QuadReal has stated to me numerous times in writing that they will not be cashing.
ps You can count on me to respond back to the next email I receive from you, in less than one week from the date and time you send it to me Kerri.
ps for our mutual convenience I’ve added our most recent correspondences in chronological order to the bottom of this page
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
From: Kerri Jackson <[email protected]>
Sent: June 17, 2020 11:10 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Patricia DeGasperis <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Hi Sameena,
Before I get into the details of your requests, I wanted to let you know that I am going to be leaving QuadReal this week. I have included Patricia DeGasperis on this email so that she can be aware of our conversation, and help you with future requests.
I also want to assure you that the community team, as well as Patricia, are available by phone and email to answer any questions and for service requests. When we receive feedback from residents, negative and positive, we use that information to improve upon our processes.
I would also like to address your concerns regarding the sale of your suite. As was previously indicated QuadReal has no intention of selling any of the suites at 10 Lisa. The building is and will continue to be operated as a rental apartment building. Any requirement to inspect your suite would only be for regular environmental inspections or in the case of an emergency. Except in the case of an emergency you will always be provided proper notice before entry.
Regarding your cheque for May, I have been told that it was wrapped up in the letter that was given to you on May 5th, requesting that you replace your business cheque with a personal cheque. It is unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding regarding accepting this cheque. As Dean mentioned, we prefer to only accept personal cheques, and our new system will only allow us to accept personal cheques, but we can make an exception from time to time. If you wish to make payments from your business account, we can accept them and deposit them manually instead of using our cheque scanning system. As the May cheque was returned to you, we ask that you provide a replacement cheque to bring down your outstanding balance for May and June rent. If you wish to set up a payment plan, Patricia can help you establish a plan that will get your through this difficult time.
I am confident that moving forward, Patricia and the team at 10 Lisa will be able to address all of your concerns.
Take care,
Sent: June 17, 2020 11:10 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Patricia DeGasperis <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Your recent correspondence
Hi Sameena,
Before I get into the details of your requests, I wanted to let you know that I am going to be leaving QuadReal this week. I have included Patricia DeGasperis on this email so that she can be aware of our conversation, and help you with future requests.
I also want to assure you that the community team, as well as Patricia, are available by phone and email to answer any questions and for service requests. When we receive feedback from residents, negative and positive, we use that information to improve upon our processes.
I would also like to address your concerns regarding the sale of your suite. As was previously indicated QuadReal has no intention of selling any of the suites at 10 Lisa. The building is and will continue to be operated as a rental apartment building. Any requirement to inspect your suite would only be for regular environmental inspections or in the case of an emergency. Except in the case of an emergency you will always be provided proper notice before entry.
Regarding your cheque for May, I have been told that it was wrapped up in the letter that was given to you on May 5th, requesting that you replace your business cheque with a personal cheque. It is unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding regarding accepting this cheque. As Dean mentioned, we prefer to only accept personal cheques, and our new system will only allow us to accept personal cheques, but we can make an exception from time to time. If you wish to make payments from your business account, we can accept them and deposit them manually instead of using our cheque scanning system. As the May cheque was returned to you, we ask that you provide a replacement cheque to bring down your outstanding balance for May and June rent. If you wish to set up a payment plan, Patricia can help you establish a plan that will get your through this difficult time.
I am confident that moving forward, Patricia and the team at 10 Lisa will be able to address all of your concerns.
Take care,
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: June 17, 2020 3:55 PM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Cc: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St
Hello Kerri,
I’m replying back to you urgently because I value people and I wanted you to at least get a reply from me before moving on with your journey.
First of all, I wish you well wherever you go, and thank you for trying to help me.
I get that your hands were probably tied in being able to give me direct answers to my specific questions and concerns, which as you know, I still have not received from you or anyone else at Quadreal to date.
Having said this Kerri, I really appreciate how every communication from you prior to this one showed compassion, so thank you for that.
In my last email I promised you that “You can count on me to respond back to the next email I receive from you, in less than one week from the date and time you send it to me Kerri.”
I will address the rest of my email to Patricia.
Patricia, just like I promised Kerri, you too can count on me to respond back to the next email I receive from you, in less than one week from the date and time you send it to me.
Let me start by reminding you of how I ended the email I Sent: June 2, 2020 9:22 PM…
“ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT: Just a friendly reminder again, my counter request that seems to have been missed/ignored by everyone is at the very top (in BOLD) of this page”
As I am sure you are aware Patricia, Kerri’s response “I would also like to address your concerns regarding the sale of your suite. As was previously indicated QuadReal has no intention of selling any of the suites at 10 Lisa. The building is and will continue to be operated as a rental apartment building. Any requirement to inspect your suite would only be for regular environmental inspections or in the case of an emergency. Except in the case of an emergency you will always be provided proper notice before entry.” Actually did not address my concern nor did it specifically answer my question; but I know you know that.
To be clear, what Kerri said to me above does not directly answer the specific request I made of QuadReal numerous times which once again is…“ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT: Just a friendly reminder again, my counter request that seems to have been missed/ignored by everyone is at the very top (in BOLD) of this page”
Please provide me with the contact information of the corporation which owns 10 Lisa Street, as I would like to escalate my complaints to their staff.
In response to Kerri’s comment “Regarding your cheque for May, I have been told that it was wrapped up in the letter that was given to you on May 5th “
As I had stated in my June 12th email “I’m hoping Sharaka Suthan does not claim to have lost it. If that were the case, I would see this as being another one of her reprisals.”
I obviously never received my check back so I will be going to my bank next week to put a stop payment on it next week. I would be happy to take a lie detector test on this fact with my request that the person at Quadreal who claims to have returned my check agrees to doing the same. I’m sure that person will not agree to a lie detector test because that person knows that she lied.
With respect to Kerri’s request that “we ask that you provide a replacement cheque to bring down your outstanding balance for May and June rent”, please be advised that I will not be giving Quadreal any more checks until I am satisfied that you have watched this video I sent to Kerri in my June 12th email - which was clearly not even looked at (youtube shows zero views to date on this video)
As a reminder, I told you in my June 12th email that this video (Transcript Provided Above) walks you through specific email exchanges I had with Sharaka Suthan back in March 2019 showing you how her math does not ad up.
Until you watch the video and clear up Sharaka’s financial discrepencies, and make clear how much I actually owe after fixing the mistakes I point out in this video, I will not be writing any more checks to QuadReal.
Sameena Fernandes
Sent: June 17, 2020 3:55 PM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Cc: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St
Hello Kerri,
I’m replying back to you urgently because I value people and I wanted you to at least get a reply from me before moving on with your journey.
First of all, I wish you well wherever you go, and thank you for trying to help me.
I get that your hands were probably tied in being able to give me direct answers to my specific questions and concerns, which as you know, I still have not received from you or anyone else at Quadreal to date.
Having said this Kerri, I really appreciate how every communication from you prior to this one showed compassion, so thank you for that.
In my last email I promised you that “You can count on me to respond back to the next email I receive from you, in less than one week from the date and time you send it to me Kerri.”
I will address the rest of my email to Patricia.
Patricia, just like I promised Kerri, you too can count on me to respond back to the next email I receive from you, in less than one week from the date and time you send it to me.
Let me start by reminding you of how I ended the email I Sent: June 2, 2020 9:22 PM…
“ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT: Just a friendly reminder again, my counter request that seems to have been missed/ignored by everyone is at the very top (in BOLD) of this page”
As I am sure you are aware Patricia, Kerri’s response “I would also like to address your concerns regarding the sale of your suite. As was previously indicated QuadReal has no intention of selling any of the suites at 10 Lisa. The building is and will continue to be operated as a rental apartment building. Any requirement to inspect your suite would only be for regular environmental inspections or in the case of an emergency. Except in the case of an emergency you will always be provided proper notice before entry.” Actually did not address my concern nor did it specifically answer my question; but I know you know that.
To be clear, what Kerri said to me above does not directly answer the specific request I made of QuadReal numerous times which once again is…“ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT: Just a friendly reminder again, my counter request that seems to have been missed/ignored by everyone is at the very top (in BOLD) of this page”
Please provide me with the contact information of the corporation which owns 10 Lisa Street, as I would like to escalate my complaints to their staff.
In response to Kerri’s comment “Regarding your cheque for May, I have been told that it was wrapped up in the letter that was given to you on May 5th “
As I had stated in my June 12th email “I’m hoping Sharaka Suthan does not claim to have lost it. If that were the case, I would see this as being another one of her reprisals.”
I obviously never received my check back so I will be going to my bank next week to put a stop payment on it next week. I would be happy to take a lie detector test on this fact with my request that the person at Quadreal who claims to have returned my check agrees to doing the same. I’m sure that person will not agree to a lie detector test because that person knows that she lied.
With respect to Kerri’s request that “we ask that you provide a replacement cheque to bring down your outstanding balance for May and June rent”, please be advised that I will not be giving Quadreal any more checks until I am satisfied that you have watched this video I sent to Kerri in my June 12th email - which was clearly not even looked at (youtube shows zero views to date on this video)
As a reminder, I told you in my June 12th email that this video (Transcript Provided Above) walks you through specific email exchanges I had with Sharaka Suthan back in March 2019 showing you how her math does not ad up.
Until you watch the video and clear up Sharaka’s financial discrepencies, and make clear how much I actually owe after fixing the mistakes I point out in this video, I will not be writing any more checks to QuadReal.
Sameena Fernandes
From: Patricia DeGasperis <[email protected]>
Sent: June 26, 2020 6:18 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: FW: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St
Good afternoon Sameena,
Thank you for your email.
My apologizes for not responding earlier last week, but wanted to have an opportunity to review your ledger.
After reviewing your ledger, the answer that was provided to you was the actual balance amount owing in May 2019. The actual response should have indicated that the rent for the month of May 2019 is ($1665 rent plus $81 for parking = $1746), due to an over payment from the previous month, the balance that was owing for May 2019 was $1646.00 , therefore , going forward for June 2019 the rent was $1746.00. I have spoken to the team to ensure in future, that all communication clearly outlines all the detailed information on the ledger.
In regards to your cheque for the month of May 2020, I am confirming as per Kerri’s email below, we have been advised that the cheque was wrapped up in the letter that was given to you on May 5th, requesting that you replace your business cheque with a personal cheque. It is unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding regarding accepting this cheque. As mentioned below, we prefer to only accept personal cheques, as our new system will only allow us to accept personal cheques, if needed and you wish to make payments from your business account, we can accept them and deposit them manually, instead of us using our new cheque scanning system.
We ask kindly, if you could provide a replacement cheque for the month of May 2020 and payment for June 2020. As I reviewed your ledger, it is noted that the balance owing at the end of June 2020 is $3508. 60, it seems that there was an over payment in the previous months, therefore, this is the balance owing at the end of June 2020. This amount owing is not the equal amount per your normal monthly rental amount for May and June 2020. The rental amount is ($1694 plus $82 = $1776).
In regards to Kerri’s response and would like to confirm that we have discussed with the team that “any requirement to inspect your suite would only be for regular environment inspections or in the case of an emergency. Except in the case of an emergency you will always be provided proper notice before entry.”
I am also confirming , as per your request, that any notices delivered to your suite, will be delivered by another team member of our building.
Please let me know , if I have not answered your concerns, my office phone number is 416-673-7620 if you want to discuss over the phone, I am more than happy to further discuss, as this is your home, and we want you to be happy.
Thank you,
Sent: June 26, 2020 6:18 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: FW: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St
Good afternoon Sameena,
Thank you for your email.
My apologizes for not responding earlier last week, but wanted to have an opportunity to review your ledger.
After reviewing your ledger, the answer that was provided to you was the actual balance amount owing in May 2019. The actual response should have indicated that the rent for the month of May 2019 is ($1665 rent plus $81 for parking = $1746), due to an over payment from the previous month, the balance that was owing for May 2019 was $1646.00 , therefore , going forward for June 2019 the rent was $1746.00. I have spoken to the team to ensure in future, that all communication clearly outlines all the detailed information on the ledger.
In regards to your cheque for the month of May 2020, I am confirming as per Kerri’s email below, we have been advised that the cheque was wrapped up in the letter that was given to you on May 5th, requesting that you replace your business cheque with a personal cheque. It is unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding regarding accepting this cheque. As mentioned below, we prefer to only accept personal cheques, as our new system will only allow us to accept personal cheques, if needed and you wish to make payments from your business account, we can accept them and deposit them manually, instead of us using our new cheque scanning system.
We ask kindly, if you could provide a replacement cheque for the month of May 2020 and payment for June 2020. As I reviewed your ledger, it is noted that the balance owing at the end of June 2020 is $3508. 60, it seems that there was an over payment in the previous months, therefore, this is the balance owing at the end of June 2020. This amount owing is not the equal amount per your normal monthly rental amount for May and June 2020. The rental amount is ($1694 plus $82 = $1776).
In regards to Kerri’s response and would like to confirm that we have discussed with the team that “any requirement to inspect your suite would only be for regular environment inspections or in the case of an emergency. Except in the case of an emergency you will always be provided proper notice before entry.”
I am also confirming , as per your request, that any notices delivered to your suite, will be delivered by another team member of our building.
Please let me know , if I have not answered your concerns, my office phone number is 416-673-7620 if you want to discuss over the phone, I am more than happy to further discuss, as this is your home, and we want you to be happy.
Thank you,
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: June 30, 2020 1:27 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St
In the email I received from <[email protected]> on June 2, 2020 9:47 PM…
I WAS PROMISED “…give me until next Monday to respond to each of your requests.”
Not only did I not receive a response to each of my requests as promised that were contained in this video (Transcript Provided Above - June 2 Karri Jackson) Kerri promised in writing to do so, I have still not received a simple yes or no response to one of my yes or no questions, despite the fact that this question has been referenced and seen and ignored by numerous QuadReal management and executive staff on this page (the page has been renamed for privacy and security reasons)
Neither Kerri, nor anyone at QuadReal has given me a direct yes or no answer to one particular question, despite how many times I have asked it, and despite the fact that I specifically ended at least one of my emails to Kerri with the following words…
“ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT: Just a friendly reminder again, my counter request that seems to have been missed/ignored by everyone is at the very top (in BOLD) of this page”
I have made it perfectly clear in all of my written and video communications to Quadreal how important it is for me to get a direct answer to this simple YES OR NO question/request which is at the top of this page”
For clarification purposes, my question/request that I’m talking about is that Quadreal puts in writing that they “promise to NOT show the premises (10 Lisa Street #2502) to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker” from June 1st up until May 31st, 2021."
Watching this entire video (Transcript Provided Above - June 2 Karri Jackson) that Kerri promised to watch, and respond to all of my requests contained within that video (which she obviously did not) will give you the context and details for why I made this simple yes or no question/request to Quadreal in the first place.
And then after watching it ( Transcript Provided Above - June 2 Karri Jackson), please honor Quadreal’s agreement made to me through your representative Kerri Jackson on June 2nd to “respond to each of your requests” ie All the requests that were communicated in this video (Transcript Provided Above - June 2 Karri Jackson).
While I am waiting on a proper response to each of my requests as communicated in this video , since Quadreal has repeatedly chosen to not give me a yes or no answer to my yes or no question/request that you “promise to NOT show the premises (10 Lisa Street #2502) to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker” from June 1st up until May 31st, 2021." – AND given the numerous times I have asked QuadReal management and executives to answer this yes or no question - and given how many times Quadreal has not given me a yes or no answer to the question, I will respond to your June 26th email within 7 days AFTER I have received a proper response to ALL OF MY REQUESTS in this video (as previously promised by Kerri Jackson).
Once again, as a reminder, in the email I received from <[email protected]> on June 2, 2020 9:47 PM, I was promised “…give me until next Monday to respond to each of your requests.”
Sent: June 30, 2020 1:27 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Management Reprisals at 10 Lisa St
In the email I received from <[email protected]> on June 2, 2020 9:47 PM…
I WAS PROMISED “…give me until next Monday to respond to each of your requests.”
Not only did I not receive a response to each of my requests as promised that were contained in this video (Transcript Provided Above - June 2 Karri Jackson) Kerri promised in writing to do so, I have still not received a simple yes or no response to one of my yes or no questions, despite the fact that this question has been referenced and seen and ignored by numerous QuadReal management and executive staff on this page (the page has been renamed for privacy and security reasons)
Neither Kerri, nor anyone at QuadReal has given me a direct yes or no answer to one particular question, despite how many times I have asked it, and despite the fact that I specifically ended at least one of my emails to Kerri with the following words…
“ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT: Just a friendly reminder again, my counter request that seems to have been missed/ignored by everyone is at the very top (in BOLD) of this page”
I have made it perfectly clear in all of my written and video communications to Quadreal how important it is for me to get a direct answer to this simple YES OR NO question/request which is at the top of this page”
For clarification purposes, my question/request that I’m talking about is that Quadreal puts in writing that they “promise to NOT show the premises (10 Lisa Street #2502) to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker” from June 1st up until May 31st, 2021."
Watching this entire video (Transcript Provided Above - June 2 Karri Jackson) that Kerri promised to watch, and respond to all of my requests contained within that video (which she obviously did not) will give you the context and details for why I made this simple yes or no question/request to Quadreal in the first place.
And then after watching it ( Transcript Provided Above - June 2 Karri Jackson), please honor Quadreal’s agreement made to me through your representative Kerri Jackson on June 2nd to “respond to each of your requests” ie All the requests that were communicated in this video (Transcript Provided Above - June 2 Karri Jackson).
While I am waiting on a proper response to each of my requests as communicated in this video , since Quadreal has repeatedly chosen to not give me a yes or no answer to my yes or no question/request that you “promise to NOT show the premises (10 Lisa Street #2502) to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker” from June 1st up until May 31st, 2021." – AND given the numerous times I have asked QuadReal management and executives to answer this yes or no question - and given how many times Quadreal has not given me a yes or no answer to the question, I will respond to your June 26th email within 7 days AFTER I have received a proper response to ALL OF MY REQUESTS in this video (as previously promised by Kerri Jackson).
Once again, as a reminder, in the email I received from <[email protected]> on June 2, 2020 9:47 PM, I was promised “…give me until next Monday to respond to each of your requests.”
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From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: July 5, 2020 9:10 PM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Cc: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: To Dennis Lopez
Dear Dennis,
My business was hit hard by Covid-19.
Prior to Covid, both mine, and Scott Gallagher’s businesses revolved around, and was dependent upon, face to face, in-person contact for marketing, closing deals and servicing our clients.
Social distancing laws destroyed that for both Scott and I, so we have been forced to re-invent ourselves as individual brands and businesses, working entirely from home connecting with people only online and over zoom now.
We have also had to create new businesses focused on delivering brand new offers in new ways (zoom video meetings combined with private membership sites which we are currently building to serve the new clients our new offers are targeting)
You can (part of)my story here
We are also doing important good work for the community volunteering our time helping (a not for profit organization founded by Scott Gallagher in 2003) where we just started helping suffering addicts over zoom video conferencing at 7:15AM most mornings before we start work in our respective businesses.
I’m therefore respectfully making the following requests of you;
#1 Quadreal agrees to “NOT show the premises (10 Lisa Street #2502) to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker” from August 1st, 2020 up until July 31st, 2021 which is the date my lease renews and ends.
#2 I am also asking that you give me 90 days space to rebuild my business, and get it back on track financially. The details of this “90 days space” request have been communicated by me to you in this 42 minute and 49 second video (Transcript Provided Above- QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days)
#3 Finally, I’m also requesting that, in the event Quadreal chooses to put an N4, or any other paper work in the mail to me that is related to starting an eviction process on me, that you send me an email on the same day that you have put such a notice in the mail, or any other paper work related to starting an eviction process on me. I explain this more clearly in the video (Transcript provided Above-QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days)
Should you choose to go that route with me, I am asking that I be given this extra notice via email to compensate me for the delays I am experiencing in receiving my mail as a result of not just Covid-19 issues but because of your employee Shakura Suthan which I have explained thoroughly here
As I have said in other communications to Quadreal, I have experienced constant hostility from Shakura whenever I have come to a personal encounter with her, meaning face-to-face, including accidentally bumping into her when our paths have crossed on numerous occasions. To keep my anxiety levels from escalating, I keep away from going to P1 as much as possible.
I should be able to see only who I want to see when I’m at home - and my home used to include the P1 area of 10 Lisa Street. Now, sadly it does not.
I do not feel safe going to the mailroom possibly bumping into Shakura , worrying about the virus, and the awkwardness of being in the elevator with the new rules of social distancing.
It is for these reasons that I’m asking you to send me an email on the same day an N4 addressed to me is put in the mail (should you choose to go that route with me).
Thank you for your time and consideration Dennis.
Sameena Fernandes
From: Patricia DeGasperis <[email protected]>
Sent: July 13, 2020 9:34 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: To Dennis Lopez
Dear Ms. Fernandes, your recent email to Dennis Lopez was forwarded to me for review and response. I am pleased to address your requests as follows:
Ms. Fernandes, As we’ve done with many residents, we are ready and willing to work with you to structure a mutually agreeable payment arrangement that recognizes your particular circumstances but it is imperative that you contact me directly to begin that process. I urge you to contact me immediately.
Sent: July 13, 2020 9:34 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: To Dennis Lopez
Dear Ms. Fernandes, your recent email to Dennis Lopez was forwarded to me for review and response. I am pleased to address your requests as follows:
- As previously indicated, 10 Lisa Street has been continuously operated as a rental apartment community since approximately 1980. There are no plans to sell individual suites and thus no need to show them to prospective purchasers or real estate brokers. However to directly answer your request, all the terms and conditions related to when and why we may request entry to your suite are specifically governed by the RTA and outlined in your lease agreement. We will not negotiate outside of those terms. Therefore, no, we will not agree to your request as outlined in point #1 below. But again, I emphasize that there are no plans to market your suite or any other suite at 10 Lisa for sale.
- With respect to unpaid rent on your suite, in recognition of the significant impact that the Covid crisis has had on many of our residents, QuadReal and in particular, the team at 10 Lisa St. has been consistent in our willingness to discuss and arrange payment terms with any resident who makes a good faith effort to sit down and discuss alternatives. We have worked in a positive and cooperative way with every resident who has contacted us and demonstrated a willingness to put forth a reasonable and documented payment agreement. We have no interest in jeopardizing your tenancy but in your case you are currently in arrears in the amount of $5284.60 which represents unpaid rent for the months of May, June and July 2020. I urge you to contact me immediately at 416-673-7620 to discuss payment arrangements and to reach a documented repayment agreement. Failure to do so may be interpreted as an unwillingness on your part to structure an agreement for repayment of your outstanding rent and could eventually jeopardize your tenancy at 10 Lisa.
- With respect to your request for notice regarding an N4 process, your conduct with regard to #2 above will determine our course of action regarding actions to terminate your tenancy and to any additional notice we may extend but rest assured that we will always act in accordance with the notice requirements stipulated in your lease agreement and the Residential Tenancies Act.
Ms. Fernandes, As we’ve done with many residents, we are ready and willing to work with you to structure a mutually agreeable payment arrangement that recognizes your particular circumstances but it is imperative that you contact me directly to begin that process. I urge you to contact me immediately.
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: July 31, 2020 4:45 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Cc: 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: To Dennis Lopez
Dear Ms DeGasperis,
In follow-up to the email/video message I addressed to Dennis Lopez on July 5th and which was forward over to you, please be reminded that, as per what I stated in that video (Transcript Provided Above-QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days), in order for me to be able to pay my back rent to you as fast as possible, I need to stay focused on earning money in my business.
Therefore, please be advised that, I Sameena Fernandes, do hereby authorize Scott Gallagher to represent me, and act as my agent with respect to all matters related to my lease agreement with you at 10 Lisa Street suite 2502.
Sameena Fernandes
Sent: July 31, 2020 4:45 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Cc: 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: To Dennis Lopez
Dear Ms DeGasperis,
In follow-up to the email/video message I addressed to Dennis Lopez on July 5th and which was forward over to you, please be reminded that, as per what I stated in that video (Transcript Provided Above-QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days), in order for me to be able to pay my back rent to you as fast as possible, I need to stay focused on earning money in my business.
Therefore, please be advised that, I Sameena Fernandes, do hereby authorize Scott Gallagher to represent me, and act as my agent with respect to all matters related to my lease agreement with you at 10 Lisa Street suite 2502.
Sameena Fernandes
From: Scott Gallagher <[email protected]>
Sent: August 4, 2020 11:11 AM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: To Dennis Lopez
Ms. DeGasperis,
Quadreal’s staff has been very eager to have Ms. Fernandes inform them in writing of my departure date, so as a matter of clarification, today is August 4th, and I have decided to extend my stay with Ms. Fernandes at 10 Lisa until the Covid-19 pandemic passes, and represent her in her dealings with QuadReal so that she can focus on her business.
In other words, I have accepted Sameena’s video request of me that was disclosed to you on (entitled “May 19th request for Scott”) to extend my occupancy beyond August 1st.
Ms. Fernandes made very clear in her July 5th, 2020 email/video (entitled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days” on that she could not be looking at - or responding to - any correspondence from QuadReal for 90 days - as doing so would take her focus (as a self-employed person) off of her commitment to earning money as fast as possible so she can pay off her back rent to you ASAP.
As you know from Sameena’s repeated requests, your communications badly trigger her Anxiety Condition, making it impossible for her to concentrate on earning money so she can pay off her back rent.
Frankly, I consider this continued disregard for Ms. Fernandes’ well-being additional proof of bad faith on the part of QuadReal.
Bad Faith Episode, March 15, 2019
When QuadReal took over management of 10 Lisa St, an N4 notice was sent by Sharaka Suthan stating that she was in arrears, and in danger of being evicted. Ms. Fernandes immediately paid the amount the notice requested, without verifying it.
After paying the amount that QuadReal said was in arrears, Ms. Fernandes’ research proved that she had actually overpaid, AND therefore the N4 had no legal basis for being served.
It was at this time that I suspected QuadReal was acting in bad faith, trying to strategically effect Ms. Fernandes’ reasonable enjoyment of the property, for the purpose of having her leave “of her own volition” so she could be replaced with a higher paying tenant.
Bad Faith Episode, February 21, 2020
As you may remember from Ms. Fernandes’ many communications, she received a “24 Hour Notice of Entry” for March 4, 2020. Unlike the many other Entry Notices she had received, prior to you taking over the property management of 10 Lisa Street, this one included a new reason:
“To show the premises to prospective purchases or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker.”
To me this was just another example in a historical pattern of QuadReal’s reprisals against Ms. Fernandes. It was this particular episode that was the final straw that caused me to give notice to Ms. Fernandes that I would be moving out on August 1st. I simply couldn’t stay in a place that was attempting to sow this kind of worry into their tenants.
Bad Faith Episode, May 11, 2020
As stated in Ms. Fernandes’ letter of that date, she found a notice with no letterhead or response address, saying:
(Title: Paying by Cheque?) “Rent Payments made via cheque should be made by the leaseholder only: a personal cheque in the name of the leaseholder or bank draft/money order. Thank you.”
She received this note after making the May rent payment. As you are also aware, Ms. Fernandes had used the same business account cheque to pay the April rent which you had no problem in cashing.
QuadReal will later state (see below) that Ms. Fernandes’ cheque was returned with that notice. I was there when she opened the note, and I can attest as well as she has, that there was no returned cheque in that envelope.
Furthermore, as a reminder, Ms. Fernandes has offered to take a lie detector test on this matter just to further prove to you that there was no returned cheque in the envelope.
Ms. Fernandes sent a letter to QuadReal management on May 25, 2020 listing many of the things QuadReal had done in bad faith up to that point. She asked for certain assurances, especially a promise that QuadReal would “NOT show the premises to prospective purchases or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker or show the premises to prospective tenants” (as were mentioned on the Notice of Entry above) for 9 months.
Bad Faith Episodes 6/1/2020, 6/2/2020, 6/3/2020, 6/17/2020, 6/26/2020
In each of these letters QuadReal’s officers failed to directly respond to Ms. Fernandes’ request. In each case, rather than a promise not to sell prior to June 2021, there were different versions of “QuadReal has no intention of selling the facility at 10 Lisa St, or any of its units”.
One does not need a law degree to know that there is nothing reassuring about this bureaucratic corporate-speak. An “intention” lasts only as long as it takes to say it. There is no reassurance because at any hour or day in the future, QuadReal might have a subsequent intention to sell.
If it was true that QuadReal has no intention of selling Ms. Fernandes’ unit (or renting to someone else) then you should have had no problem in accepting her NUMEROUS REQUESTS that you state (in writing) that “QuadReal will not show the premises to prospective purchases or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker or show the premises to prospective tenants”.
That is EXACTLY the kind of reassurance that Ms. Fernandes needs in order to feel secure in her home!
And without a Foundation of Security, it is next to impossible for anyone to focus on their business.
Bad Faith Episode 7/13/2020
This is the first and only time QuadReal, after being ignored so many times, finally responded directly to Ms. Fernandes’ YES OR NO request:
“No, we will not agree to your request as outlined in point #1” that “QuadReal will not show the premises to prospective purchases or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker, or show the premises to prospective tenants”.
Again, I have to ask as a reasonable person: if you have no plans to market any of the suites at 10 Lisa, why couldn’t you simply promise “NOT to show the premises to prospective purchases or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker, or show the premises to prospective tenants” for 9 months?
This would have been a great relief to Ms. Fernandes, who I can confirm has a medically diagnosed situationally-based Anxiety Condition that has been repeatedly triggered by all these letters, as she has pointed out to you repeatedly.
Finally, in almost every letter she has received, there has been a request for Ms. Fernandes to set up a payment plan to clear the arrears compiled over the past few months.
As her representative, I insisted that Ms. Fernandes disclose to me her financial situation before writing this letter.
As such, I can now confirm that due to Covid-19, it is impossible for Ms. Fernandes to commit to a specific and reasonable payment plan until she closes her next deal in her business. In fact, Ms Fernandes clearly communicated this to you on in her email/video (entitled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days”
Both Ms. Fernandes and I are extremely confident that she would close at least one 10K plus deal as above, if you give her the 90 days space she has requested to focus on her business.
For the record, you have chosen to go against Ms. Fernandes’ well-being request by sending your letter of 7/13, which indeed hurt her momentum which resulted in lost income.
As a self-employed person, Ms. Fernandes is paid for results, not for her time. In other words, she does not get a weekly pay check for putting in time. Which again is the reason she has asked me to represent her in future dealings with QuadReal, so that she can fully concentrate on bringing in significant revenue as fast as possible.
Reminder Of Sameena’s Request:
Please do not continue interrupting Ms. Fernandes’ business. Either serve an N4 if you feel you must, or give Ms. Fernandes the 90 days she requested on July 5th, 2020 (in her last email/video you received) to get her businesses producing revenue again. Within 90 days Ms. Fernandes should be in a much better position to make a responsible commitment to a repayment plan for her rent arrears.
The heavy-handed manner in which QuadReal has handled the past few months makes it abundantly clear that you have been trying to take advantage of Ms. Fernandes, by giving her no choice but to leave so that you can rent her unit at the current market rate which you know is significantly higher than what tenants like Sameena who have been here for at least the past 3 years are paying.
The last time a corporation tried to take advantage of her like this, I acted as her agent on a pro-bono basis, resulting in her winning over $30,000 against one of her past employers.
I strongly suggest that you listen to Ms. Fernandes’ video again on (entiltled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days) where she was clear that she would not make promises to you that she couldn’t keep.
Ms. Fernandes is not some deadbeat debtor that will dish out false hope to others by making promises she can’t absolutely keep, just to keep you off her back for a month, and keep stringing you along.
She has been completely honest and transparent, she hasn’t played games, there’s been no trickery or hidden agendas with you.
Therefore, please hear and respect Ms. Fernandes’ request that you have no communications with her for 90 days, while she’s working diligently and tirelessly to bring in a $10,000 deal, which I’ve witnessed her do multiple times before.
Please do not send any more disingenuous emails that make it clear your only agenda is to get Ms. Fernandes out so you can replace her with a tenant that pays a higher rent.
Your last email makes it obvious that you’re not rooting for Ms. Fernandes to close a deal and pay her rent arrears as she is fully capable of doing. This is also made clear by the numerous reprisals catalogued on , most specifically from Sharaka Suthan who has been caught lying about these things more than once.
Please govern yourself accordingly.
Scott Gallagher
Sent: August 4, 2020 11:11 AM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: To Dennis Lopez
Ms. DeGasperis,
Quadreal’s staff has been very eager to have Ms. Fernandes inform them in writing of my departure date, so as a matter of clarification, today is August 4th, and I have decided to extend my stay with Ms. Fernandes at 10 Lisa until the Covid-19 pandemic passes, and represent her in her dealings with QuadReal so that she can focus on her business.
In other words, I have accepted Sameena’s video request of me that was disclosed to you on (entitled “May 19th request for Scott”) to extend my occupancy beyond August 1st.
Ms. Fernandes made very clear in her July 5th, 2020 email/video (entitled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days” on that she could not be looking at - or responding to - any correspondence from QuadReal for 90 days - as doing so would take her focus (as a self-employed person) off of her commitment to earning money as fast as possible so she can pay off her back rent to you ASAP.
As you know from Sameena’s repeated requests, your communications badly trigger her Anxiety Condition, making it impossible for her to concentrate on earning money so she can pay off her back rent.
Frankly, I consider this continued disregard for Ms. Fernandes’ well-being additional proof of bad faith on the part of QuadReal.
Bad Faith Episode, March 15, 2019
When QuadReal took over management of 10 Lisa St, an N4 notice was sent by Sharaka Suthan stating that she was in arrears, and in danger of being evicted. Ms. Fernandes immediately paid the amount the notice requested, without verifying it.
After paying the amount that QuadReal said was in arrears, Ms. Fernandes’ research proved that she had actually overpaid, AND therefore the N4 had no legal basis for being served.
It was at this time that I suspected QuadReal was acting in bad faith, trying to strategically effect Ms. Fernandes’ reasonable enjoyment of the property, for the purpose of having her leave “of her own volition” so she could be replaced with a higher paying tenant.
Bad Faith Episode, February 21, 2020
As you may remember from Ms. Fernandes’ many communications, she received a “24 Hour Notice of Entry” for March 4, 2020. Unlike the many other Entry Notices she had received, prior to you taking over the property management of 10 Lisa Street, this one included a new reason:
“To show the premises to prospective purchases or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker.”
To me this was just another example in a historical pattern of QuadReal’s reprisals against Ms. Fernandes. It was this particular episode that was the final straw that caused me to give notice to Ms. Fernandes that I would be moving out on August 1st. I simply couldn’t stay in a place that was attempting to sow this kind of worry into their tenants.
Bad Faith Episode, May 11, 2020
As stated in Ms. Fernandes’ letter of that date, she found a notice with no letterhead or response address, saying:
(Title: Paying by Cheque?) “Rent Payments made via cheque should be made by the leaseholder only: a personal cheque in the name of the leaseholder or bank draft/money order. Thank you.”
She received this note after making the May rent payment. As you are also aware, Ms. Fernandes had used the same business account cheque to pay the April rent which you had no problem in cashing.
QuadReal will later state (see below) that Ms. Fernandes’ cheque was returned with that notice. I was there when she opened the note, and I can attest as well as she has, that there was no returned cheque in that envelope.
Furthermore, as a reminder, Ms. Fernandes has offered to take a lie detector test on this matter just to further prove to you that there was no returned cheque in the envelope.
Ms. Fernandes sent a letter to QuadReal management on May 25, 2020 listing many of the things QuadReal had done in bad faith up to that point. She asked for certain assurances, especially a promise that QuadReal would “NOT show the premises to prospective purchases or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker or show the premises to prospective tenants” (as were mentioned on the Notice of Entry above) for 9 months.
Bad Faith Episodes 6/1/2020, 6/2/2020, 6/3/2020, 6/17/2020, 6/26/2020
In each of these letters QuadReal’s officers failed to directly respond to Ms. Fernandes’ request. In each case, rather than a promise not to sell prior to June 2021, there were different versions of “QuadReal has no intention of selling the facility at 10 Lisa St, or any of its units”.
One does not need a law degree to know that there is nothing reassuring about this bureaucratic corporate-speak. An “intention” lasts only as long as it takes to say it. There is no reassurance because at any hour or day in the future, QuadReal might have a subsequent intention to sell.
If it was true that QuadReal has no intention of selling Ms. Fernandes’ unit (or renting to someone else) then you should have had no problem in accepting her NUMEROUS REQUESTS that you state (in writing) that “QuadReal will not show the premises to prospective purchases or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker or show the premises to prospective tenants”.
That is EXACTLY the kind of reassurance that Ms. Fernandes needs in order to feel secure in her home!
And without a Foundation of Security, it is next to impossible for anyone to focus on their business.
Bad Faith Episode 7/13/2020
This is the first and only time QuadReal, after being ignored so many times, finally responded directly to Ms. Fernandes’ YES OR NO request:
“No, we will not agree to your request as outlined in point #1” that “QuadReal will not show the premises to prospective purchases or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker, or show the premises to prospective tenants”.
Again, I have to ask as a reasonable person: if you have no plans to market any of the suites at 10 Lisa, why couldn’t you simply promise “NOT to show the premises to prospective purchases or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker, or show the premises to prospective tenants” for 9 months?
This would have been a great relief to Ms. Fernandes, who I can confirm has a medically diagnosed situationally-based Anxiety Condition that has been repeatedly triggered by all these letters, as she has pointed out to you repeatedly.
Finally, in almost every letter she has received, there has been a request for Ms. Fernandes to set up a payment plan to clear the arrears compiled over the past few months.
As her representative, I insisted that Ms. Fernandes disclose to me her financial situation before writing this letter.
As such, I can now confirm that due to Covid-19, it is impossible for Ms. Fernandes to commit to a specific and reasonable payment plan until she closes her next deal in her business. In fact, Ms Fernandes clearly communicated this to you on in her email/video (entitled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days”
Both Ms. Fernandes and I are extremely confident that she would close at least one 10K plus deal as above, if you give her the 90 days space she has requested to focus on her business.
For the record, you have chosen to go against Ms. Fernandes’ well-being request by sending your letter of 7/13, which indeed hurt her momentum which resulted in lost income.
As a self-employed person, Ms. Fernandes is paid for results, not for her time. In other words, she does not get a weekly pay check for putting in time. Which again is the reason she has asked me to represent her in future dealings with QuadReal, so that she can fully concentrate on bringing in significant revenue as fast as possible.
Reminder Of Sameena’s Request:
Please do not continue interrupting Ms. Fernandes’ business. Either serve an N4 if you feel you must, or give Ms. Fernandes the 90 days she requested on July 5th, 2020 (in her last email/video you received) to get her businesses producing revenue again. Within 90 days Ms. Fernandes should be in a much better position to make a responsible commitment to a repayment plan for her rent arrears.
The heavy-handed manner in which QuadReal has handled the past few months makes it abundantly clear that you have been trying to take advantage of Ms. Fernandes, by giving her no choice but to leave so that you can rent her unit at the current market rate which you know is significantly higher than what tenants like Sameena who have been here for at least the past 3 years are paying.
The last time a corporation tried to take advantage of her like this, I acted as her agent on a pro-bono basis, resulting in her winning over $30,000 against one of her past employers.
I strongly suggest that you listen to Ms. Fernandes’ video again on (entiltled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days) where she was clear that she would not make promises to you that she couldn’t keep.
Ms. Fernandes is not some deadbeat debtor that will dish out false hope to others by making promises she can’t absolutely keep, just to keep you off her back for a month, and keep stringing you along.
She has been completely honest and transparent, she hasn’t played games, there’s been no trickery or hidden agendas with you.
Therefore, please hear and respect Ms. Fernandes’ request that you have no communications with her for 90 days, while she’s working diligently and tirelessly to bring in a $10,000 deal, which I’ve witnessed her do multiple times before.
Please do not send any more disingenuous emails that make it clear your only agenda is to get Ms. Fernandes out so you can replace her with a tenant that pays a higher rent.
Your last email makes it obvious that you’re not rooting for Ms. Fernandes to close a deal and pay her rent arrears as she is fully capable of doing. This is also made clear by the numerous reprisals catalogued on , most specifically from Sharaka Suthan who has been caught lying about these things more than once.
Please govern yourself accordingly.
Scott Gallagher
From: Scott Gallagher <[email protected]>
Sent: August 14, 2020 12:02 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Cc: 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: hand-delivered envelope
Respectfully acknowledging receipt of your hand-delivered envelope delivered sometime after 11:30am today which Sameena has asked me not to open up or read with her until after she finishes all her work tasks for the day.
Sent: August 14, 2020 12:02 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Cc: 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: hand-delivered envelope
Respectfully acknowledging receipt of your hand-delivered envelope delivered sometime after 11:30am today which Sameena has asked me not to open up or read with her until after she finishes all her work tasks for the day.
From: Scott Gallagher <[email protected]>
Sent: August 16, 2020 9:06 AM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: post-dated checks payable to 10 Lisa Street
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: August 15, 2020 1:07 PM
To: 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: post-dated checks payable to 10 Lisa Street
Hey Scott,
I just finished writing a number of post-dated checks payable to 10 Lisa Street. These checks cover the current arrears as well as the rent that will be owed as of September 1st, 2020.
Can we set up a zoom call to talk about all this sometime tomorrow?
Sent: August 16, 2020 9:06 AM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: post-dated checks payable to 10 Lisa Street
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: August 15, 2020 1:07 PM
To: 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: post-dated checks payable to 10 Lisa Street
Hey Scott,
I just finished writing a number of post-dated checks payable to 10 Lisa Street. These checks cover the current arrears as well as the rent that will be owed as of September 1st, 2020.
Can we set up a zoom call to talk about all this sometime tomorrow?
From: Scott Gallagher <[email protected]>
Sent: August 16, 2020 4:43 PM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Tracking Number
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: August 16, 2020 4:01 PM
To: 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: Tracking Number
Hi Scott,
As promised, here’s the video which shows the tracking number for the checks I sent QuadReal yesterday AND which add up to NOT ONLY my current rent arrears BUT ALSO what I will owe as of September 1st, 2020.
Thank you once again for all your help.
Sent: August 16, 2020 4:43 PM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Tracking Number
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: August 16, 2020 4:01 PM
To: 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: Tracking Number
Hi Scott,
As promised, here’s the video which shows the tracking number for the checks I sent QuadReal yesterday AND which add up to NOT ONLY my current rent arrears BUT ALSO what I will owe as of September 1st, 2020.
Thank you once again for all your help.
From: Patricia DeGasperis <[email protected]>
Sent: August 17, 2020 3:14 PM
To: 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Tracking Number
Good afternoon Scott,
Thank you for forwarding the email below.
Sent: August 17, 2020 3:14 PM
To: 'Scott' <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Tracking Number
Good afternoon Scott,
Thank you for forwarding the email below.
From: Scott Gallagher <[email protected]>
Sent: August 18, 2020 10:04 AM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Tracking Number
Good morning Patricia,
The strategic tactics you had carried out last week through Maira resulted in me no
longer representing Sameena Fernandes as her agent.
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: August 18, 2020 10:37 AM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Dear Ms DeGasperis,
This is a copy of the email I sent out earlier this morning to QuadReal
Attention: Ms DeGasperis, Quadreal Management And Executives:
I am sending this UNOFFICIAL page link to you today, WITHOUT PREJUDICE, with the understanding that I am still in the process of creating and editing this work-in-progress premature version of the message you see on this page.
It is my sincere hope, that, by you reviewing the spirit of the message (while I am in the process of communicating it to you), someone at QuadReal will take the time to understand and care about the seriousness of my situation, as I do my best to find the right words to adequately communicate the extent of damages, and harassment that your past, and especially most recent actions have had on my mental, emotional and physical well-being.
I am also sending this WITHOUT PREJUDICE PAGE to you now, even though it is incomplete, with the belief that doing so might stop you from further harassing me.
My hope is that QuadReal will finally understand and do something about the harm your actions have had on my mental, emotional and physical well-being....and that you’ll cease from doing these things, as your actions are sabotaging me from having a fighting chance at making enough money in my home business fast enough, so that I can pay off my back rent before you try again to evict me.
For clarification purposes, Anything you see (including the temporary, unpolished video you see at the top of this page - prior to 5PM, August 21st is NOT my official message to you.
In the spirit of me continuing to be transparent with you, please be advised that I will be seeking legal counsel this week, and I will be calling the Landlord/Tenant Act people today (for the very first time in my life) immediately after sending you this email, so that I can be informed of my rights.
In the meantime, I must insist that you please cease and desist from communicating with me or Scott Gallagher until after 5PM EST, August 21st, so that I can attempt to carry on with my business this week (while I am being distracted enough having to complete my letter) and replace the video that you see on this page as soon as
Giving me this space, will allow me to get back to the business of earning money, so that I can pay off my back rent to you even quicker than the post-dated checks I have previously sent you as my repayment plan.
REMINDER: Refresh this page ON OR AFTER 5PM EST on August 21st to see my final draft/official message.
Sameena Fernandes
PS you can also click here to see previous correspondence to date
Sent: August 18, 2020 10:37 AM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Dear Ms DeGasperis,
This is a copy of the email I sent out earlier this morning to QuadReal
Attention: Ms DeGasperis, Quadreal Management And Executives:
I am sending this UNOFFICIAL page link to you today, WITHOUT PREJUDICE, with the understanding that I am still in the process of creating and editing this work-in-progress premature version of the message you see on this page.
It is my sincere hope, that, by you reviewing the spirit of the message (while I am in the process of communicating it to you), someone at QuadReal will take the time to understand and care about the seriousness of my situation, as I do my best to find the right words to adequately communicate the extent of damages, and harassment that your past, and especially most recent actions have had on my mental, emotional and physical well-being.
I am also sending this WITHOUT PREJUDICE PAGE to you now, even though it is incomplete, with the belief that doing so might stop you from further harassing me.
My hope is that QuadReal will finally understand and do something about the harm your actions have had on my mental, emotional and physical well-being....and that you’ll cease from doing these things, as your actions are sabotaging me from having a fighting chance at making enough money in my home business fast enough, so that I can pay off my back rent before you try again to evict me.
For clarification purposes, Anything you see (including the temporary, unpolished video you see at the top of this page - prior to 5PM, August 21st is NOT my official message to you.
In the spirit of me continuing to be transparent with you, please be advised that I will be seeking legal counsel this week, and I will be calling the Landlord/Tenant Act people today (for the very first time in my life) immediately after sending you this email, so that I can be informed of my rights.
In the meantime, I must insist that you please cease and desist from communicating with me or Scott Gallagher until after 5PM EST, August 21st, so that I can attempt to carry on with my business this week (while I am being distracted enough having to complete my letter) and replace the video that you see on this page as soon as
Giving me this space, will allow me to get back to the business of earning money, so that I can pay off my back rent to you even quicker than the post-dated checks I have previously sent you as my repayment plan.
REMINDER: Refresh this page ON OR AFTER 5PM EST on August 21st to see my final draft/official message.
Sameena Fernandes
PS you can also click here to see previous correspondence to date
In MY August 21, 2020 Letter, I stated The Following Seven Key Points:
Allow me to re-emphasize the points that have been brought to your attention above:
1. I am not a writer and I do not communicate very well in writing, which is why I have been sending you videos, which you have ignored. I had to have writers help me when they were available, but in this case, you knew that, so that is why you gave me no prior notice, so I wouldn't have time to give you a proper response. Hence, why this document is not very well written.
2. I have been forced to personally respond back to you based on your letter dated August 12 personally delivered to me by your people, which you could have sent to me by email on August 12 aswell, but instead I only received it on the 14th, the same day you were threatening to go legal on me if I did not respond by the 14th. As a reminder, as per your letter dated August 12,
"If you fail to contact us by August 14th, we will assume that you have no intention to work with us to structure a payment plan agreement and therefore we will be forced to pursue legal remedies available to us under the Residential Tenancies Act" .
I have stressed in my previous communications to you that I have an anxiety disorder. Therefore your condescending repeated communications with me continue to trigger my anxiety, and take me out of momentum in my business. So I have been left with no choice but to respond back to you directly.
3. I repeatedly informed you that I cannot handle any additional stress with regards to this situation, which is why I authorized Mr. Gallagher to act as my agent in this matter, and to deal directly with you and your staff. I am not able to do so myself without it seriously jeopardizing my financial, physical and mental well-being. You have repeatedly shown blatant disregard for my well-being requests, and you continue to sabotage my efforts to earn the money to pay off my rent as quickly as possible.
And this time, you took it a step further by sending one of QuadReal’s employees knocking on my door. By showing up unexpectedly and unannounced, this put me in complete shock and anxiety, making it impossible for me to focus on my business for the past few days. This in turn delays the process of me bringing in money quickly, so that I can pay my back rent.
Based on your actions to date, it is clear that you absolutely do not have a good faith intention to have me succeed and make the money I am striving to make working endless hours to accomplish my goal in a reasonable period of time to pay my rent again, including my Arrears.
As I have said before, and will say again, you have a lot more to gain financially if I fail and cannot pay my rent, eventually leading to eviction, so a higher paying tenant can take over my suite. Let’s put it in perspective, if I were to leave, you would be gaining an extra $800 to a $900, possibly even more from a new tenant, which is a huge financial incentive for QuadReal. This has obviously been your intention all along, as I have said more then once in previous communications.
4. After my repeated requests (and you repeatedly ignoring those requests) that my May rent cheque be returned, you and your management have stated recently that the cheque has already been returned. I have repeatedly stated that it was not returned to me, and that I, and now Scott Gallagher, have freely volunteered to take a lie detector test on this matter.
5. It is clear that you are hoping that your letters, and especially your recent actions, portray me as being the ‘unreasonable’ tenant. It is obvious that your agenda behind your tactics is to represent me as one who 'lied' and is ‘unreasonable’. However, numerous documented instances showing repeated reprisals are referenced in this document.
6. If you cared about your tenants and had any regard for their emotional security, you would have posted a notice that you had mistakenly used the 24 Hour Access request from a different property, as I requested. That would have reassured all the other 198 worried tenants at 10 Lisa St. that realtors, brokers and agents would not be given access to our suites for at least the coming year.
By repeatedly ignoring this request, you have made it brutally clear that your intention was to do whatever it takes to cause the conditions under which tenants will leave of their own account. By making all your tenants fear for their security, you hope that they will leave their tenancy on their own, and you can replace them with higher paying tenants.
If this 24–hour Notice of Entry, (Refer To Image Below) with the two unique, never seen before in my tenancy at 10 Lisa Street, reasons for access into our suite (highlighted in pink) caused my roommate Scott to give me his 60–day notice, don’t you think that it will cause similar fear in your other tenants and cause them to question their security as well?
I know I don’t speak alone when I stress the anxiety and fear for our security in our home that is triggered by this notice, as this is a topic of conversation among the tenants.
And still, despite my many requests, you continue to choose to not proceed with measures (in writing) that would reassure tenants that they have nothing to worry about, that their tenancy is secured, and that 24–hour of entry notice with those two shocking as outline on the form, (See Image Below) reasons to have access into our suite is not real, and it was meant for 8-Lisa Street.
Because you have not agreed to do this, or even acknowledge it, it further proves my point, it makes it very clear that your intention is to do whatever it takes to cause the conditions under which tenants will leave of their own account, by making all your tenants fear for their security, so that they will leave their tenancy on their own, and you can replace them with higher paying tenants.
7. Again, I ask that If you are going to personally deliver a letter to me, or put one in my mail box, please contact me via email or with a 24-hour Notice, to let me know that it is coming, so I can make arrangements to be home. And Again, I do not answer the door if I am not expecting someone.
Here is the link to the full correspondence (August 21 Letter) for your reference (Note: Link has been changed to this official link to this page)
1. I am not a writer and I do not communicate very well in writing, which is why I have been sending you videos, which you have ignored. I had to have writers help me when they were available, but in this case, you knew that, so that is why you gave me no prior notice, so I wouldn't have time to give you a proper response. Hence, why this document is not very well written.
2. I have been forced to personally respond back to you based on your letter dated August 12 personally delivered to me by your people, which you could have sent to me by email on August 12 aswell, but instead I only received it on the 14th, the same day you were threatening to go legal on me if I did not respond by the 14th. As a reminder, as per your letter dated August 12,
"If you fail to contact us by August 14th, we will assume that you have no intention to work with us to structure a payment plan agreement and therefore we will be forced to pursue legal remedies available to us under the Residential Tenancies Act" .
I have stressed in my previous communications to you that I have an anxiety disorder. Therefore your condescending repeated communications with me continue to trigger my anxiety, and take me out of momentum in my business. So I have been left with no choice but to respond back to you directly.
3. I repeatedly informed you that I cannot handle any additional stress with regards to this situation, which is why I authorized Mr. Gallagher to act as my agent in this matter, and to deal directly with you and your staff. I am not able to do so myself without it seriously jeopardizing my financial, physical and mental well-being. You have repeatedly shown blatant disregard for my well-being requests, and you continue to sabotage my efforts to earn the money to pay off my rent as quickly as possible.
And this time, you took it a step further by sending one of QuadReal’s employees knocking on my door. By showing up unexpectedly and unannounced, this put me in complete shock and anxiety, making it impossible for me to focus on my business for the past few days. This in turn delays the process of me bringing in money quickly, so that I can pay my back rent.
Based on your actions to date, it is clear that you absolutely do not have a good faith intention to have me succeed and make the money I am striving to make working endless hours to accomplish my goal in a reasonable period of time to pay my rent again, including my Arrears.
As I have said before, and will say again, you have a lot more to gain financially if I fail and cannot pay my rent, eventually leading to eviction, so a higher paying tenant can take over my suite. Let’s put it in perspective, if I were to leave, you would be gaining an extra $800 to a $900, possibly even more from a new tenant, which is a huge financial incentive for QuadReal. This has obviously been your intention all along, as I have said more then once in previous communications.
4. After my repeated requests (and you repeatedly ignoring those requests) that my May rent cheque be returned, you and your management have stated recently that the cheque has already been returned. I have repeatedly stated that it was not returned to me, and that I, and now Scott Gallagher, have freely volunteered to take a lie detector test on this matter.
5. It is clear that you are hoping that your letters, and especially your recent actions, portray me as being the ‘unreasonable’ tenant. It is obvious that your agenda behind your tactics is to represent me as one who 'lied' and is ‘unreasonable’. However, numerous documented instances showing repeated reprisals are referenced in this document.
6. If you cared about your tenants and had any regard for their emotional security, you would have posted a notice that you had mistakenly used the 24 Hour Access request from a different property, as I requested. That would have reassured all the other 198 worried tenants at 10 Lisa St. that realtors, brokers and agents would not be given access to our suites for at least the coming year.
By repeatedly ignoring this request, you have made it brutally clear that your intention was to do whatever it takes to cause the conditions under which tenants will leave of their own account. By making all your tenants fear for their security, you hope that they will leave their tenancy on their own, and you can replace them with higher paying tenants.
If this 24–hour Notice of Entry, (Refer To Image Below) with the two unique, never seen before in my tenancy at 10 Lisa Street, reasons for access into our suite (highlighted in pink) caused my roommate Scott to give me his 60–day notice, don’t you think that it will cause similar fear in your other tenants and cause them to question their security as well?
I know I don’t speak alone when I stress the anxiety and fear for our security in our home that is triggered by this notice, as this is a topic of conversation among the tenants.
And still, despite my many requests, you continue to choose to not proceed with measures (in writing) that would reassure tenants that they have nothing to worry about, that their tenancy is secured, and that 24–hour of entry notice with those two shocking as outline on the form, (See Image Below) reasons to have access into our suite is not real, and it was meant for 8-Lisa Street.
Because you have not agreed to do this, or even acknowledge it, it further proves my point, it makes it very clear that your intention is to do whatever it takes to cause the conditions under which tenants will leave of their own account, by making all your tenants fear for their security, so that they will leave their tenancy on their own, and you can replace them with higher paying tenants.
7. Again, I ask that If you are going to personally deliver a letter to me, or put one in my mail box, please contact me via email or with a 24-hour Notice, to let me know that it is coming, so I can make arrangements to be home. And Again, I do not answer the door if I am not expecting someone.
Here is the link to the full correspondence (August 21 Letter) for your reference (Note: Link has been changed to this official link to this page)
From Patricia DeGasperis
August 31, 2020 12:18PM
Dear Ms. Fernandes,
We confirm our various email communication regarding the issues relating to your tenancy at 10 Lisa Street, Brampton, ON.
First, the arrears of rent are currently $7,063.46. Your monthly rent is currently $1,776.00, and your rent increase has been deferred until we give you notice that we will be collecting the deferred rent increase.
We acknowledge receipt of a series of postdated cheques from August 2020 to September 2021 each in the following amounts:
$100.00 – One cheque
$588.64 – One cheque
$588.62 – Two cheques
$771.50 – Nine cheques
We are returning these cheques to you as your offer regarding the resolution of your arrears of rent is not satisfactory to the Landlord. Unless you contact me and make arrangements to pick up the cheques from the management office within 3 days, we will be returning these cheques to you by regular mail. Please let us know if you would like to attend at the management office and we will make the cheques available for you to pick up.
On June 1st, 2020, June 2nd, 2020, June 17th, 2020, June 26th, 2020, July 10th, 2020 and August 12th, 2020 , we invited you to work with us and we invited you to propose a reasonable repayment schedule. Based on your arrears of rent set forth above, and based on the cheques received, it would take you over 1 year to pay the arrears of rent. This is not a reasonable repayment plan.
Accordingly, we are prepared to accept the payment of the arrears of rent in equal monthly instalments from September 2020 to February 2021 inclusive. During this time, you will also be required to pay the monthly rent by the first business day of each month. Accordingly, you are required to pay your rent plus an additional $1,177.24 starting September 1, 2020 and each month until February 1, 2021 or until all of the arrears of rent are paid in full. Your rent is due on the first day of each and every month in accordance with the Tenancy Agreement.
We note that the last time that you made any payment for rent was April 1, 2020. No payment has been paid since that time.
We attach a copy of our draft Rent Arrears Repayment Agreement for your review. Our agreement that we make is without prejudice to the Landlord commencing and/or continuing legal action including the service of a Form N4 and the filing of a L1 Application with the Landlord and Tenant Board. If the matter proceeds to the Board, we will honour the Rent Arrears Repayment Agreement.
However, you must note that in the event that you default in any payment the entire arrears of rent are immediately due and payable and you must pay all of the arrears of rent as if we did not enter into a repayment agreement.
We cannot account for the reason why you did not receive the company cheque that we returned to you on May 5, 2020. On that date we slid our covering letter and your cheque through the door frame so that the cheque would have been in your apartment on May 5, 2020, after we delivered this cheque back to you.
Thank you again for reaching out. We hope that our communication sets out QuadReal’s offer to attempt to resolve the issue of the arrears of rent and to attempt to negotiate a repayment plan with you including your arrears of rent.
We confirm our various email communication regarding the issues relating to your tenancy at 10 Lisa Street, Brampton, ON.
First, the arrears of rent are currently $7,063.46. Your monthly rent is currently $1,776.00, and your rent increase has been deferred until we give you notice that we will be collecting the deferred rent increase.
We acknowledge receipt of a series of postdated cheques from August 2020 to September 2021 each in the following amounts:
$100.00 – One cheque
$588.64 – One cheque
$588.62 – Two cheques
$771.50 – Nine cheques
We are returning these cheques to you as your offer regarding the resolution of your arrears of rent is not satisfactory to the Landlord. Unless you contact me and make arrangements to pick up the cheques from the management office within 3 days, we will be returning these cheques to you by regular mail. Please let us know if you would like to attend at the management office and we will make the cheques available for you to pick up.
On June 1st, 2020, June 2nd, 2020, June 17th, 2020, June 26th, 2020, July 10th, 2020 and August 12th, 2020 , we invited you to work with us and we invited you to propose a reasonable repayment schedule. Based on your arrears of rent set forth above, and based on the cheques received, it would take you over 1 year to pay the arrears of rent. This is not a reasonable repayment plan.
Accordingly, we are prepared to accept the payment of the arrears of rent in equal monthly instalments from September 2020 to February 2021 inclusive. During this time, you will also be required to pay the monthly rent by the first business day of each month. Accordingly, you are required to pay your rent plus an additional $1,177.24 starting September 1, 2020 and each month until February 1, 2021 or until all of the arrears of rent are paid in full. Your rent is due on the first day of each and every month in accordance with the Tenancy Agreement.
We note that the last time that you made any payment for rent was April 1, 2020. No payment has been paid since that time.
We attach a copy of our draft Rent Arrears Repayment Agreement for your review. Our agreement that we make is without prejudice to the Landlord commencing and/or continuing legal action including the service of a Form N4 and the filing of a L1 Application with the Landlord and Tenant Board. If the matter proceeds to the Board, we will honour the Rent Arrears Repayment Agreement.
However, you must note that in the event that you default in any payment the entire arrears of rent are immediately due and payable and you must pay all of the arrears of rent as if we did not enter into a repayment agreement.
We cannot account for the reason why you did not receive the company cheque that we returned to you on May 5, 2020. On that date we slid our covering letter and your cheque through the door frame so that the cheque would have been in your apartment on May 5, 2020, after we delivered this cheque back to you.
Thank you again for reaching out. We hope that our communication sets out QuadReal’s offer to attempt to resolve the issue of the arrears of rent and to attempt to negotiate a repayment plan with you including your arrears of rent.
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: September 7, 2020 6:54 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
Ms. DeGasperis,
I confirm receipt of your August 31st email, and will give you a response before the end of the month in regards to resolving “the issue of the arrears of rent and to attempt to negotiate a repayment plan with you…”
Sent: September 7, 2020 6:54 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
Ms. DeGasperis,
I confirm receipt of your August 31st email, and will give you a response before the end of the month in regards to resolving “the issue of the arrears of rent and to attempt to negotiate a repayment plan with you…”
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: September 16, 2020 2:53 PM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
Ms DeGasperis,
On August 31st you wrote “Unless you contact me and make arrangements to pick up the cheques from the management office within 3 days, we will be returning these cheques to you by regular mail.”
It has been more than two weeks now, and I have still not received the cheques you promised to return by regular mail.
Sent: September 16, 2020 2:53 PM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
Ms DeGasperis,
On August 31st you wrote “Unless you contact me and make arrangements to pick up the cheques from the management office within 3 days, we will be returning these cheques to you by regular mail.”
It has been more than two weeks now, and I have still not received the cheques you promised to return by regular mail.
From: Patricia DeGasperis <[email protected]>
Sent: September 21, 2020 4:24 PM
To: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
Good afternoon Ms. Fernandes
Thank you for your email below.
The cheques were mailed out to your suite address early last week.
Sent: September 21, 2020 4:24 PM
To: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
Good afternoon Ms. Fernandes
Thank you for your email below.
The cheques were mailed out to your suite address early last week.
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: September 22, 2020 4:54 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
Actually, according to Canada Post, the cheques were mailed out this past Wednesday, September 16th - and arrived in my mailbox today, September 22nd.
Sent: September 22, 2020 4:54 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
Actually, according to Canada Post, the cheques were mailed out this past Wednesday, September 16th - and arrived in my mailbox today, September 22nd.
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: September 30, 2020 3:01 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
On September 7th I promised to “give you a response before the end of the month in regards to resolving “the issue of the arrears of rent and to attempt to negotiate a repayment plan with you…”
I’ve just been informed that my writer won’t be finished his final edit for me until later tonight, and because my writer is based in Utah, and has a full-time day job, it’s possible that I might not have my response and repayment proposal email over to you until sometime after midnight tonight.
Just wanted to be in communication, soon as I knew, that I might not be able to keep my promise to deliver “before the end of the month” so that my word is honored, and you are not left wondering.
You will definitely have it before you arrive to work tomorrow morning.
Sent: September 30, 2020 3:01 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
On September 7th I promised to “give you a response before the end of the month in regards to resolving “the issue of the arrears of rent and to attempt to negotiate a repayment plan with you…”
I’ve just been informed that my writer won’t be finished his final edit for me until later tonight, and because my writer is based in Utah, and has a full-time day job, it’s possible that I might not have my response and repayment proposal email over to you until sometime after midnight tonight.
Just wanted to be in communication, soon as I knew, that I might not be able to keep my promise to deliver “before the end of the month” so that my word is honored, and you are not left wondering.
You will definitely have it before you arrive to work tomorrow morning.
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: October 1, 2020 7:54 AM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
I’m just looking over what my writer sent me at 10:28 pm last night, and there are some
facts, and typo errors that I need cleaned up this morning before sending my email to you
that I previously told you I would have over to you before you arrived to work this morning. I’m now anticipating having this over to you before 1pm today. And thank you for promptly acknowledging my email from yesterday afternoon. Sameena
Sent: October 1, 2020 7:54 AM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: 10 Lisa Street, suite 2502
I’m just looking over what my writer sent me at 10:28 pm last night, and there are some
facts, and typo errors that I need cleaned up this morning before sending my email to you
that I previously told you I would have over to you before you arrived to work this morning. I’m now anticipating having this over to you before 1pm today. And thank you for promptly acknowledging my email from yesterday afternoon. Sameena
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: October 1, 2020 12:41 PM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Cc: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: To Dennis Lopez
Reminder of the email I sent you on July 5th ;
“Dear Dennis,
My business was hit hard by Covid-19.
Prior to Covid, both mine, and Scott Gallagher’s businesses revolved around, and was dependent upon, face to face, in-person contact for marketing, closing deals and servicing our clients.
Social distancing laws destroyed that for both Scott and I, so we have been forced to re-invent ourselves as individual brands and businesses, working entirely from home connecting with people only online and over zoom now.
We have also had to create new businesses focused on delivering brand new offers in new ways (zoom video meetings combined with private membership sites which we are currently building to serve the new clients our new offers are targeting)
you can see my story here (the link has changed to the following,
We are also doing important good work for the community volunteering our time helping Link changed to (a not for profit organization founded by Scott Gallagher in 2003) where we just started helping suffering addicts over zoom video conferencing at 715am most mornings before we start work in our respective businesses.
I’m therefore respectfully making the following requests of you;
#1 Quadreal agrees to “NOT show the premises (10 Lisa Street #2502) to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker” from August 1st, 2020 up until July 31st, 2021 which is the date my lease renews and ends.
#2 I am also asking that you give me 90 days space to rebuild my business, and get it back on track financially. The details of this “90 days space” request have been communicated by me to you in this 42 minute and 49 second video
#3 Finally, I’m also requesting that, in the event Quadreal chooses to put an N4, or any other paper work in the mail to me that is related to starting an eviction process on me, that you send me an email on the same day that you have put such a notice in the mail, or any other paper work related to starting an eviction process on me. I explain this more clearly in the video
Should you choose to go that route with me, I am asking that I be given this extra notice via email to compensate me for the delays I am experiencing in receiving my mail as a result of not just Covid-19 issues but because of your employee Shakura Suthan which I have explained thoroughly here (this link has since been changed to for privacy reasons)
As I have said in other communications to Quadreal, I have experienced constant hostility from Shakura whenever I have come to a personal encounter with her, meaning face-to-face, including accidentally bumping into her when our paths have crossed on numerous occasions. To keep my anxiety levels from escalating, I keep away from going to P1 as much as possible.
I should be able to see only who I want to see when I’m at home - and my home used to include the P1 area of 10 Lisa Street. Now, sadly it does not.
I do not feel safe going to the mailroom possibly bumping into Shakura , worrying about the virus, and the awkwardness of being in the elevator with the new rules of social distancing.
It is for these reasons that I’m asking you to send me an email on the same day an N4 addressed to me is put in the mail (should you choose to go that route with me).
Thank you for your time and consideration Dennis.
Sameena Fernandes (this link has since been changed to for privacy reasons)“
IMPORTANT NOTE AND INTRODUCTION: The new message you are about to read is a continuation to the email sent to you on AND THIS PAGE contains my entire case chronology along with Transcription attachments that go with each of the approximately 15 videos you received from me over the past number of months.
The tone my ghost writers used in their writing is stronger than what I had ideally wanted to communicate, so I apologize for not having the time or resources to edit the tone of their letters.
I do, however, stand behind the facts as outlined in this letter. I don’t have the time nor the energy to fight anymore. Therefore, please know that this is my final offer and I’m also letting you know in good-faith that this offer is non-negotiable so you can remain certain that I’m not taking advantage of any disingenuous stall tactics available to me.
I would only ask in return that you take in to consideration my anxiety condition (which my writers have detailed to you accurately more than once), and kindly notify me of your decision, AS SOON AS the decision has been made.
In other words, in the event your organization chooses to reject my proposal and move forward with serving me an N4, I’m asking you to please take into consideration everything I have communicated to your company which is all on these two page links and with respect to my medically diagnosed anxiety condition - that as soon as your organization makes the decision to accept or reject this plan, please have the sensitivity and compassion to email me back on the very same day you make your decision to accept or reject my plan, and also please let me know on what date you expect your staff will be putting an N4 in the mail to be sent out to me, should that be your decision.
Knowing what actions you are going to take, and what to expect next, as soon as possible, will drastically reduce my current anxiety levels, and give me hope that I still might have a chance to earn enough money fast enough, to pay you back sooner than I can currently promise, based on my current economic situation and circumstances.
On July 5th, 2020, I told you numerous times that I would not be in a position to talk about or make any promises with respect to the money situation until October 5th, 2020 – provided that you would give me 90 days without any interruptions from QuadReal Management, so that I can do just that. Your actions have made it extremely difficult for me to succeed in making the money, so I can pay my rent arrears.
On August 4th, 2020 my former agent, Scott Gallagher sent an email (and key leaders, including the CEO of QuadReal were included in this email) representing my case for issues that related to the pending rent arrears I owe, and making some kind of a payment arrangement that you were repeatedly forcing me to commit to. In this email, Scott disclosed to you, QuadReal,
“As such, I can now confirm that due to Covid-19, it is impossible for Ms. Fernandes to commit to a specific and reasonable payment plan until she closes her next deal in her business. In fact, Ms Fernandes clearly communicated this to you on in her email/video (entitled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days”)”
And he further went on to state:
“Both Ms. Fernandes and I are extremely confident that she would close at least one 10K plus deal as above, if you give her the 90 days space she has requested to focus on her business”. (As she has accomplished this many times before – when she is not bombarded with any outside distractions/triggers).
… “you have chosen to go against Ms. Fernandes’ well-being request by sending your letter of 7/13, which indeed hurt her momentum which resulted in lost income.”
As I have repeatedly communicated in my previous emails/videos is that QuadReal’s number one intention is that I don’t succeed in being able to pay my rent and arrears, so that you can start the process of eviction, and replace me with a tenant that will pay the market rate for my suite, which is nearly $800 per month higher than I contractually pay. QuadReal staff/management has made things very uncomfortable for me impacting my reasonable enjoyment of this place, which a lot of the incidences that has been documented on this page show QuadReal’s eagerness to intentionally cause me to jeopardize my tenancy at 10 Lisa Street.
Furthermore, Instead of giving the 90 days I needed to be able to make the money needed to pay the arrears in October of 2020, you did exactly what I told you would guarantee me not being able to pay the rent by repeatedly interrupting me, breaking my concentration, and preventing me from making the progress on my business that I needed to make.
But again, it is clear to me that everything you’ve done, especially continually interrupting me during the 90 day period I requested, is designed to give you an excuse to get rid of me so you can rent to a tenant that will pay more for my suite.
In his August 4th, 2020 email to QuadReal, Mr. Gallagher told you;
“I strongly suggest that you listen to Ms. Fernandes’ video again on (entiltled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days) where she was clear that she would not make promises to you that she couldn’t keep.”
Regardless, you continuously kept badgering me to make payment arrangements with you after I was transparent with you about my vulnerable situation, and I wasn’t in a position where I could possibly make ‘reasonable’ payment arrangements with you. You had ignored my concerns.
After going back and forth with you though email correspondence after you refusing to cash my May rent cheque in the manner I delivered it to you in - and after me clearly disclosing to you my vulnerable situation, and why I had to give you my May’s rent from my business account (as a reminder, you chose to accept and cash in April paid from also my business account), and during the time of COVID, and it was just around the beginning of the pandemic),
finally on July 5th,2020 I specifically communicated to you the following;
“I am also asking that you give me 90 days space to rebuild my business, and get it back on track financially. The details of this “90 days space” request have been communicated by me to you in this 42 minute and 49 second video “
Yet in your letter dated only 8 days later on July 13th, 2020 you once again demanded a repayment plan in order to further pressure me making it nearly impossible for me to very soon be in a position to pay the arrears (with ‘reasonable’ payment arrangements) You said:
“I urge you to contact me immediately at 416-673-7620 to discuss payment arrangements and to reach a documented repayment agreement. Failure to do so may be interpreted as an unwillingness on your part to structure an agreement for repayment of your outstanding rent and could eventually jeopardize your tenancy at 10 Lisa.”
I was trying so desperately to get my business back on track so that I could pay my rent and arrears, and yet you did the opposite of what I said, and my request for 90 days without contact from you or your staff went ignored and it wasn’t even acknowledged.
As a reminder, Patricia, on May 27th,2020 you said, … ”you could kindly advise us of your specific request.”
And, when I did make my request to give me 90 days of space with no interruptions and triggers from you, including pressuring me to make a payment plan, and it landed on deaf years, and it was not addressed, and after you specifically communicated to me …”you could kindly advise us of your specific request.” This statement from you, Patricia implies that I can make any request, and QuadReal will consider it, and given that, in the middle of a pandemic, Quadreal would want to find anyway possible to support my request, especially after you saying, … ”you could kindly advise us of your specific request.” This further shows that QuadReal is unwilling to work with me and meet me half way in a manner that would also serve me as a tenant, and not just QuadReal.
QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days, YouTube Video (
To further support my commitment to turning my business around and getting the rent to you as fast as possible, I authorized Scott to act as my agent and represent me in this, so I could focus on making money instead of being distracted by correspondence from you which would impede me from earning money fast enough to not get evicted. In fact, in my letter to you dated July 31st,2020, I wrote,
“Therefore, please be advised that, I Sameena Fernandes, do hereby authorize Scott Gallagher to represent me, and act as my agent with respect to all matters related to my lease agreement with you at 10 Lisa Street suite 2502.”
Furthermore, on August 4th, 2020 Scott Gallagher (acting as my authorized agent and on my behalf) sent an email to the CEO-Dennis, Dean, Patricia and a couple other key leaders of QuadReal Management, stating…
“Ms. Fernandes made very clear in her July 5th, 2020 email/video (entitled “QuadReal July 5th “Give Me 90 days” on that she could not be looking at - or responding to - any correspondence from QuadReal for 90 days (i.e. October 5th,2020) - as doing so would take her focus (as a self-employed person) off of her commitment to earning money as fast as possible so she can pay off her back rent.”
“As you know from Sameena’s repeated requests, your communications badly trigger her Anxiety Condition, making it impossible for her to concentrate on earning money so she can pay off her back rent.”
QuadReal denied my right to have an agent represent me, so that I could concentrate on my business.
As I stated in my previous letter to you dated August 21st, 2020, and as I told you repeatedly, I have an anxiety condition, which is why I requested numerous times, if you have to deliver a letter, or put anything, such as an N4 in the mail, I would appreciate it if you could send me an email first letting me know in advance that something is coming, so that I can be expecting it and I am not shocked.
Yet, after communicating this to you, you chose to ignore another one of my many requests, and this time QuadReal Management/staff took it to the extreme by having one of QuadReal’s staff come and knock on my door unannounced every day for 3 days in a row to deliver this intimidating and threatening letter dated August 12,2020.
And as I also mentioned in my August 21, 2020 email letter, on the 3rd day when your employee knocked very loudly on my door scaring me, he refused to talk to my agent when he answered the door, demanding that I present myself to receive your letter, which threatened to put my tenancy in Jeopardy if I don’t contact you by August 14th, 2020 to make a payment plan, and I only received the letter on August 14th, 2020 giving me only hours to come up with a payment plan which I was obviously forced to come up with under duress. As you also know that this additional stress made it impossible for me to work for over a week.
Your letter stated,
“Your tenancy could be in jeopardy. If you fail to contact us by August 14th, 2020 we will assume that you have no intention to work with us to structure a payment plan agreement and therefore we will be forced to pursue legal remedies available to us under the Residential Tenancies Act.”
My request of July 5th, 2020 for you to give me some space to revitalize my business so that I could make money to pay you was my repayment plan request.
Yet you continually act as if I’m trying to avoid paying you, which has never been the case. During most of my tenancy in fact I have paid my rent as much as 3 months in advance.
In order to stop further harassment so that I could concentrate on making the money to pay my arrears, I submitted a set of post-dated checks representing yet another repayment plan on August 16th, 2020.
And on August 18th, 2020 Scott Gallagher sent the following email to Ms. DeGasperis because QuadReal refused to acknowledge him as my agent, when your employee demanded to see me when Scott answered the door identifying himself as my agent:
“The strategic tactics you had carried out last week through Maira resulted in me no longer representing Sameena Fernandes as her agent. “
Once again, this shows your intention is to sabotage me from succeeding at being able to pay my arrears so that you can get rid of me and rent my unit out to another tenant that would end up paying approximately $800 a month more plus utilities than what my rent is.
It is my right as a tenant to have an agent represent me and have all communications go through him. Yet you chose to circumvent my agent and therefore my right to have an agent represent me and communicate with you on my behalf, and therefore forced me to have to deal with these issues again personally so that I can be distracted from my business of earning money to pay the rent and arrears.
In my August 21st, 2020 letter, I stated in writing and on video (Video: 90 Days Authorized Agent Denied My Right)
“Like I said in my previous communications, as long as I don’t have any Interruptions which you have not respected or honored because you continue to do the opposite that I ask for my own wellbeing and sanity, and emotional, and financial and mental wellbeing that just give me 90 days (i.e. October 5th,2020) which is all I asked for”.
And also, in my August 21st, 2020 letter that went to Patricia, Maira, and all the Key Leadership of QuadReal, including the CEO and Vice-President-Dean Homes, I stated the following,
“Because I told you that is what I needed to pull off closing a 10K Plus Deal within 90 days, which I told you, it was ALL I needed to do and I could do it contingent upon you giving me that space” (without any interruptions from you), and I made this very clear numerous times, which to date, you have chosen to ignore entirely.
In your letter dated August 31st, 2020 you rejected my repayment plan, which would have covered my arrears with monthly payments over the course of the year starting October 1st, 2020, and you then proposed a repayment plan of your own that was basically “pay double rent until it’s paid off”:
“Accordingly, we are prepared to accept the payment of the arrears of rent in equal monthly instalments from September 2020 to February 2021 inclusive...”
Your above (‘unreasonable’) payment plan is just more evidence of your intention to sabotage my tenancy at 10 Lisa street, knowing that I would not be able to meet your above payment plan and demands as noted in your August 31st, 2020 letter.
Furthermore, in your letter of August 31st, 2020 you also said:
“We note that the last time that you made any payment for rent was April 1, 2020. No payment has been paid since that time.”
This is not true. I paid you on May 1st, 2020 and you rejected the payment. This was in the middle of a pandemic, with stress levels and fear running very high. This was far too trivial a matter to cause further stress and anxiety by not simply cashing the May rent cheque in the first place.
I’m still talking about the money like you wanted, but now let’s talk about the money I paid you, but you refused to accept.
The start of May, I gave you a cheque written on my business account dated May 1st, 2020 for my May rent, the exact same account that I wrote the rent cheque on for the previous month (April 1st, 2020). While you accepted the cheque for April’s rent, which was written from the same account as May’s rent, you refused to accept the cheque for the month of May, even though we were in the middle of the pandemic!
This is just another example of your attempt to drive me out so that you can rent my suite to someone that will pay the approximately $800 more per month plus utilities you could get from a new tenant.
Let me just remind you of a few facts:
On May 11th, 2020 I sent an email informing you that the envelope I received at my door which was unusual in that there was a note with no personalization in terms of who it was from, it was just an envelope with this short note enclosed saying that the cheque I provided for my May rent would not be accepted. More details are provided in this video:
In that same email I also shared with you that “I am now under a lot of stress and anxiety”. I told you from the beginning back in March that I struggle with an anxiety condition. And that by you giving me the run-around and a hard time, especially during the COVID pandemic, over something as trivial as not accepting the check I gave you from the only account at that time from which I could pay my rent from. Anything else would further put me in additional anxiety and stress (given the situation of the pandemic).
My May 11th, 2020 email, quoting from the video that was inserted in this email, titled ‘Landlord Message’, my past agent and roommate, Scott Gallagher pleaded on my behalf, “Cash the cheque!” And QuadReal Management blatantly refused to cash my cheque, regardless of my valid reason as I had explained why I had no choice, but to write the cheque from my business account, and with the pandemic and all, my fear and stress worsened. This email received no response from you.
Then on May 16th, 2020 after receiving no response from QuadReal Management, I sent a follow up email stating:
“it’s now just past midnight going into Saturday May 16th, 2020 and the only response I’ve gotten from you to the email/video you received last Sunday as been an automated message”.
On June 2nd, 2020, June 12th, 2020, June 17th, 2020, and August 21st, 2020, I repeatedly requested my cheque be returned to me. My requests/concerns for not having my May rent cheque returned (after it was clear that you will not cash) was not addressed. And as this very issue is still not accounted for, and which I communicated in my previous communications (more then once), that Sharaka probably intentionally destroyed the cheque, and has lied about it.
On June 2nd, 2020 my letter to Kerry said:
“Like yourself, I desire to get everything resolved urgently including having my check that has still not yet been returned - which I have gotten three emails from the lower Management staff refusing to accept this check - so I would obviously like it returned before I make any more payments to QuadReal”.
But it wasn’t until your letter of June 17th, 2020 where someone from QuadReal (Kerri) for the first time actually responded to this issue by stating:
“Regarding your cheque for May, I have been told that it was wrapped up in the letter that was given to you on May 5th, requesting that you replace your business cheque with a personal cheque.”
Notice Kerri’s choice of the words “I have been told that…”, almost as if Kerri herself did not believe the story!
Kerri mysteriously left your organization about 2 weeks after promising to watch my video dated June 2nd, 2020.
Both myself and Scott Gallagher were there to receive the letter. There was no cheque inside. Both Scott Gallagher and I have told QuadReal more than once that we are willing to take a lie detector test on this matter, and Scott Gallagher has offered to pay for that same lie detector test for the person that lied to you and said they included my check with the rejection letter. I can only assume that you were lied to about the cheque being with the letter because the employee (Sharaka) that lied about returning the cheque probably destroyed it.
In my August 21st, 2020 letter to you, I stated:
“After my repeated requests (and you repeatedly ignoring those requests) that my May rent cheque be returned, you and your management have stated recently that the cheque has already been returned. I have repeatedly stated that it was not returned to me, and that I, and now Scott Gallagher, have freely volunteered to take a lie detector test on this matter.”
Finally, in Patricia’s letter of August 31st, 2020 she said:
“We cannot account for the reason why you did not receive the company cheque that we returned to you on May 5, 2020. On that date we slid our covering letter and your cheque through the door frame so that the cheque would have been in your apartment on May 5, 2020, after we delivered this cheque back to you.”
First, it is nearly impossible to fit a letter through our door frame. Second, I have never received a letter during my tenancy in this manner. They are always shoved in between the door handle and never put through the actual door. I never see your notices until I walk out the door as they are never delivered inside my door. Ever! Therefore, I actually can account for the reason I didn’t receive my check. It’s because the person that told you they gave the cheque to me was lying.
Again, we were in the middle of a pandemic, and you refused to accept my May rent cheque because you didn’t like what account it was written on. This seems childish to me, and serves as more evidence of your intention to replace me with a tenant that will pay the higher rent that you could get.
You have declined my repayment plan offering to pay all my rent arrears plus September’s rent over the course of one year by returning my cheques. I also acknowledge that by not honoring my July 5th, 2020 request to give me 90 days (i.e. October 5th, 2020) of uninterrupted space, by actually doing the opposite of what I requested I needed in order to concentrate on my business (so that I could repay the arrears faster) your actions have actually sabotaged my ability to focus on revitalizing my business, earn enough income so that I could have the rent to you by October 5th, 2020 as I had intended in my plan as per my request to you of July 5th, 2020.
Your company actively sabotaged my ability to make money by constantly interrupting me and taking me away from my focus on my business.
The plan I originally offered merely took into account the reality of ramping up revenue as I begin to make my business work again. However, your repeated rejections of my request to give me sufficient space (i.e. until October 5th,2020) to revitalize my business have fallen on deaf ears, so that you can force me out of my suite.
Let’s continue our conversation about the money.
Any conversation about the money must include the choices QuadReal made to trigger my anxiety, and the worry of other tenants, in order to intentionally invoke fear in your tenants to make some of them want to move out sooner for the purpose of renting our suites for more money.
On February 21st, 2020 I received a 24-hour notice of entry from QuadReal on March 4th, 2020. (note the form had checkboxes, not bullet points, highlight for emphasis on the offending item is mine):
“For the following reasons:
• To show the premises to prospective purchasers or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker
• To show the premises to prospective tenants
• Pinchin asbestos specialist needs access to all rooms in your suite for visual asbestos re-assessment. They will be inspecting all ceiling throughout the apartment and they will be accompanied by one of our management staff.”
By adding “To show the premises to prospective purchasers or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker” and “To show the premises to prospective tenants” was meant to subtly suggest that you could come in and show our suites to buyers or renters any time you wanted, so that we would worry about you selling our suites out from under us.
Note that this clause was new, and was never in any of the 24-hour notices I’ve ever received during my tenancy prior to February 21st, 2020. It’s alarming that just as the new owner takes over, this new clause would be added to a form we had already seen many times.
I spoke to an attorney and in his professional opinion my request that was documented repeatedly on was reasonable, that you provide all the tenants at 10 Lisa St. a written statement that you would not be showing our suites, that the above-highlighted clause in the 24-Hour Notice does not apply to us, and that it was meant for another building. Especially since you attested that you had no intention to sell our units.
It is very obvious that to show the premises to prospective purchasers or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker has the intention of causing all tenants to question their security and reasonable enjoyment in their home as a resident of 10 Lisa Street so they can move out on their own accord because many of these suites have a current market value of up to $800 more than they are currently rented for.
The effect this had on my roommate was causing him to give me his 60 days notice that he was leaving causing me to lose revenue I was getting to help me pay the rent.
And I repeatedly asked you to do a number of things to create some assurance, especially with my roommate whose rent I lost because of your actions, so that he would feel secure, and you refused to do it, which is why I had to negotiate with him to extend his stay here until I get this issue resolved with you.
The law does not allow QuadReal to increase rents that fast on current tenants. But if QuadReal can make people worry about when a buyer is coming through their suite, they might move out. And if they move out, QuadReal can charge the next tenant up to $800 more.
May 25th, 2020 (Communicated my request in writing and on video, ‘Management Reprisals At 10 Lisa’), June 2nd, 2020, June 12th, 2020, June 30th, 2020 , July 17th, 2020 (to just name a few dates, as there were other times as well) where you completely ignored all my requests for reassurance from you in writing that you would not be showing my unit to any renters, potential prospectors, or purchasers for the purpose of selling my unit for 9 months. And again, I asked this because the 24-Hour notice you gave me on February 21st, 2020 includes a clause allowing you to do this.
In your email of May 16th, 2020, in response to my concerns that this notice had caused my roommate to want to give me his notice of moving out, instead of giving me any kind of reassurance that would have caused my roommate to feel secure, Maira said only:
“Please confirm the date that Mr. Scott Gallagher should be removed as occupant of suite 2502-10 Lisa.”
Even though I shared with you the overwhelming stress and anxiety I was under as the pandemic hit some of us more aggressively than others, and while having to deal with payment issues with you, your unwillingness to properly reassure us in writing that you would not sell our suite cost me the income I was getting from my roommate, even though he has no anxiety issues at all. Incidentally, Scott has offered to extend his stay through till December or to whenever I get my rent issues resolved with you so that I don’t lose my “home”.
Reference to video of my plea to Scott (entitled, May 19th request for Scott – included on this page with the transcript below the video
In particular, please notice my letters to [email protected] and Maira De Barrientos dated May 11th, 2020 and May 16th, 2020 and Ms. De Barrientos reply of May 16th, 2020 and again on May 25th, 2020.
Instead of showing some human compassion, all you could do was ask when my roommate would move out, and forcing me into coming up with other methods of paying the rent during COVID-19 because you repeatedly refused to accept my May rent check.
I found this cold, inconsiderate, and unfeeling given that your inclusion of the above reasons for entering our suite stated on the notice, which as stated above upset other tenants not only us, caused me to lose the income I was getting from my roommate.
I will again note that none of the previous Notice Of Entry forms included those reasons highlighted above in yellow for entering at any time during my tenancy leading up to February 21st, 2020.
I am not the only tenant that thought these new clauses in the 24-hour notices meant at some point QuadReal might start showing our suites to prospective tenants, purchasers or mortgagees.
Note that Dean Homes stated in his letter dated June 1st, 2020;
“Presently neither QuadReal or the owners of the building have any intent to market any of the individual suites for sale including yours.”
And, so in other words, while QuadReal holds they had no intention of selling any of the units at 10 Lisa Street (at that moment), my request for a commitment in writing not to show my residence to potential renters or buyers is very reasonable.
So rather than directly address my request for written reassurance that you would not show my suite to buyers, I received the above boilerplate corporate-speak that defended your position without offering any real reassurance.
I made the above request to QuadReal Management/Key Leaders in nearly all my communications to QuadReal since May 25th, 2020 both in writing and more than once in my video communications on May 25th, 2020, June 2nd, 2020, June 12, 2020, June 30th, 2020, June 17th, 2020, June 30th, 2020, July 5th, 2020, and August 4th, 2020 (Scott Gallagher made the request on my behalf in his email communication to QuadReal Management team) He stated:
“That is EXACTLY the kind of reassurance that Ms. Fernandes needs in order to feel secure in her home!”
I would like to bring to your attention, that Dean Homes specifically used the words, ‘presently’ and ‘intent’, which does not give any assurance that my unit will not be sold, as intentions can change tomorrow.
As I made aware repeatedly in my emails/letters/videos that Dean’s statement (above) did not provide me with security, nor ease my fear and anxiety.
If QuadReal had been interested in operating in good faith, you would have simply agreed to my request to put it in writing, that you promised not to show my suite to prospective renters or buyers for 9 months. And you would have made a similar statement to all the other tenants, because you said you had no intention of selling. I didn’t ask for a guarantee that you wouldn’t sell. All I asked for was a guarantee that you wouldn’t show my suite to prospective buyers or tenants for a period of 9 months.
On June 2nd, 2020, June 30th, 2020 and August 21st, 2020 I asked you both in writing and on video that you make an announcement to all the tenants of 10 Lisa Street notifying them that you would not be selling our units. And in my June 17th, 2020 email, referring to the web page ( - and it has been updated since where I had stored all the referred to correspondence and documentation, which included this very request, my concerns were not addressed even though Kerri and Patricia both promised they would address all my concerns. To this date that promise still remains broken as you continue to dodge my requests by repeatedly using corporate speak such as “intention” and “at this time”.
The entire world has been consumed with fear and sometimes terror for vulnerable self-employed people like myself, for the past 5 months or so, and I was not the only tenant that has been afraid of one day possibly losing her “home” because of that notice. It is not unreasonable for me to ask for such a statement to make all your tenants feel more at ease during a very traumatic time.
It was not until I made clear that I would not discuss repayment arrangements until you acknowledged this request that you finally acknowledged that request by refusing it in your email of July 13th, 2020. You declined my request by saying the following:
“No, we will not agree to your request as outlined in point #1”,
In that letter, point #1 referred to the following statement which I requested numerous times in writing, and as I said, was repeatedly ignored.
The request was:
Quadreal agrees to “NOT show the premises (10 Lisa Street #2502) to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker” from August 1st, 2020 up until July 31st, 2021 which is the date my lease renews and ends.
All this despite the many times I advised you of my medically diagnosed anxiety issue, and how your constant threatening interruptions sabotaged me from focusing on reviving my business so that I could pay my arrears to you.
Bearing in mind that your repeated refusal to support my request to give me enough space and peace to revitalize my business so that I might have actually been able to pay most if not all of the arrears off by October 5th, 2020, which obviously can’t happen because of your constant interruptions to my being able to focus on making money over the past couple of months, July 5th, 2020 when I advised you to not interrupt me, that I needed 90 days to bring in a significant deal as I have done it many times before if I just had the space to focus without any triggers and distractions from you. And again, you did the OPPOSITE.
Keeping that in mind, here is the context for my proposed repayment plan…
Based on the figures you have given me so far, as of today, October 1st, 2020 I owe you $10,615.46 and based on what Patricia said in her August 31st, 2020 email, “Your monthly rent is currently $1776.00 and your rent increase has been deferred until we give you notice that we will be collecting the deferred rent increase”, and based on everything I have stated to you in this communication along with what was said in all the video transcription attachments you the over 52 pages that have been updated promptly on this page and in particular, your constant sabotaging efforts I have talked about in the document, as promised, this is my non-negotiable and final payment term proposal for your consideration.
In this plan, 10 Monthly payments, with the first payment starting on December 1st, 2020 in the amount of $3015.46 will result in me being back into financial integrity with QuadReal, with my arrears paid in full with the September 1st, 2021 payment.
I have given this proposal a great deal of thought, based upon me first taking into consideration my total anticipated monthly revenues from each of the months starting from December 1st, 2020 until the last of the 10 payments is made on September 1st, 2021.
Just as Scott said to you on a few occasions:
“As such, I can now confirm that due to Covid-19, it is impossible for Ms. Fernandes to commit to a specific and reasonable payment plan until she closes her next deal in her business. In fact, Ms Fernandes clearly communicated this to you on in her email/video (entitled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days”)”
And he further went on to state:
“Both Ms. Fernandes and I are extremely confident that she would close at least one 10K plus deal as above, if you give her the 90 days space she has requested to focus on her business”.
… “you have chosen to go against Ms. Fernandes’ well-being request by sending your letter of 7/13, which indeed hurt her momentum which resulted in lost income.”
I won’t be able to accept a repayment framework with higher payments, or a start date any earlier than December 1st, 2020 because if I were to enter into such a contract knowing that I might not be able to keep to the terms, I would be entering into that agreement in bad faith.
In Summary, in this letter I’ve referenced dates, particulars, events, and key noted communications between Quadreal, my former agent, and myself.
Also in summary, we discussed in this letter how you refused to accept my May rent cheque, in the middle of a pandemic, because you wanted it written on a different account.
Starting July 5th, 2020 I requested 90 days of space with no interruptions from QuadReal as it would distract me from bringing revenue into my business causing a delay in paying my rent and arrears. And referencing these dates specifically, May 27th, 2020, July 13th, 2020, August 14th, 2020, August 31st, 2020, I received communications from QuadReal that I found disturbing, which took my focus out of getting my business on track.
This further shows your intention to sabotage me, when you knew as I repeatedly told you what it was that I needed in order for me to come back to you and make a reasonable repayment plan, which was to give me until October 5th, 2020 with no interruptions. And you chose to do the exact opposite, so that you could prevent me from bringing in enough revenue to pay my rent and arrears, and replace me with a higher paying tenant.
And in final summary, you intentionally made your tenants anxious by “accidentally” using the 24-hour notice from another building, stating that you could show our suites to prospective buyers and renters. You refused my requests to make it clear to all of us that you had no intention of selling our units, all in hopes that some of us would leave of our own accord so you could replace us with tenants paying a higher rent.
Therefore, I respectfully request that, in the event your organization chooses to reject my proposal and move forward with serving me an N4, I’m asking you to please direct your staff to take into consideration everything I have communicated to your company which is all on this page link with respect to my medically diagnosed anxiety condition, along with the part that QuadReal played in contributing to my anxiety worsening, as has been communicated to QuadReal in practically real time on this page - that as soon as your organization makes the decision to accept or reject this plan, please have the compassion to email me back on the same day you make your decision to accept or reject my plan, and also let me know on what date you expect your staff will be putting an N4 in the mail to be sent to me.
Sameena Fernandes
P.S. Transcripts of various key videos included in previous emails sent out to QuadReal have been attached and also included on this page (Below the actual video)
On this page (See transcripts below the videos)
Sent: October 1, 2020 12:41 PM
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Cc: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: To Dennis Lopez
Reminder of the email I sent you on July 5th ;
“Dear Dennis,
My business was hit hard by Covid-19.
Prior to Covid, both mine, and Scott Gallagher’s businesses revolved around, and was dependent upon, face to face, in-person contact for marketing, closing deals and servicing our clients.
Social distancing laws destroyed that for both Scott and I, so we have been forced to re-invent ourselves as individual brands and businesses, working entirely from home connecting with people only online and over zoom now.
We have also had to create new businesses focused on delivering brand new offers in new ways (zoom video meetings combined with private membership sites which we are currently building to serve the new clients our new offers are targeting)
you can see my story here (the link has changed to the following,
We are also doing important good work for the community volunteering our time helping Link changed to (a not for profit organization founded by Scott Gallagher in 2003) where we just started helping suffering addicts over zoom video conferencing at 715am most mornings before we start work in our respective businesses.
I’m therefore respectfully making the following requests of you;
#1 Quadreal agrees to “NOT show the premises (10 Lisa Street #2502) to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker” from August 1st, 2020 up until July 31st, 2021 which is the date my lease renews and ends.
#2 I am also asking that you give me 90 days space to rebuild my business, and get it back on track financially. The details of this “90 days space” request have been communicated by me to you in this 42 minute and 49 second video
#3 Finally, I’m also requesting that, in the event Quadreal chooses to put an N4, or any other paper work in the mail to me that is related to starting an eviction process on me, that you send me an email on the same day that you have put such a notice in the mail, or any other paper work related to starting an eviction process on me. I explain this more clearly in the video
Should you choose to go that route with me, I am asking that I be given this extra notice via email to compensate me for the delays I am experiencing in receiving my mail as a result of not just Covid-19 issues but because of your employee Shakura Suthan which I have explained thoroughly here (this link has since been changed to for privacy reasons)
As I have said in other communications to Quadreal, I have experienced constant hostility from Shakura whenever I have come to a personal encounter with her, meaning face-to-face, including accidentally bumping into her when our paths have crossed on numerous occasions. To keep my anxiety levels from escalating, I keep away from going to P1 as much as possible.
I should be able to see only who I want to see when I’m at home - and my home used to include the P1 area of 10 Lisa Street. Now, sadly it does not.
I do not feel safe going to the mailroom possibly bumping into Shakura , worrying about the virus, and the awkwardness of being in the elevator with the new rules of social distancing.
It is for these reasons that I’m asking you to send me an email on the same day an N4 addressed to me is put in the mail (should you choose to go that route with me).
Thank you for your time and consideration Dennis.
Sameena Fernandes (this link has since been changed to for privacy reasons)“
IMPORTANT NOTE AND INTRODUCTION: The new message you are about to read is a continuation to the email sent to you on AND THIS PAGE contains my entire case chronology along with Transcription attachments that go with each of the approximately 15 videos you received from me over the past number of months.
The tone my ghost writers used in their writing is stronger than what I had ideally wanted to communicate, so I apologize for not having the time or resources to edit the tone of their letters.
I do, however, stand behind the facts as outlined in this letter. I don’t have the time nor the energy to fight anymore. Therefore, please know that this is my final offer and I’m also letting you know in good-faith that this offer is non-negotiable so you can remain certain that I’m not taking advantage of any disingenuous stall tactics available to me.
I would only ask in return that you take in to consideration my anxiety condition (which my writers have detailed to you accurately more than once), and kindly notify me of your decision, AS SOON AS the decision has been made.
In other words, in the event your organization chooses to reject my proposal and move forward with serving me an N4, I’m asking you to please take into consideration everything I have communicated to your company which is all on these two page links and with respect to my medically diagnosed anxiety condition - that as soon as your organization makes the decision to accept or reject this plan, please have the sensitivity and compassion to email me back on the very same day you make your decision to accept or reject my plan, and also please let me know on what date you expect your staff will be putting an N4 in the mail to be sent out to me, should that be your decision.
Knowing what actions you are going to take, and what to expect next, as soon as possible, will drastically reduce my current anxiety levels, and give me hope that I still might have a chance to earn enough money fast enough, to pay you back sooner than I can currently promise, based on my current economic situation and circumstances.
On July 5th, 2020, I told you numerous times that I would not be in a position to talk about or make any promises with respect to the money situation until October 5th, 2020 – provided that you would give me 90 days without any interruptions from QuadReal Management, so that I can do just that. Your actions have made it extremely difficult for me to succeed in making the money, so I can pay my rent arrears.
On August 4th, 2020 my former agent, Scott Gallagher sent an email (and key leaders, including the CEO of QuadReal were included in this email) representing my case for issues that related to the pending rent arrears I owe, and making some kind of a payment arrangement that you were repeatedly forcing me to commit to. In this email, Scott disclosed to you, QuadReal,
“As such, I can now confirm that due to Covid-19, it is impossible for Ms. Fernandes to commit to a specific and reasonable payment plan until she closes her next deal in her business. In fact, Ms Fernandes clearly communicated this to you on in her email/video (entitled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days”)”
And he further went on to state:
“Both Ms. Fernandes and I are extremely confident that she would close at least one 10K plus deal as above, if you give her the 90 days space she has requested to focus on her business”. (As she has accomplished this many times before – when she is not bombarded with any outside distractions/triggers).
… “you have chosen to go against Ms. Fernandes’ well-being request by sending your letter of 7/13, which indeed hurt her momentum which resulted in lost income.”
As I have repeatedly communicated in my previous emails/videos is that QuadReal’s number one intention is that I don’t succeed in being able to pay my rent and arrears, so that you can start the process of eviction, and replace me with a tenant that will pay the market rate for my suite, which is nearly $800 per month higher than I contractually pay. QuadReal staff/management has made things very uncomfortable for me impacting my reasonable enjoyment of this place, which a lot of the incidences that has been documented on this page show QuadReal’s eagerness to intentionally cause me to jeopardize my tenancy at 10 Lisa Street.
Furthermore, Instead of giving the 90 days I needed to be able to make the money needed to pay the arrears in October of 2020, you did exactly what I told you would guarantee me not being able to pay the rent by repeatedly interrupting me, breaking my concentration, and preventing me from making the progress on my business that I needed to make.
But again, it is clear to me that everything you’ve done, especially continually interrupting me during the 90 day period I requested, is designed to give you an excuse to get rid of me so you can rent to a tenant that will pay more for my suite.
In his August 4th, 2020 email to QuadReal, Mr. Gallagher told you;
“I strongly suggest that you listen to Ms. Fernandes’ video again on (entiltled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days) where she was clear that she would not make promises to you that she couldn’t keep.”
Regardless, you continuously kept badgering me to make payment arrangements with you after I was transparent with you about my vulnerable situation, and I wasn’t in a position where I could possibly make ‘reasonable’ payment arrangements with you. You had ignored my concerns.
After going back and forth with you though email correspondence after you refusing to cash my May rent cheque in the manner I delivered it to you in - and after me clearly disclosing to you my vulnerable situation, and why I had to give you my May’s rent from my business account (as a reminder, you chose to accept and cash in April paid from also my business account), and during the time of COVID, and it was just around the beginning of the pandemic),
finally on July 5th,2020 I specifically communicated to you the following;
“I am also asking that you give me 90 days space to rebuild my business, and get it back on track financially. The details of this “90 days space” request have been communicated by me to you in this 42 minute and 49 second video “
Yet in your letter dated only 8 days later on July 13th, 2020 you once again demanded a repayment plan in order to further pressure me making it nearly impossible for me to very soon be in a position to pay the arrears (with ‘reasonable’ payment arrangements) You said:
“I urge you to contact me immediately at 416-673-7620 to discuss payment arrangements and to reach a documented repayment agreement. Failure to do so may be interpreted as an unwillingness on your part to structure an agreement for repayment of your outstanding rent and could eventually jeopardize your tenancy at 10 Lisa.”
I was trying so desperately to get my business back on track so that I could pay my rent and arrears, and yet you did the opposite of what I said, and my request for 90 days without contact from you or your staff went ignored and it wasn’t even acknowledged.
As a reminder, Patricia, on May 27th,2020 you said, … ”you could kindly advise us of your specific request.”
And, when I did make my request to give me 90 days of space with no interruptions and triggers from you, including pressuring me to make a payment plan, and it landed on deaf years, and it was not addressed, and after you specifically communicated to me …”you could kindly advise us of your specific request.” This statement from you, Patricia implies that I can make any request, and QuadReal will consider it, and given that, in the middle of a pandemic, Quadreal would want to find anyway possible to support my request, especially after you saying, … ”you could kindly advise us of your specific request.” This further shows that QuadReal is unwilling to work with me and meet me half way in a manner that would also serve me as a tenant, and not just QuadReal.
QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days, YouTube Video (
To further support my commitment to turning my business around and getting the rent to you as fast as possible, I authorized Scott to act as my agent and represent me in this, so I could focus on making money instead of being distracted by correspondence from you which would impede me from earning money fast enough to not get evicted. In fact, in my letter to you dated July 31st,2020, I wrote,
“Therefore, please be advised that, I Sameena Fernandes, do hereby authorize Scott Gallagher to represent me, and act as my agent with respect to all matters related to my lease agreement with you at 10 Lisa Street suite 2502.”
Furthermore, on August 4th, 2020 Scott Gallagher (acting as my authorized agent and on my behalf) sent an email to the CEO-Dennis, Dean, Patricia and a couple other key leaders of QuadReal Management, stating…
“Ms. Fernandes made very clear in her July 5th, 2020 email/video (entitled “QuadReal July 5th “Give Me 90 days” on that she could not be looking at - or responding to - any correspondence from QuadReal for 90 days (i.e. October 5th,2020) - as doing so would take her focus (as a self-employed person) off of her commitment to earning money as fast as possible so she can pay off her back rent.”
“As you know from Sameena’s repeated requests, your communications badly trigger her Anxiety Condition, making it impossible for her to concentrate on earning money so she can pay off her back rent.”
QuadReal denied my right to have an agent represent me, so that I could concentrate on my business.
As I stated in my previous letter to you dated August 21st, 2020, and as I told you repeatedly, I have an anxiety condition, which is why I requested numerous times, if you have to deliver a letter, or put anything, such as an N4 in the mail, I would appreciate it if you could send me an email first letting me know in advance that something is coming, so that I can be expecting it and I am not shocked.
Yet, after communicating this to you, you chose to ignore another one of my many requests, and this time QuadReal Management/staff took it to the extreme by having one of QuadReal’s staff come and knock on my door unannounced every day for 3 days in a row to deliver this intimidating and threatening letter dated August 12,2020.
And as I also mentioned in my August 21, 2020 email letter, on the 3rd day when your employee knocked very loudly on my door scaring me, he refused to talk to my agent when he answered the door, demanding that I present myself to receive your letter, which threatened to put my tenancy in Jeopardy if I don’t contact you by August 14th, 2020 to make a payment plan, and I only received the letter on August 14th, 2020 giving me only hours to come up with a payment plan which I was obviously forced to come up with under duress. As you also know that this additional stress made it impossible for me to work for over a week.
Your letter stated,
“Your tenancy could be in jeopardy. If you fail to contact us by August 14th, 2020 we will assume that you have no intention to work with us to structure a payment plan agreement and therefore we will be forced to pursue legal remedies available to us under the Residential Tenancies Act.”
My request of July 5th, 2020 for you to give me some space to revitalize my business so that I could make money to pay you was my repayment plan request.
Yet you continually act as if I’m trying to avoid paying you, which has never been the case. During most of my tenancy in fact I have paid my rent as much as 3 months in advance.
In order to stop further harassment so that I could concentrate on making the money to pay my arrears, I submitted a set of post-dated checks representing yet another repayment plan on August 16th, 2020.
And on August 18th, 2020 Scott Gallagher sent the following email to Ms. DeGasperis because QuadReal refused to acknowledge him as my agent, when your employee demanded to see me when Scott answered the door identifying himself as my agent:
“The strategic tactics you had carried out last week through Maira resulted in me no longer representing Sameena Fernandes as her agent. “
Once again, this shows your intention is to sabotage me from succeeding at being able to pay my arrears so that you can get rid of me and rent my unit out to another tenant that would end up paying approximately $800 a month more plus utilities than what my rent is.
It is my right as a tenant to have an agent represent me and have all communications go through him. Yet you chose to circumvent my agent and therefore my right to have an agent represent me and communicate with you on my behalf, and therefore forced me to have to deal with these issues again personally so that I can be distracted from my business of earning money to pay the rent and arrears.
In my August 21st, 2020 letter, I stated in writing and on video (Video: 90 Days Authorized Agent Denied My Right)
“Like I said in my previous communications, as long as I don’t have any Interruptions which you have not respected or honored because you continue to do the opposite that I ask for my own wellbeing and sanity, and emotional, and financial and mental wellbeing that just give me 90 days (i.e. October 5th,2020) which is all I asked for”.
And also, in my August 21st, 2020 letter that went to Patricia, Maira, and all the Key Leadership of QuadReal, including the CEO and Vice-President-Dean Homes, I stated the following,
“Because I told you that is what I needed to pull off closing a 10K Plus Deal within 90 days, which I told you, it was ALL I needed to do and I could do it contingent upon you giving me that space” (without any interruptions from you), and I made this very clear numerous times, which to date, you have chosen to ignore entirely.
In your letter dated August 31st, 2020 you rejected my repayment plan, which would have covered my arrears with monthly payments over the course of the year starting October 1st, 2020, and you then proposed a repayment plan of your own that was basically “pay double rent until it’s paid off”:
“Accordingly, we are prepared to accept the payment of the arrears of rent in equal monthly instalments from September 2020 to February 2021 inclusive...”
Your above (‘unreasonable’) payment plan is just more evidence of your intention to sabotage my tenancy at 10 Lisa street, knowing that I would not be able to meet your above payment plan and demands as noted in your August 31st, 2020 letter.
Furthermore, in your letter of August 31st, 2020 you also said:
“We note that the last time that you made any payment for rent was April 1, 2020. No payment has been paid since that time.”
This is not true. I paid you on May 1st, 2020 and you rejected the payment. This was in the middle of a pandemic, with stress levels and fear running very high. This was far too trivial a matter to cause further stress and anxiety by not simply cashing the May rent cheque in the first place.
I’m still talking about the money like you wanted, but now let’s talk about the money I paid you, but you refused to accept.
The start of May, I gave you a cheque written on my business account dated May 1st, 2020 for my May rent, the exact same account that I wrote the rent cheque on for the previous month (April 1st, 2020). While you accepted the cheque for April’s rent, which was written from the same account as May’s rent, you refused to accept the cheque for the month of May, even though we were in the middle of the pandemic!
This is just another example of your attempt to drive me out so that you can rent my suite to someone that will pay the approximately $800 more per month plus utilities you could get from a new tenant.
Let me just remind you of a few facts:
On May 11th, 2020 I sent an email informing you that the envelope I received at my door which was unusual in that there was a note with no personalization in terms of who it was from, it was just an envelope with this short note enclosed saying that the cheque I provided for my May rent would not be accepted. More details are provided in this video:
In that same email I also shared with you that “I am now under a lot of stress and anxiety”. I told you from the beginning back in March that I struggle with an anxiety condition. And that by you giving me the run-around and a hard time, especially during the COVID pandemic, over something as trivial as not accepting the check I gave you from the only account at that time from which I could pay my rent from. Anything else would further put me in additional anxiety and stress (given the situation of the pandemic).
My May 11th, 2020 email, quoting from the video that was inserted in this email, titled ‘Landlord Message’, my past agent and roommate, Scott Gallagher pleaded on my behalf, “Cash the cheque!” And QuadReal Management blatantly refused to cash my cheque, regardless of my valid reason as I had explained why I had no choice, but to write the cheque from my business account, and with the pandemic and all, my fear and stress worsened. This email received no response from you.
Then on May 16th, 2020 after receiving no response from QuadReal Management, I sent a follow up email stating:
“it’s now just past midnight going into Saturday May 16th, 2020 and the only response I’ve gotten from you to the email/video you received last Sunday as been an automated message”.
On June 2nd, 2020, June 12th, 2020, June 17th, 2020, and August 21st, 2020, I repeatedly requested my cheque be returned to me. My requests/concerns for not having my May rent cheque returned (after it was clear that you will not cash) was not addressed. And as this very issue is still not accounted for, and which I communicated in my previous communications (more then once), that Sharaka probably intentionally destroyed the cheque, and has lied about it.
On June 2nd, 2020 my letter to Kerry said:
“Like yourself, I desire to get everything resolved urgently including having my check that has still not yet been returned - which I have gotten three emails from the lower Management staff refusing to accept this check - so I would obviously like it returned before I make any more payments to QuadReal”.
But it wasn’t until your letter of June 17th, 2020 where someone from QuadReal (Kerri) for the first time actually responded to this issue by stating:
“Regarding your cheque for May, I have been told that it was wrapped up in the letter that was given to you on May 5th, requesting that you replace your business cheque with a personal cheque.”
Notice Kerri’s choice of the words “I have been told that…”, almost as if Kerri herself did not believe the story!
Kerri mysteriously left your organization about 2 weeks after promising to watch my video dated June 2nd, 2020.
Both myself and Scott Gallagher were there to receive the letter. There was no cheque inside. Both Scott Gallagher and I have told QuadReal more than once that we are willing to take a lie detector test on this matter, and Scott Gallagher has offered to pay for that same lie detector test for the person that lied to you and said they included my check with the rejection letter. I can only assume that you were lied to about the cheque being with the letter because the employee (Sharaka) that lied about returning the cheque probably destroyed it.
In my August 21st, 2020 letter to you, I stated:
“After my repeated requests (and you repeatedly ignoring those requests) that my May rent cheque be returned, you and your management have stated recently that the cheque has already been returned. I have repeatedly stated that it was not returned to me, and that I, and now Scott Gallagher, have freely volunteered to take a lie detector test on this matter.”
Finally, in Patricia’s letter of August 31st, 2020 she said:
“We cannot account for the reason why you did not receive the company cheque that we returned to you on May 5, 2020. On that date we slid our covering letter and your cheque through the door frame so that the cheque would have been in your apartment on May 5, 2020, after we delivered this cheque back to you.”
First, it is nearly impossible to fit a letter through our door frame. Second, I have never received a letter during my tenancy in this manner. They are always shoved in between the door handle and never put through the actual door. I never see your notices until I walk out the door as they are never delivered inside my door. Ever! Therefore, I actually can account for the reason I didn’t receive my check. It’s because the person that told you they gave the cheque to me was lying.
Again, we were in the middle of a pandemic, and you refused to accept my May rent cheque because you didn’t like what account it was written on. This seems childish to me, and serves as more evidence of your intention to replace me with a tenant that will pay the higher rent that you could get.
You have declined my repayment plan offering to pay all my rent arrears plus September’s rent over the course of one year by returning my cheques. I also acknowledge that by not honoring my July 5th, 2020 request to give me 90 days (i.e. October 5th, 2020) of uninterrupted space, by actually doing the opposite of what I requested I needed in order to concentrate on my business (so that I could repay the arrears faster) your actions have actually sabotaged my ability to focus on revitalizing my business, earn enough income so that I could have the rent to you by October 5th, 2020 as I had intended in my plan as per my request to you of July 5th, 2020.
Your company actively sabotaged my ability to make money by constantly interrupting me and taking me away from my focus on my business.
The plan I originally offered merely took into account the reality of ramping up revenue as I begin to make my business work again. However, your repeated rejections of my request to give me sufficient space (i.e. until October 5th,2020) to revitalize my business have fallen on deaf ears, so that you can force me out of my suite.
Let’s continue our conversation about the money.
Any conversation about the money must include the choices QuadReal made to trigger my anxiety, and the worry of other tenants, in order to intentionally invoke fear in your tenants to make some of them want to move out sooner for the purpose of renting our suites for more money.
On February 21st, 2020 I received a 24-hour notice of entry from QuadReal on March 4th, 2020. (note the form had checkboxes, not bullet points, highlight for emphasis on the offending item is mine):
“For the following reasons:
• To show the premises to prospective purchasers or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker
• To show the premises to prospective tenants
• Pinchin asbestos specialist needs access to all rooms in your suite for visual asbestos re-assessment. They will be inspecting all ceiling throughout the apartment and they will be accompanied by one of our management staff.”
By adding “To show the premises to prospective purchasers or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker” and “To show the premises to prospective tenants” was meant to subtly suggest that you could come in and show our suites to buyers or renters any time you wanted, so that we would worry about you selling our suites out from under us.
Note that this clause was new, and was never in any of the 24-hour notices I’ve ever received during my tenancy prior to February 21st, 2020. It’s alarming that just as the new owner takes over, this new clause would be added to a form we had already seen many times.
I spoke to an attorney and in his professional opinion my request that was documented repeatedly on was reasonable, that you provide all the tenants at 10 Lisa St. a written statement that you would not be showing our suites, that the above-highlighted clause in the 24-Hour Notice does not apply to us, and that it was meant for another building. Especially since you attested that you had no intention to sell our units.
It is very obvious that to show the premises to prospective purchasers or mortgagees of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker has the intention of causing all tenants to question their security and reasonable enjoyment in their home as a resident of 10 Lisa Street so they can move out on their own accord because many of these suites have a current market value of up to $800 more than they are currently rented for.
The effect this had on my roommate was causing him to give me his 60 days notice that he was leaving causing me to lose revenue I was getting to help me pay the rent.
And I repeatedly asked you to do a number of things to create some assurance, especially with my roommate whose rent I lost because of your actions, so that he would feel secure, and you refused to do it, which is why I had to negotiate with him to extend his stay here until I get this issue resolved with you.
The law does not allow QuadReal to increase rents that fast on current tenants. But if QuadReal can make people worry about when a buyer is coming through their suite, they might move out. And if they move out, QuadReal can charge the next tenant up to $800 more.
May 25th, 2020 (Communicated my request in writing and on video, ‘Management Reprisals At 10 Lisa’), June 2nd, 2020, June 12th, 2020, June 30th, 2020 , July 17th, 2020 (to just name a few dates, as there were other times as well) where you completely ignored all my requests for reassurance from you in writing that you would not be showing my unit to any renters, potential prospectors, or purchasers for the purpose of selling my unit for 9 months. And again, I asked this because the 24-Hour notice you gave me on February 21st, 2020 includes a clause allowing you to do this.
In your email of May 16th, 2020, in response to my concerns that this notice had caused my roommate to want to give me his notice of moving out, instead of giving me any kind of reassurance that would have caused my roommate to feel secure, Maira said only:
“Please confirm the date that Mr. Scott Gallagher should be removed as occupant of suite 2502-10 Lisa.”
Even though I shared with you the overwhelming stress and anxiety I was under as the pandemic hit some of us more aggressively than others, and while having to deal with payment issues with you, your unwillingness to properly reassure us in writing that you would not sell our suite cost me the income I was getting from my roommate, even though he has no anxiety issues at all. Incidentally, Scott has offered to extend his stay through till December or to whenever I get my rent issues resolved with you so that I don’t lose my “home”.
Reference to video of my plea to Scott (entitled, May 19th request for Scott – included on this page with the transcript below the video
In particular, please notice my letters to [email protected] and Maira De Barrientos dated May 11th, 2020 and May 16th, 2020 and Ms. De Barrientos reply of May 16th, 2020 and again on May 25th, 2020.
Instead of showing some human compassion, all you could do was ask when my roommate would move out, and forcing me into coming up with other methods of paying the rent during COVID-19 because you repeatedly refused to accept my May rent check.
I found this cold, inconsiderate, and unfeeling given that your inclusion of the above reasons for entering our suite stated on the notice, which as stated above upset other tenants not only us, caused me to lose the income I was getting from my roommate.
I will again note that none of the previous Notice Of Entry forms included those reasons highlighted above in yellow for entering at any time during my tenancy leading up to February 21st, 2020.
I am not the only tenant that thought these new clauses in the 24-hour notices meant at some point QuadReal might start showing our suites to prospective tenants, purchasers or mortgagees.
Note that Dean Homes stated in his letter dated June 1st, 2020;
“Presently neither QuadReal or the owners of the building have any intent to market any of the individual suites for sale including yours.”
And, so in other words, while QuadReal holds they had no intention of selling any of the units at 10 Lisa Street (at that moment), my request for a commitment in writing not to show my residence to potential renters or buyers is very reasonable.
So rather than directly address my request for written reassurance that you would not show my suite to buyers, I received the above boilerplate corporate-speak that defended your position without offering any real reassurance.
I made the above request to QuadReal Management/Key Leaders in nearly all my communications to QuadReal since May 25th, 2020 both in writing and more than once in my video communications on May 25th, 2020, June 2nd, 2020, June 12, 2020, June 30th, 2020, June 17th, 2020, June 30th, 2020, July 5th, 2020, and August 4th, 2020 (Scott Gallagher made the request on my behalf in his email communication to QuadReal Management team) He stated:
“That is EXACTLY the kind of reassurance that Ms. Fernandes needs in order to feel secure in her home!”
I would like to bring to your attention, that Dean Homes specifically used the words, ‘presently’ and ‘intent’, which does not give any assurance that my unit will not be sold, as intentions can change tomorrow.
As I made aware repeatedly in my emails/letters/videos that Dean’s statement (above) did not provide me with security, nor ease my fear and anxiety.
If QuadReal had been interested in operating in good faith, you would have simply agreed to my request to put it in writing, that you promised not to show my suite to prospective renters or buyers for 9 months. And you would have made a similar statement to all the other tenants, because you said you had no intention of selling. I didn’t ask for a guarantee that you wouldn’t sell. All I asked for was a guarantee that you wouldn’t show my suite to prospective buyers or tenants for a period of 9 months.
On June 2nd, 2020, June 30th, 2020 and August 21st, 2020 I asked you both in writing and on video that you make an announcement to all the tenants of 10 Lisa Street notifying them that you would not be selling our units. And in my June 17th, 2020 email, referring to the web page ( - and it has been updated since where I had stored all the referred to correspondence and documentation, which included this very request, my concerns were not addressed even though Kerri and Patricia both promised they would address all my concerns. To this date that promise still remains broken as you continue to dodge my requests by repeatedly using corporate speak such as “intention” and “at this time”.
The entire world has been consumed with fear and sometimes terror for vulnerable self-employed people like myself, for the past 5 months or so, and I was not the only tenant that has been afraid of one day possibly losing her “home” because of that notice. It is not unreasonable for me to ask for such a statement to make all your tenants feel more at ease during a very traumatic time.
It was not until I made clear that I would not discuss repayment arrangements until you acknowledged this request that you finally acknowledged that request by refusing it in your email of July 13th, 2020. You declined my request by saying the following:
“No, we will not agree to your request as outlined in point #1”,
In that letter, point #1 referred to the following statement which I requested numerous times in writing, and as I said, was repeatedly ignored.
The request was:
Quadreal agrees to “NOT show the premises (10 Lisa Street #2502) to prospective purchasers or mortgages of the premises; either directly or through a real estate broker” from August 1st, 2020 up until July 31st, 2021 which is the date my lease renews and ends.
All this despite the many times I advised you of my medically diagnosed anxiety issue, and how your constant threatening interruptions sabotaged me from focusing on reviving my business so that I could pay my arrears to you.
Bearing in mind that your repeated refusal to support my request to give me enough space and peace to revitalize my business so that I might have actually been able to pay most if not all of the arrears off by October 5th, 2020, which obviously can’t happen because of your constant interruptions to my being able to focus on making money over the past couple of months, July 5th, 2020 when I advised you to not interrupt me, that I needed 90 days to bring in a significant deal as I have done it many times before if I just had the space to focus without any triggers and distractions from you. And again, you did the OPPOSITE.
Keeping that in mind, here is the context for my proposed repayment plan…
Based on the figures you have given me so far, as of today, October 1st, 2020 I owe you $10,615.46 and based on what Patricia said in her August 31st, 2020 email, “Your monthly rent is currently $1776.00 and your rent increase has been deferred until we give you notice that we will be collecting the deferred rent increase”, and based on everything I have stated to you in this communication along with what was said in all the video transcription attachments you the over 52 pages that have been updated promptly on this page and in particular, your constant sabotaging efforts I have talked about in the document, as promised, this is my non-negotiable and final payment term proposal for your consideration.
In this plan, 10 Monthly payments, with the first payment starting on December 1st, 2020 in the amount of $3015.46 will result in me being back into financial integrity with QuadReal, with my arrears paid in full with the September 1st, 2021 payment.
I have given this proposal a great deal of thought, based upon me first taking into consideration my total anticipated monthly revenues from each of the months starting from December 1st, 2020 until the last of the 10 payments is made on September 1st, 2021.
Just as Scott said to you on a few occasions:
“As such, I can now confirm that due to Covid-19, it is impossible for Ms. Fernandes to commit to a specific and reasonable payment plan until she closes her next deal in her business. In fact, Ms Fernandes clearly communicated this to you on in her email/video (entitled “QuadReal July 5th Give Me 90 Days”)”
And he further went on to state:
“Both Ms. Fernandes and I are extremely confident that she would close at least one 10K plus deal as above, if you give her the 90 days space she has requested to focus on her business”.
… “you have chosen to go against Ms. Fernandes’ well-being request by sending your letter of 7/13, which indeed hurt her momentum which resulted in lost income.”
I won’t be able to accept a repayment framework with higher payments, or a start date any earlier than December 1st, 2020 because if I were to enter into such a contract knowing that I might not be able to keep to the terms, I would be entering into that agreement in bad faith.
In Summary, in this letter I’ve referenced dates, particulars, events, and key noted communications between Quadreal, my former agent, and myself.
Also in summary, we discussed in this letter how you refused to accept my May rent cheque, in the middle of a pandemic, because you wanted it written on a different account.
Starting July 5th, 2020 I requested 90 days of space with no interruptions from QuadReal as it would distract me from bringing revenue into my business causing a delay in paying my rent and arrears. And referencing these dates specifically, May 27th, 2020, July 13th, 2020, August 14th, 2020, August 31st, 2020, I received communications from QuadReal that I found disturbing, which took my focus out of getting my business on track.
This further shows your intention to sabotage me, when you knew as I repeatedly told you what it was that I needed in order for me to come back to you and make a reasonable repayment plan, which was to give me until October 5th, 2020 with no interruptions. And you chose to do the exact opposite, so that you could prevent me from bringing in enough revenue to pay my rent and arrears, and replace me with a higher paying tenant.
And in final summary, you intentionally made your tenants anxious by “accidentally” using the 24-hour notice from another building, stating that you could show our suites to prospective buyers and renters. You refused my requests to make it clear to all of us that you had no intention of selling our units, all in hopes that some of us would leave of our own accord so you could replace us with tenants paying a higher rent.
Therefore, I respectfully request that, in the event your organization chooses to reject my proposal and move forward with serving me an N4, I’m asking you to please direct your staff to take into consideration everything I have communicated to your company which is all on this page link with respect to my medically diagnosed anxiety condition, along with the part that QuadReal played in contributing to my anxiety worsening, as has been communicated to QuadReal in practically real time on this page - that as soon as your organization makes the decision to accept or reject this plan, please have the compassion to email me back on the same day you make your decision to accept or reject my plan, and also let me know on what date you expect your staff will be putting an N4 in the mail to be sent to me.
Sameena Fernandes
P.S. Transcripts of various key videos included in previous emails sent out to QuadReal have been attached and also included on this page (Below the actual video)
On this page (See transcripts below the videos)
From: Patricia DeGasperis <[email protected]>
Sent: October 2, 2020 12:24 PM
To: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Cc: Maira de Barrientos <[email protected]>; Sally Bhagwandin <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: To Dennis Lopez
Dear Ms. Fernandes,
We are acknowledging receipt of your email (ABOVE), please be advised, that a N4 has been issued and will be mailed to your suite address today.
Patricia DeGasperis
Sent: October 2, 2020 12:24 PM
To: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Cc: Maira de Barrientos <[email protected]>; Sally Bhagwandin <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: To Dennis Lopez
Dear Ms. Fernandes,
We are acknowledging receipt of your email (ABOVE), please be advised, that a N4 has been issued and will be mailed to your suite address today.
Patricia DeGasperis
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: October 8, 2020 1:09 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: To Dennis Lopez
Hello Patricia,
I just wanted to acknowledge that, at the end of the day, you have a job to do for your employer, and I appreciate that…And,
I just received the N4 in the mail this morning, and I got present to, after receiving it, that I was not triggered into debilitating anxiety, and that is only because you let me know in advance that it was coming.
Just wanted to say thank you for that compassionate act, and let you know that it made a real positive difference to my emotional well-being today.
Thank you again,
Sent: October 8, 2020 1:09 PM
To: 'Patricia DeGasperis' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: To Dennis Lopez
Hello Patricia,
I just wanted to acknowledge that, at the end of the day, you have a job to do for your employer, and I appreciate that…And,
I just received the N4 in the mail this morning, and I got present to, after receiving it, that I was not triggered into debilitating anxiety, and that is only because you let me know in advance that it was coming.
Just wanted to say thank you for that compassionate act, and let you know that it made a real positive difference to my emotional well-being today.
Thank you again,
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: March 1, 2021 10:11 AM
To: 'Maira de Barrientos' <[email protected]>
Cc: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: Balance Owing
Hello Maria,
I’m contacting you with questions about the letter you sent me on October 19th, 2020 (which I have attached in this email).
Your letter states “Total Payable for retroactive Approved Guideline Increase payments: $203.14” which leaves me confused about the exact dollar amount I actually owe QuadReal as of today, now that my rent for March 2021 has become due.
Can you please give me a breakdown of the details concerning how much my debt to QuadReal actually is as of today (including March’s rent), and could you also please confirm how much my monthly rent is that will be due on April 1st (including parking) going forward?
Sameena Fernandes
10 Lisa, Suite #2502
Sent: March 1, 2021 10:11 AM
To: 'Maira de Barrientos' <[email protected]>
Cc: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Subject: Balance Owing
Hello Maria,
I’m contacting you with questions about the letter you sent me on October 19th, 2020 (which I have attached in this email).
Your letter states “Total Payable for retroactive Approved Guideline Increase payments: $203.14” which leaves me confused about the exact dollar amount I actually owe QuadReal as of today, now that my rent for March 2021 has become due.
Can you please give me a breakdown of the details concerning how much my debt to QuadReal actually is as of today (including March’s rent), and could you also please confirm how much my monthly rent is that will be due on April 1st (including parking) going forward?
Sameena Fernandes
10 Lisa, Suite #2502
From: Maira de Barrientos <[email protected]>
Sent: March 1, 2021 6:07 PM
To: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Subject: 2502 - 10 Lisa St. Balance Owing
Good Afternoon Ms. Fernandes
QuadReal has decided not to pursue the collection of the $203.14 that corresponds to the AGI (Above Guideline Increase). This retro charge has been reversed in your ledger.
The total amount owed as of today is $19,837.70, including March rent.
Your monthly rent is $1,815.06, including parking.
Maira de Barrientos
Senior Community Manager, Residential
QuadReal Residential Properties
T 905-459-0130 | F 905-457-8820
[email protected]
Sent: March 1, 2021 6:07 PM
To: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Subject: 2502 - 10 Lisa St. Balance Owing
Good Afternoon Ms. Fernandes
QuadReal has decided not to pursue the collection of the $203.14 that corresponds to the AGI (Above Guideline Increase). This retro charge has been reversed in your ledger.
The total amount owed as of today is $19,837.70, including March rent.
Your monthly rent is $1,815.06, including parking.
Maira de Barrientos
Senior Community Manager, Residential
QuadReal Residential Properties
T 905-459-0130 | F 905-457-8820
[email protected]
From: Sameena Fernandes <[email protected]>
Sent: March 2, 2021 8:18 AM
To: 'Maira de Barrientos' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: 2502 - 10 Lisa St. Balance Owing
Thank You.
I will get back to you again with a plan in less than 90 days…
Sent: March 2, 2021 8:18 AM
To: 'Maira de Barrientos' <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: 2502 - 10 Lisa St. Balance Owing
Thank You.
I will get back to you again with a plan in less than 90 days…